50 Types of Palm Trees in Florida to Watch Out For (Identification Guide)

Types of palm trees in Florida seen by sparkling blue water and large FL native palm tree fronds hanging over the beach.

Incredibly, there are 50 types of palm trees in Florida to watch out for, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Have you thought about how many types of palm trees are there? Apart from the glorious sunshine, Florida is famous for its palm trees, placed seemingly just as a backdrop to picturesque sunsets.

Types of Palm Trees in Florida: What Palm Trees Are Native to Florida?

Florida has 12 native palm trees that have grown up around local neighborhoods throughout the state.

As if that wasn’t enough, 38 new species decided to set down roots, each unique in its own way.

What Are the 12 Native Florida Palm Trees? (Identification Guide)

Listed below are the 12 native types of palm trees in Florida.

Due to the diverse climate of Florida, it is important to be able to identify the type of palm tree suitable for your zone when considering buying one.

They all love basking in the sun, but not all of them can withstand the cold, preferring warmth and humidity year-round. Being able to distinguish one from the other can be the difference between a healthy tree, and one that won’t survive the winter.

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsNative To
Paurotis Palm16-30 FeetAcoelorrhaphe wrightiiLeaves can grow 20 ft wideFlorida
Needle Palm5 FeetRhapidophyllumhystrixStout trunk, bushy leavesFlorida
Cabbage Palm65 FeetSabal palmettoFan-shaped leaves. Smooth gray trunk at the baseFlorida
Thatch Palm20 FeetThrinax radiataSkinny trunkFlorida
Silver Palm6-20 FeetCoccothrinax argentataSmooth trunk. Purple palm fruitsFlorida
Royal Palm70 FeetRoystonea regiaThick white-gray trunkFlorida
Saw Palmetto10 FeetSerenoa repensYellowish-white flowersFlorida
Buccaneer Palm26 FeetPseudophoenix sargentiiSwollen trunk, long branchesFlorida
Dwarf Palmetto3 FeetSabal minorShort fat trunkFlorida
Miami Palmetto3-4 FeetSabal miamiensisWhite flowers in seasonFlorida
Scrub Palmetto6 FeetSabal etoniaMost of the trunk is below groundFlorida
Key Thatch20-30  FeetLeucothrinax   morrisiiSpiky leaves. Small white fruitsFlorida

How Many Types of Palm Trees Are There?

The climate across the state of Florida is diverse, and not just across the state. In one zone alone throughout the year, the weather can go from humid in the summer to thunderstorms in the winter, with the temperature being just as diverse.

Due to these climate fluctuations, there have been 4 hardiness zones designated across Florida by the Department of Agriculture.3 They are zones 8, 9, 10, and 11, and there is a 10°C temperature difference between one zone to the next.

Depending on which zone you live in will determine which types of palm trees in Florida will flourish in your area.

The temperature in this zone is between 30-40°F in Tampa, and has a short wintry season starting in December until the end of January.

50 Best Palm Trees for North Florida (Zone 10a/11a)

The temperature in this zone is between 40-50°F. Palm trees planted here have to be able to tolerate the hot summers.

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Paurotis Palm16-30 FeetAcoelorrhaphe wrightiiLeaves can grow 20 ft wideYesYesYesYes
Needle Palm3-9 FeetRhapidophyllum hystrixSlender stems, reddish-brown fruits,YesYesYesYes
Cabbage Palm50-65 FeetSabal palmettoBlue-green leaves, thick, gray trunkYesYesYesYes
Thatch Palm15-20 FeetThrinax radiataSlim, gray trunk, fan-shaped frondsNoNoYesYes
Silver Palm6-20 FeetCoccothrinax argentataSmooth trunk. Purple palm fruitsYesYesYesYes
Close up image of a Thatch Palm tree with its green palm leaves in a garden pot on a gravel ground.

