78 Types of Fan Palm Trees: Palm Leaves Identification Chart

Types of fan palm trees growing in the wild very short to the ground with large fan shaped palm fronds.

Knowing the different types of fan palm trees that are available can help you decide on the species you may want to plant, indoors or outdoors.

Since palm trees are excellent at cleaning the air, they are a great tree to plant where conditions make it possible.

Palm trees are often associated with tropical climates, but some of the over 2500 species can grow in different places.1

While most of them will thrive in hot and moist climates, there are other species that grow in totally different climates. You can even plant types of fan palm tree indoors and see them thrive in the constrained environment of pots.

Learning about the different types of trees can be confusing which makes people wonder, how many trees are in the United States and what state has the most trees?

This comprehensive guide provides identification charts to help you know more about the types of fan palm trees and other species and how to care for them both indoors and outdoors.

What Is a Fan Palm Tree?

A fan palm is a palm tree with a single slender trunk that grows as high as 20m and has leaves that look like fans.2

The leaves of the tree are huge and pleated, forming an almost circular shape and therefore resembling a fan.

Low angle photo of two Fan Palm trees with its thick trunk and green, fan-shaped, palm leaves.

(Image: PublicDomainPictures13)

Each fan palm tree could have 9-12 palmate lobed leaves. Most of these trees have what looks like a shaggy beard that forms from the old and dried leaves of the plant. Fan palm trees are drought-tolerant and can grow in places where there is little to no water available.

Types of Palm Trees (Palm Tree Identification Chart)

TypeLeavesTrunkHeightSun Requirements
1. The Paurotis PalmFanThin & fibrous15 – 20 ft.Full sun6
2. The Miniature Blushing PalmPinnate, new red leaf7Thin with a crown shaft15 – 20 ft.Filtered light or a bit of sun
3. The Beach Palm, Sand PalmPinnate, short and fluffyMinimal trunk if any6 ft.Full sun
4. Alexander PalmPinnateMedium thick, very green crown shaft,
gray-brown in color
50 ft. or overFull or part day sun
5. Piccabeen PalmPinnateGray-colored, faint rings, 12 to 18 inches thick40 ft.Full sun
6. Mount Lewis Palm TreePinnateThe crown shaft has a purple color30 – 40 ft.Full or part day
7. Walsh River King PalmPinnate12-18 inches, medium green crown shaft, self-pruning80 ft.Filtered to full sun
8. The Myola PalmPinnateGreen, sometimes blue-green, very clean crown shaft50 – 60 ft.Part to full sun
9. The Dwarf Sugar PalmPinnate6 inch diameter and fibrous8 – 12 ft.Filtered light, partial sun or full sun
10. The Black Sugar PalmPinnateThick and fibrous30 ft. or moreFull sun
Image of several Walsh River King Palm trees in a grass field.

Walsh River King Palm (Image: Kahuroa14)

TypeLeavesTrunkHeightSun Requirements
11. High Plateau Coconut PalmPinnate12 inches thick and smooth, ringed40 ft. or tallerFull sun in coastal areas
12. Madagascar Window PalmPinnateAbout 12 to 16 inches. Smooth trunk over time20 – 30 ft. or taller Full sun
13. The Bismarck Palm11Fan14 -18 inches, smooth over time40 ft. or tallerFull sun
14. The Mexican Blue Fan PalmFan, blueSmooth when matured40 ft. but rarely over 20 ft. domesticallyFull hot sun
15. San Jose Hesper PalmFanThin, about 12 inches or less40 – 60 ft., tallest species of genusFull sun
16. Mexican Dwarf Blue Fan PalmFan, blueMinimal trunk with rough surface6 ft. or a little moreFull sun
17. The Rock PalmFan, blue to greenRough textureVariable, shorter forms to 8 ft., taller forms to 20 ft.Strong filtered light to full sun
18. The Guadalupe Fan PalmFanModerately thick trunk, 18 inches15 ft., rarely taller – in the wild to over 20 ft. or moreFull sun
19. The Silver Rock PalmFanSmooth when mature15 ft.Full sun
20. The Mount Koghi PalmPinnateThin for height, prominently ringed green trunk with silver-green crown shaft20 – 40 ft.Filtered light or part day sun

Bismark Palm tree growth chart showing full grown Bismark Palm tree on a line graph with Bismark Palm tree age on the x-axis and Bismark Palm tree height on the y-axis.