Thatch Palm (Image: James St. John8)

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Royal Palm65-100 FeetRoystonea regiaBulging trunk base, dark green frondsNoNoYesYes
Saw Palmetto5-10 FeetSerenoa repensYellowish-white flowersYesYesYesNo
Buccaneer Palm26 FeetPseudophoenix sargentiiSwollen trunk, long branchesNoNoYesYes
Dwarf Palmetto3-10 FeetSabal minorShort fat trunkYesYesYesYes
Miami Palmetto3-4 FeetSabal miamiensisTrunk below ground. White flowersYesYesYesYes
Image of several Royal Palm trees along a side walk.

Royal Palm (Image: Dinesh Valke9)

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Scrub Palmetto6.6 FeetSabal etoniaMost of the trunk is below groundYesYesYesYes
Key Thatch20-30 FeetLeucothrinax morrisiiSpiky leaves. Small white fruitsNoYesYesYes
Acai Palm82 FeetEuterpe oleraceaNarrow, ringed trunk. Brown-purple flowersNoNoYesYes
Areca Palm20-40 FeetDypsis lutescensYellow flowersNoNoYesYes
Bamboo Palm12 FeetChamaedorea seifriziiMultiple stemsNoNoYesYes
Image of a Bamboo Palm tree with its green spread out palm leaves and

Bamboo Palm (Image: Daderot10)

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Bismarck Palm40-80 FeetBismarckia nobilisThick, short trunk, fan-shaped frondsNoYesYesYes
Bottle Palm10-20 FeetHyophorbe lagenicaulisDwarf tree. Bottle-shaped trunkNoNoYesYes
California Fan Palm40-60 FeetWashingtonia filiferaFan-shaped frondsYesYesYesYes
Canary Island Date Palm40-60 FeetPhoenix CanariensisWide trunk, yellow flowers, date-like fruitsNoYesYesYes
Cat Palm3-5 FeetChamaedorea cataractarumLeaves with round tipsNoNoYesYes
Close up photo of a Bismarck Palm tree with its silver-green palm leaves.

Bismarck Palm (Image: David Clode11)

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Cayman Thatch Palm12-25 FeetCoccothrinax proctoriiGreen Leaves with a silver underbellyNoYesYesYes
Carpentaria Palm30-40 FeetCarpentaria acuminataBright-red berries, 10-12 pinnateNoNoYesYes
Chilean Wine Palm60-80 FeetJubaea chilensisHuge trunk, dense canopyYesYesYesYes
Chinese Fan Palm40-50 FeetLivistonia chinensisVery broad leaves. Fan-shapedNoYesYesYes
Christmas Palm10-20 FeetAdonidia merrilliiBright red fruitsNoNoYesYes
Image of a short Chilean Wine Palm tree with its green palm leaves planted on a pebble ground

Chilean Wine Palm (Image: Daderot12)

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Coconut Palm50-100 FeetCocos nuciferaLong, thin trunk. Green or yellow coconutsNoNoYesYes
Date Palm50-80 FeetPhoenix dactyliferaVery long fronds, gray-greenNoYesYesYes
Dwarf Majesty Palm8-10 FeetRavenea hildebrandtiiSlim trunk, not very wide with many leavesNoYesYesYes
European Fan Palm6-15 FeetChamaerops humilisPine cone-like trunkNoYesYesYes
Fishtail Palm8-20 FeetCaryota mitisGray-ish gray leaves with ragged edgesNoYesYesYes
Low angle image of several Coconut Palm trees with its dark green palm leaves.

Coconut Palm

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Foxtail Palm40-50 FeetWodyetia bifurcataSmooth trunk, bushy frondsNoNoYesYes
Guadalupe Palm30-40 FeetBrachea edulisBluish-green canopy, ringed trunkNoYesYesYes
Kentia Palm40 FeetHowea forsteriana7-foot-long leavesNoYesYesYes
King Palm40 FeetArchontophoenix alexandraeBright-green fronds. Smooth trunkNoYesYesYes
Lady Palm6-15 FeetRhapis excelsaYellow blooms, thick frondsNoYesYesYes
Image of a Lady Palm Tree with its bamboo-like canes, deep green foliage and fan-shaped leaves.

Lady Palm (Image: Daderot13)

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Lipstick Palm25-35 FeetCyrtostachys rendaBright red crownshaftNoNoNoYes
MacArthur Palm15-25 FeetPtychosperma macarthuriiWhitish trunk with dark ringsNoNoYesYes
Mazari Palm10-20 FeetNannorrhops ritchianaThin stem clusters, silvery leavesYesYesYesYes
Mexican Fan Palm80-100 FeetWashingtonia robustaDead leaves droop around crownshaftNoYesYesYes
Oil Palm40-50 FeetElaeis guineensisFronds around the trunk. Small reddish fruitsNoNoYesYes
Image of an Oil Palm tree with its long, green palm leaves in a forest.

Oil Palm (Image: Frankrae14)

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Parlor Palm10-15 FeetChamaedorea elegansShrub-like, multiple stalksNoNoYesYes
Peach Palm65-100 FeetBactris gasipaesPeach like fruitsNoNoYesYes
Pindo Palm15-20 FeetButia capitataYellow flowers, red berriesYesYesYesYes
Pygmy Date Palm6-10 FeetPhoenix roebeleniiShort trunk, edible datesNoNoYesYes
Queen Palm50-60 FeetSyagrus romanzofficanaClusters of orange fruitNoYesYesYes
Close up image of a Parlor Palm with its green leaves during daytime.

(Image: Shokou .15)

TypeHeightLatin NameCharacteristicsZone 8a/ 8bZone 9a/ 9bZone 10a/ 10bZone 11a/11b
Senegal Palm35 FeetPhoenix reclinataMultiple rough stems covered in brown fiberNoYesYesYes
Spindle Palm10-20 FeetHyophorbe verschaffeltiiA bulbous swell in the center of the trunkNoNoYesYes
Sylvester Date Palm50-60 FeetPhoenix sylvestrisPurple-black fruits, impressive crownYesYesYesYes
Triangle Palm25-30 FeetDypsis decaryiTriangle-shaped crownshaft. Yellow flowersNoNoYesYes
Windmill Palm25-30 FeetTrachycarpus fortuneiRound leaves, trunk wrapped in brown fibersYesYesYesYes
Image of a Windmill Palm tree with its thick trunk covered in hairy brown fibers and green, fan shaped fronds.

Windmill Palm (Image: ChiemseeMan16)

Royal Palm Tree Growth Chart

Below is the growth chart of the Royal Palm tree.

Royal Palm tree growth chart showing full grown Royal Palm on a line graph with Royal Palm age on the x-axis and Royal Palm tree height on the y-axis.

The Royal Palm tree has a growth rate of up to 2 feet per year and can grow as tall as 75 feet in a span of up to 150 years.

Are Palm Trees Native to the United States?

Surprisingly, yes. Since it’s a native tree, it makes other people curious about how many trees are in the United States.

Of the millions of trees in the United States, there are only 14 native palm tree species. They are:

  • Buccaneer Palm Tree (Pseudophoenix sargentii)
  • California Fan Palm (Washingtonia filifera) 6
  • Cabbage Palm Tree (Sabal palmetto)
  • Dwarf Palmetto Palm (Sabal minor)
  • Florida Silver Palm (Coccothrinax argentata)
  • Jamaican Thatch Palm (Thrinax parviflora)
  • Key Thatch Palm (Leucothrinax morrisii)
  • Louisiana Palmetto Palm (Sabal louisiana)
  • Needle Palm Tree (Rhapidophyllum hystrix)
  • Paurotis Palm (Acoelorrhaphe wrightii)
  • Royal Palm (Roystonea regia)
  • Scrub Palmetto (Sabal etonia)
  • Saw Palmetto Palm (Serenoa repens)
  • Texas Palmetto Palm (Sabal mexican)

They initially grew from North Carolina to Oklahoma before spreading further afield.

From this humble beginning, hundreds more species of palm trees have been imported into the United States.

Are Coconut Palms Native to Florida?

Although it is now instantly recognizable in Florida, the Coconut Palm tree is not a natural-born native.

Photo of three tall coconut trees with the blue sky being its background.

(Image: Scottslm17)

It was first introduced to the sunny Floridian shores in 1878. A Spanish brig sailing from Cuba inexplicably crashed on the beaches and spilled its precious cargo.