TypeLeavesTrunkHeightSun Requirements
21. The Tiger PalmPinnateThin, green, prominent rings, brown pinstripes30 – 40 ft., often piercing the canopyFilter light to part day sun
22. The Pindo Palm – Jelly PalmPinnateRough with retained leaf bases at the top. Diameter-18 inches15 ft. or a little tallerFull sun all areas
23. The Wooly Jelly PalmPinnateModerately thick and rough15 – 20 ft.Full sun
24. The Mule PalmPinnateVariable, but about 12-14 inches20 – 25 ft. Full sun
25. Andean Wax PalmPinnateThin, 18 inchesOver 100 ft. Full sun
26. Costa Rican Bamboo PalmPinnateGreen, prominently ringed with diameters of 1-1.5 inches14 – 16 ft.Filtered light or a little morning sun
27. The Dwarf Whale Tail PalmSolid, bifidThin, ¾ inch6 ft.Filtered light
28. The Capuca PalmBifidThin, 1/2 inch3 – 6 ft.Filtered light
29. The Cold Hardy Bamboo PalmPinnateThin, 1/2 inch diameter8 ft.Filtered light
30. The Baby Queen PalmPinnateGreen in filtered light, prominent rings, 3/4 to 1 inch thick14 ft.Filtered light or coastal sun
Queen palm tree growing in rows.

Queen palm (Image: T. K. Broschat15)

TypeLeavesTrunkHeightSun Requirements
31. The Stolon PalmBifidThin, 3/8 of an inch, green with visible rings. Orange flower bracts6 ft.Filtered light
32. The Elfin PalmSimple, small, bifidExtremely thin, pencil size12 inchesFiltered light
33. The Pacaya Or Tepejilote PalmPinnateThick trunk, usually 1.5 inches, but can be bigger15 ft.Filtered light
34. The Mediterranean Fan PalmFan8-12 inches thick, rough with old leaf bases and fiber10 – 15 ft.Full hot sun
35. Moroccan Blue Fan PalmFan, blueFibrous and rough with retained leaf bases8 – 12 ft.Full sun
36. The Flame Thrower PalmPinnate, new red leaf10-12 inches, rings evident20 – 30 ft.Filtered light or morning sun
37. The Blond Flame Thrower PalmPinnate, new red leaf 10-12 inches thick20 – 30 ft.Part day sun, filtered light
38. Pacific Beauty PalmPinnateClean, medium sized trunk with visible rings in filtered light. Green-silver green crown shaft30 – 40 ft.Full sun
39. The Florida Silver PalmFanTan colored with woven matting at the top, 4-8 inches thick15 – 20 ft.Full sun
40. Green Fan PalmFanThin trunk , 6 inches in diameter. Fibrous matting on the trunk, ages to a woody trunk.30 – 40 ft.Full sun
Image of a Florida Silver Palm Tree with its big, green palm leaves.

Florida Silver Palm (Image: Mason Brock16)

TypeLeavesTrunkHeightSun Requirements
41. The Old Man PalmFanLong, shaggy brown hairs that look like a long beard. Trunks are 4 -6 inches thickSix ft. – almost 20 ft.Full sun
42. The Miraguama PalmFanThe trunk is 4-6 inches thick, patterned fibroid coating30 ft. Full sun
43. Bailey Fan PalmFanThick, smooth, light gray to tan, columnar, 18-24 inches, looks like a concrete freeway pillar30 ft.Full hot sun
44. The Petticoat PalmFanThin trunk with old dead leaves below the crown. Diameter-8 inches30 ft.Full sun
45. The Elegant PalmPinnateThin trunk with green crown shaft20 – 25 ft.Full sun, part day sun
46. New Caledonian PalmUpright, pinnateThin, green with rings, diameter 6-inchesAbout 20 ft. or a little morePart day sun, full sun near the ocean, filtered light inland
47. Hurricane PalmPinnateAbout 6-8 inches30 ft.Full sun, part day sun inland
48. Madagascar Palm (endangered)PinnateThin trunks that are green to silver green Crown shaft can be white and powdery15 – 20 ft.Full or part sun, less sun in Inland areas
49. Sugar Can PalmPinnateThin with prominent rings, 3 to 4 inches thick, white or green crown shafts15 – 20 ft.Part day sun, filtered light
50. The Cabadae PalmPinnateThin, 4 inches or more15 – 20 ft.Full or part day sun.
Image of a Bailey Fan Palm with its huge fan-shaped, green palm leaves.

Bailey Fan Palm (Image: Daderot17)

TypeLeavesTrunkHeightSun Requirements
51. The Triangle PalmPinnateThickness- 12 inches, variable color in a triangular crown shaft, purple, brown, gray20 ft.Full sun
52. The Manambe PalmPinnateCigar shaped, white to green crown shaft30 – 35 ft.Full sun except when juvenile8
53. The Teddy Bear PalmPinnateTrunk diameter is 8 -12 inches, distinctively ringed, commonly silver in color, with a rusting brown furry crown shaft underneath the leaves.20 – 25 ft. Full or part sun, less sun inland
54. The Areca or Butterfly PalmPinnate, lanceolate-shaped leaflets3Thin, 2-3 inches, ringed, slick, green, silver, or often hues of yellow15 – 20 ft., taller in the tropics Full sun, far inland, limited sun or screened light
55. The Pemba PalmPinnate Trunk thickness, 4 inches, silver-green with prominent rings20 – 25 ft.Full sun or part day sun
56. The Assai PalmPinnateThin trunk, 4 inches in diameter with green elongated crown shaft25 ft. or tallerFiltered light when younger, coastal sun later
57. The Umbrella PalmPinnate 6-8 inches thick, silver-green in shade with a white crown shaft25 ft.Full or part day sun
58. The Belmore PalmPinnateSmooth trunk, no crown shaft, Diameter 6-8 inches15 ft.Full or part sun, inland les sun
59. The Kentia PalmPinnate Thin, 6 to 8 inches, thinner than a King or Queen Palm, no crown shaft35 – 40 ft.Full or part sun along the coast
60. The Bottle PalmPinnate, feather-likeThickest at the bottom, 2-3 ft.15 ft.Full sun
Image of a Teddy Bear Palm Tree and its broad, green palm leaves.

Teddy Bear Palm (Image: David J. Stang18)

TypeLeavesTrunkHeightSun Requirements
61. The Spindle PalmPinnateSwollen in the middle, cigar shape15 – 20 ft. in decadesFull sun
62. The Chilean Wine PalmPinnateMassive smooth trunk, up to 4 ft in diameterUp to 50 ft.Full sun required
63. Great Hybrid PalmPinnateThick, wide, 30-36 inch diameter, not smooth40 ft.Full sun mandatory
64. The Pondoland PalmPinnateFibrous and rough, two trunks25 – 35 ft.Full sun
65. New Caledonian PalmPinnate10 inches thick, smooth with prominent rings and a dark green crown shaft.30 ft.Full or part day sun, less far inland
66. The Atherton PalmPinnateSuckers, has multiple trunks15 ft. or a bit moreFull sun right or part sun, less sun inland
67. The Walking Stick PalmPinnateThin and fibrous. Size of a walking stick.8 – 10 ft.Filtered light
68. Queensland Fan PalmFanFibrous trunk30 ft. or tallerFiltered light, protect from direct sun inland
69. Mangrove Fan PalmFanThin and rough with fibers10 – 15 ft. Filtered light
70. The Cabbage Tree PalmFanThin for height, 12 inches. Clean but a bit rough to touchOver 50 ft.Full sun
Cabbage palm tree growing with large canopy.