The local inhabitants took advantage of the scattered coconuts on their shores and planted them on their land.

So, though not exactly a native, the Coconut Palm tree first set down roots more than a century ago in America off the coast of Florida.

Best Palm Trees for Central Florida

Central Florida falls into the hardiness zones 8a-9a.4 The palm trees below are able to grow quite happily in this area of hot, wet summers and mild, cool winters.

  • Sabal Palm
  • Sylvester Date Palm
  • Foxtail Palm
  • Queen Palm
  • Date Palm
  • Canary Island Date Palm
  • Christmas Palm
  • Cabbage Palm

Where To Find Florida Palm Trees for Sale

When the time has arrived to purchase a palm tree to complete that landscaping project, or even just to create a feature around the house, there are reputable local nurseries and farms that can advise on which types of palm trees in Florida would be right for you.2

Here is a brief selection:

  • Palm City Palms & Tropical Inc
  • Palm City Nursery & Landscaping
  • Aventura Nursery & Lanscape Inc
  • Palm Trees Direct
  • Lisenby Palms Inc
  • Treemart, Inc
  • Hardy Palm Tree Farm
  • Canterbury Farms Nursery & Garden Center
  • Golden Gate Nursery & Sod
  • South Seminole Farm & Nursery

Best Palm Trees for Florida Landscaping (The Best Palm Trees for Backyard in FL)

Due to the vast array of palm trees available in Florida, it is imperative to confirm the plant hardiness zone where the tree will be planted before purchase. That, along with the soil composition, will determine what options are available.

A tall Royal Palm may catch your eye, but is there space for it? A smaller Windmill Palm may be the right size, but do you have the right soil?

Low angle photo of a Royal Palm tree with its green palm leaves.

(Image: Judgefloro18)

Information is crucial at the planning stage as one tree suitable for the front lawn may not be suitable for the backyard, with some palm trees requiring more sunlight than others so placement is important.

Fortunately, armed with a list of questions, your requirements, and the landscape plans where the trees will be planted, a local farm or nursery can present a list of suitable palm trees for your needs.

Types of Small Palm Trees in Florida

Skyscraping palm trees are a standard feature alongside many roads in Florida, often rearing nearly 100 feet towards the heavens. Sometimes, though, especially around a residential home, smaller is better.

By planting a variety of dwarf palm trees such as the Pindo Palm, Spindle Palm, Lady Palm, the Dwarf Palmetto, or Miami Palm which are the smallest at 3 feet tall, a tropical paradise can be created around your home.

In the table above are even more types of these “mini-palms” that can convert your home into the land of the green that you’ve always wanted.

Small Outdoor Palm Trees (Palm Trees That Stay Small)

If space is a consideration or overhead restrictions limit your palm tree options, fear not.

Image of an Areca Palm tree with its green palm leaves during daytime.

(Image: Daderot19)

There are more than enough types of palm trees in Florida to choose from. Here are just a few of them:

  • Christmas Palm – has a maximum height of 15 feet
  • Areca Palm – it will stop growing and stay at a maximum height of 7 feet
  • Dwarf Palmetto – reaches heights of between 5-10 feet
  • Saw Palmetto – very hardy, low maintenance with a height of just 5-10 feet
  • Bottle Palm – is very popular in Florida. Height from 10 to 20 feet
  • Needle Palm – extremely hardy in all conditions, easy maintenance, the height of 3-9 feet
  • Pygmy Date Palm – grows to 6-10 feet 7
  • Pindo Palm – can grow up to 15 feet in well-draining soil

South Florida Palm Tree Guide

The climate in South Florida fluctuates from the highs of the overwhelming heat of 90°F in the summer months, to the short, humid nights of the winter when the lowest temperature drops to 50°F.

Many plants also love to bask in the South Florida sunshine and take advantage of the longer growing season.

This temperate climate places the south of Florida in zone 11a/11b, which means that the summers are extremely hot and dry, and the winters are fairly warm. A few types of palm trees in Florida that do well in this particular hardiness zone are:

  • Windmill Palm
  • Dwarf Palmetto
  • Bismarck Palm
  • Thatch Palm
  • Acai Palm

There are more that do well in South Florida as long as they are watered on a regular basis.