Cabbage Palm (Image: T. K. Broschat19)

TypeLeavesTrunkHeightSun Requirements
71. Chinese Fan PalmFan12 inches thick, smooth below any old attached leaves20 – 30 ft. over a long timeFull or part sun. In deserts less sun
72. The Ribbon Fan PalmFanThin trunk, Smooth50 or more ft. – takes long to be more than 40 ft.Full sun
73. The Carnarvon Gorge PalmFanThin, smoothOver time will grow to more than 80 ft.Full sun
74. The Taraw Palm9FanThin trunk, rough, diameter 12 inches35 ft. or moreFull sun, or part sun
75. The Mazari PalmFanFibrous but have no spikes10 – 15 ft. matureFull sun
76. Hillebrand’s Loulu PalmFanTan in color, clean trunk with a rough texture20 – 25 ft.Full or part day coastal sun
77. The Loulou-Hiwa PalmFanFairly clean with minimal or no fibrous material, 6 inches20 – 30 ft.Full sun along coast, half-day sun, strong filtered light inland
78. Alakai Swamp PritchardiaFanThickness 6 – 8 inches. Clean but rough, columnar10 – 15 ft.Full or part sun, less sun far inland
Pixabay Chinese Fan Palm tree with light and dark green fronds.

Chinese Fan Palm (Image: Camera-man20)

Types of Fan Palm Trees (Popular Fan Palm Tree Types)

The following three types of fan palm trees are some of the most popular.

European Fan Palm

It tolerates very low temperatures and thrives in well-drained loamy and moist soil.

Chinese Fan Palm

It does well in warm climates and can be potted as an indoor plant.

Mexican Fan Palm

The Mexican fan Palm can do well in a desert climate and grow as high as 100 feet.5

Different Types of Fan Palm Trees and Their Unique Features

The fact that palm trees are indigenous to California is well known. How many types of palm trees are there, one may think?

Types of Indoor Palm Trees

Depending on the type of tree you are interested, there’s plenty of types of indoor palm trees to choose from. The following list can help get you started.

#1 Bamboo Palm Indoor Plant

The Bamboo Palm is a houseplant that grows up to 8 feet tall and can thrive in low light conditions. It has a diameter of about 10 feet, and its leaf color is blue to green.

Tiny indoor palm tree in a square white container.

(Image: goodjun21)

It is a low-maintenance tree that you can comfortably plant in a container and keep it indoors. However, you can accelerate its growth by placing it near a window in the house.

#2 Areca Palm Indoor Plant

The Areca Palm has a smooth trunk and can grow up to 30 feet outdoors and 8 feet indoors.10 The best soil type for the plant is well-drained moist soil, and it requires full to partial sun exposure. The plant grows moderately and produces pale-yellow flowers. The long green fronds make it a beautiful plant to have in your house.

#3 Kentia Palm Indoor Plant

Kentia Palm trees are easy to maintain as they have less light and care demands. The plant can tolerate low light conditions and grow well in a container.

Kentia Palms have white flowers and do well in loamy, sandy, and well-drained soil. With such few requirements, anyone can keep a Kentia Palm plant in their house without killing it.

Small Types of Palm Trees

A small palm tree is considered any tree below 20 feet in height. While most palm trees are tall with thin trunks and broad leaves, others are small with various unique features. Below is a list of some small types of palm trees.

  • Parlor Palm
  • Needle Palm
  • Pygmy date palm
  • Pindo palm
  • Lady Palm
  • Bottle palm
  • Mazari palm
  • Triangle palm
  • Baby queen palm

Self Shedding Palm Trees

Self-shedding palm trees are often called self-cleaning trees because they shed their dead fronds to give room for new ones and do not need you to remove the leaves. Therefore, these types of fan palm trees and some pinnate ones are easy to maintain.

  • Christmas palm
  • Areca palm
  • Carpentaria palms
  • Royal palm

Smooth Trunk Palm Tree

Some palm trees have a very smooth trunk even at an early age.

Large palm tree fronds seen from underneath.

(Image: NadineDoerle22)

However, some trees become smoother as they age. Here is a list of smooth palm trees available.