South Florida Plant Guide

Many plants also love to bask in the South Florida sunshine and take advantage of the longer growing season.

If planted in well-draining soil, exotic plants such as:

  • The passionflower
  • Scarlet Sage
  • Mealycup Sage
  • Orchids
  • Hibiscus
  • Cacti
  • Ferns

Sometimes they may require a break in the shade, so that should be taken into account when planting.

Types of Palm Trees in Florida: Low Maintenance Palm Trees Florida)

It can take a considerable amount of time in selecting the appropriate palm tree for your residence. When going through the selection process, it would be prudent to factor in the quality time needed to care for the new addition to your lawn.

If low maintenance is a priority, look no further than the Kentia Palm, the Canary Island Date Palm, the Foxtail Palm, the Pygmy Date Palm, the Areca Palm, the European Fan Palm, or even the very manageable Chinese Fan Palm.

Image of a short Chinese Fan Palm tree with its thick trunk, and green fan-shaped palm leaves in a grass field near a pond.

(Image: Zureks20)

Some of these, as well as other choices, will require some tender loving care, but mostly they can stand on their own few roots.

Those who are environmentally conscious want to know if planting these trees can really make a difference. You can either plant these low-maintenance palm trees or go for one of the carbon offset organizations that can assist you in learning about planting trees carbon offset. Since palm trees have less carbon absorption, it may not be the ideal solution for slowing climate change, but any change, no matter how small, is still a change and thus, worth taking.

Related Reading: What Is My Ecological Footprint?

Most Expensive Palm Trees in Florida

Buying one of the types of palm trees in Florida needn’t break the bank.

Prices range from as little as $15 for a Bottle Palm if bought as a small potted plant. If that same palm tree is sold when it matures to 10 feet, the cost will grow with it to somewhere in the region of $800, depending on the height.

Prices for some of the priciest palm trees are:

  • Kentia Palms: Up to $400
  • Bottle Palm: Up to $800
  • Needle Palm: Up to $525
  • Pindo Palm: Up to $300
  • Windmill: Up to $600
  • Royal Palm: Up to $8,000

The most expensive palm trees in Florida, like the Royal Palm, can be priced at $100 per foot. If the height of the tree soars to 100 feet, the price can soar with it.

One of the most expensive palm trees in the world is the Coco de Mer from the Seychelles islands. Its value is based on scarcity, its height of 112 feet, the fact that it takes 20-40 years before it starts flowering, and that it has the largest seeds in the world.

It may not be one of the 8 endangered tree species helping fight climate change, but its decline has led to a rise which caused the selling price to be boosted with rumors of some selling for nearly $10,000.

How Much To Trim Palm Trees?

Whoever wants to grow this type of tree wants to know how much to trim palm trees. If the time comes when the dead leaves on your palm tree need pruning,5 it may well be time to call in the professionals to give it a trim.

The cost of their services can be dependent on the height, location, and amount of work required. Cutting off some dead fronds on a Bottle Palm would be different than on a Mexican Fan Palm, for example.

Image of several Mexican Fan Palm trees with its thick trunks and green palm leaves in a parking lot.

(Image: Ingolfson21)

Costs to trim the various types of palm trees in Florida can start from as little as $50 and shoot up to over $1,200.

Related Reading: Free Tree Removal Programs Used by Actual Logging Companies

Palm Tree Trimming Cost Calculator

Yes, there is a tool that you may use to keep palm plants in good condition. You can use the palm tree trimming cost calculator to get a fairly accurate quotation online to estimate the cost of trimming your palm tree. The information required would be:

  • Type of tree?
  • How many trees?
  • Height of the tree?
  • Location on the property?
  • Condition of the tree?
  • The timeframe that service is required?

It is recommended to get two or three quotes from local tree specialists to get the most competitive price. To trim different trees, there are various calculators available. You can use the tree trimming cost calculator for trees other than palm trees that need to be trimmed.

Since you’ve learned about palm trees in Florida, you start to wonder what state has the most trees and what kinds of trees you may find in your state. The sight of palm trees along a promenade on a sunny day in Florida is a sight to behold, captured hundreds of times in Hollywood movies is something to be envious of.

Having one as a centerpiece on your front lawn can add a degree of elegance that other trees cannot bring. Whether stretching tall, growing wide, bringing shade or privacy, or even a splash of color, Florida palms are an iconic sight that’s hard to beat.1

And it is even more satisfying when you’re able to identify one of the types of palm trees in Florida to watch out for as you stroll by under a clear blue sky.

Frequently Asked Questions About Types of Palm Trees in Florida

Where Are Palm Trees Native To?

Most palm trees loathe the cold and prefer tropical and subtropical climates where the sun is hot and the weather is humid. Places such as Florida, South America, the Caribbean, and specifically Colombia have an incredible range of palm tree species.

Are Palm Trees Native to Florida or California?

The California Fan Palm is the only native palm tree in California, while Florida has 12 native species.

Are Royal Palm Trees Native to Florida? Are Palm Trees Native to Florida Keys?

The Royal Palm tree is not only native to Florida, but is also native to Cuba, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central America. At one point the Royal Palm tree was considered to be a separate species in each country, but now it is classed as the same species.

What Other States Have Palm Trees?

Although there are more types of palm trees in Florida than in other parts of the country, several states such as California, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, and Hawaii, have made sure that they got their fair share of these iconic trees.


1Environmental Horticulture Department. (2017, December). Florida Palms. Lawn and Garden. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/lawn-and-garden/florida-palms/>

2Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (2022). Christmas Tree Farms. Buy Fresh From Florida. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Buy-Fresh-From-Florida/Christmas-Tree-Farms>

3Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program. (2022). USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map for Florida. Resources. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://ffl.ifas.ufl.edu/resources/usda-hardiness-zones/>

4Holmes, D. (2019, June 1). Palms for Central Florida. UF/IFAS Extension Marion County. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/marionco/2019/06/01/palms-central-florida/>

5Munroe, L. N. (2021, October 26). Florida Palm Trees and Pruning. UF/IFAS Extension Indian River County. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/indianriverco/2021/10/26/florida-palm-trees-and-pruning/>

6Natural History of Orange County, California. (2022). California Fan Palm. Plants. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://nathistoc.bio.uci.edu/plants/Arecaceae/Washingtonia%20filifera.htm>

7University of Florida. (2022). Date Palms and Alternatives. Plants. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/plants/trees-and-shrubs/palms-and-cycads/date-palm.html>

8James St. John. (CC BY 2.0). Resized, Changed Format. Flickr. Retrieved from <https://www.flickr.com/photos/jsjgeology/51180202423>

9Dinesh Valke. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Resized, Changed Format. Flickr. Retrieved from <https://flickr.com/photos/91314344@N00/818706905>

10Daderot. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dypsis_lutescens_-_Palmengarten_Frankfurt_-_DSC01821.JPG>

11David Clode. Unsplash. Retrieved from <https://unsplash.com/photos/-JiXlLW3Jfo>

12Daderot. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jubaea_chilensis_-_Jard%C3%ADn_Bot%C3%A1nico_de_Barcelona_-_Barcelona,_Spain_-_DSC09282.JPG>

13Daderot. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rhapis_excelsa_-_Villa_Taranto_(Verbania)_-_DSC03591.JPG>

14Frankrae. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Oelpalme.JPG>

15Shokou .. Pexels. Retrieved from <https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-leaves-in-close-up-photography-11709478/>

16ChiemseeMan. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Palme_gelb2.JPG>

17Scottslm. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/palm-trees-coconut-trees-coconuts-4225541/>

18Judgefloro. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:09162jfSaint_Paul_Chapel_Gardens_Sindalan_San_Fernando,_Pampangafvf_13.jpg>

19Daderot. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dypsis_lutescens_(Chrysalidocarpus_lutescens)_-_Gora_Park_-_Hakone,_Kanagawa,_Japan_-_DSC08579.jpg>

20Zureks. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Livistona_chinensis.jpg>

21Ingolfson. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Palms_And_Powerlines_Avondale.jpg>