  • Chilean
  • Royal
  • The Ribbon Fan Palm
  • The Carnarvon Gorge Palm
  • The Belmore Palm
  • High Plateau Coconut Palm
  • Bailey Fan Palm

Types of Palm Trees With Spikes

Even with all the beauty, shade, and carbon offset that palm trees bring to the world, some of them are dangerous to touch. Check out the list below to know which palm trees not to plant in areas with kids or high human traffic.

  • Palmiste Rouge
  • Macaw Palm
  • Coquillo
  • Taraw Palm
  • Date Palm

Types of Palm Trees in California (California Palm Trees and California Fan Palm Fruit)

These are the California palm trees with different features and fruits depending on the species.4

  • Chinese Fan Palm (Only types of palm trees in California that are native)
  • Bamboo Palm
  • Sago Palm
  • European Fan Palm
  • Paradise Palm
  • Desert Fan Palm
  • Majestic Palm
  • Lady Palm
  • Needle Palm

Types of Palm Trees Arizona

Arizona has hot and dry weather, which makes it habitable for a variety of types of palm trees, Arizona species that thrive in such conditions.

Fan palm tree shrubs in front of an office complex.

(Image: sarangib23)

Below is a list of some of those trees.

  • Pygmy Date Palm Tree
  • Bismarck Palm Tree11
  • Queen Palm Trees
  • Areca Palms
  • Mexican Blue Palm
  • Mediterranean Fan Palm Trees

Palm Trees in San Diego

These include:

  • Mexican Fan Palm
  • Queen Palm
  • King Palm
  • Date Palm
  • Canary Island Date Palm
  • Pygmy Date Palm

Types of Palm Trees in Hawaii (Hawaii Palm Trees)

There are some magnificent types of palm trees in Hawaii, with it’s beautiful landscapes and coastlines covered in the following palm trees.

  • Red Sealing Wax Palm
  • Loulu Palms
  • Golden Cane Palm
  • Areca Palm
  • MacArthur Palm
  • Rhapis Palm
  • Fishtail Palm
  • Coconut Palms
  • Foxtail Palm
  • Manila Palm

The Cost for Palm Tree Removal (Palm Tree Removal Cost Calculator)

There are many factors that affect the cost of palm tree removal. These factors include the height of the tree and the place. Some places have fair prices while others charge more based on the complexity of removing palm trees or other factors.

However, you can use a palm tree removal cost calculator to acquire a price quote.

Palm Tree Trimming Cost Calculator (How Much To Trim Palm Trees?)

Trimming can be a significant aid in keeping the trees healthy and so one would ask, how much to trim palm trees? The palm tree trimming cost calculator estimates the money you will pay to trim your palm tree based on the factors discussed above.

Below are some approximations of the cost of trimming or removing palm trees.

  • 30 Ft & below = $150 – $450
  • 30 – 60 Ft = $200 – $950
  • 60 – 80 Ft = $400 to $1,100
  • 80 – 100 Ft = $1,100 – $1,500 or more

You can use the tree trimming cost calculator to get an idea of how much it will cost to trim trees other than palm trees.

Free Palm Tree Removal

Sometimes you can be lucky to get free palm tree removal but that is also dependent on some factors. Groups that are likely to get free palm tree removal are seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities. However, you can get the city to remove a tree for you without any cost if it falls on a public road, is on public property, or pauses a risk to people around it.12

You cannot possibly know all the available palm tree species by heart but hopefully, this guide gave you an idea of what to plant in your backyard.

There are various categories of palm trees with similar characteristics like leaf shape, trunk texture, height, and even fruit.

Most people who are interested in planting trees are environmentally conscious, so using a global footprint calculator can help them pinpoint the elements that have negatively impacted the environment and take actions such as getting involved in carbon footprint tree planting. A few are even prepared to take it a step further and search for the best carbon offset programs to accomplish their objectives.

But for most people, picking the best palm for your home is enough and of course it’s not an easy task as it depends on so many factors including how much effort you want to put into maintaining the plant. If you have less time on your hands, a self-shedding tree or an easy-to-maintain houseplant are your best options. There are many types of fan palm trees to choose from above.

Frequently Asked Questions About Types of Fan Palm Trees

What Is the Fan Palm Tree Scientific Name?

The fan palm tree’s scientific name is Hyphaene petersiana.

What Is the Fan Palm Height?

The fan palm height depends on the type.

How Many Types of Palm Trees Are There?

There are over 2900 types of palm trees.

What State Has the Most Palm Trees?

Florida has the most palm trees.

How Much Does It Cost To Trim Palm Trees?

The cost to trim palm trees ranges from $125 to $1,200.

Is Palm Tree Perennial?

Yes, palm tree is perennial.

What Is the Fan Palm Family Name?

The fan palm family name is Arecaceae family.

Where Can I Find Dwarf Palm Trees for Sale?

Dwarf palm trees are available for sale at Amazon, Alibaba, Etsy, and other online and local tree stores.

What Types of Fan Palm Trees Can I Grow Indoors?

The types of fan palm trees that can grow indoors are, Areca, Chinese, Dwarf Bamboo, Cascade, Banana, Fishtail, Kentia, Ivory Cane, Majesty, and Pygmy Date palm trees.


1Emilio, T. (2020, July 8). Where do palm trees grow and why does it matter? | Kew. Kew Gardens. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from <https://www.kew.org/read-and-watch/where-do-palm-trees-grow>

2Bush Heritage Australia. (2022). Fan Palm Trees. Bush Heritage Australia. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from <https://www.bushheritage.org.au/species/fan-palms>

3Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.(2022). Palm trees. Palm Trees. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from <https://www.fao.org/3/ai387e/AI387E07.htm>

4Waterwise Garden Planner of South Carolina. (2016, November 5). California fan palm. Waterwise Garden Planner. Retrieved October 6, 2022, from <https://waterwisegardenplanner.org/plants/washingtonia-filifera/>

5NC State University Cooperative Extension. (2022). Washingtonia robusta. NC Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/washingtonia-robusta/>

6Kansas State University & Patton, D. (2018). Defining Sun Requirements for Plants. K-State Research and Extension. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://www.johnson.k-state.edu/lawn-garden/agent-articles/miscellaneous/defining-sun-requirements-for-plants.html>

7Harris, A. H. (2022). Plants/Pinnate Leaves. Desert Diary. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <http://museum2.utep.edu/archive/plants/DDpinnate.htm>

8Runkle, E. (2016, June). Juvenility in Perennials. Technically Speaking. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://www.canr.msu.edu/uploads/resources/pdfs/juvenility-in-perennials.pdf>

9Women’s Christian College. (2021, May 17). Taraw Palm. Livistona Saribus. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://wcc.edu.in/livistona-saribus/>

10Mid-Florida Research and Education Center. (2022). Areca Palm Production Guide. Foliage Notes. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://mrec.ifas.ufl.edu/foliage/folnotes/areca.htm>

11Broschat, T. (2018, January 31). BISMARCKIA NOBILIS: BISMARCK PALM. Ask IFAS. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/ST101>

12San Diego County Department of Public Works. (2022). Tree Trimming. Roads. Retrieved November 1, 2022, from <https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/dpw/roads/tree.html>

13PublicDomainPictures. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/sv/photos/palmer-bl%c3%a5-bakgrund-himmel-13411/>

14Kahuroa. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Archontophoenix-maxima.jpg>

15T. K. Broschat. . Retrieved from <https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/ST609>

16Mason Brock. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Coccothrinax_argentata_Florida_Keys.jpg>

17 Daderot. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Copernicia_baileyana_-_Buffalo_and_Erie_County_Botanical_Gardens_-_1-10_-_IMG_3611.JPG>

18David J. Stang. (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dypsis_leptocheilos_5zz.jpg>

19T. K. Broschat. University of Florida. Retrieved from <https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/ST575>

20Camera-man. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/palma-tree-plant-6261858/>

21goodjun. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/sv/photos/bambu-v%c3%a4xt-gr%c3%b6n-inomhus-4169957/>

22NadineDoerle. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/coconut-trees-beach-west-indies-sea-1172459/>

23sarangib. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/aequs-sez-special-economic-zone-320259/>