Privacy trees are an excellent solution to reducing noise and visibility on your private property.
And, the advantage of actually growing trees that can absorb carbon emissions over harvesting or fabricating materials for privacy fences is an awesome benefit of using living trees to create natural privacy around your home.
While you can opt for eco-friendly fencing and other conventional barrier methods, a living fence can do the same job and looks way better.
The best part? There are countless options, from evergreen, variegated, tall, short, and even trees that provide fruits and berries.
You can beautify your home by creating a privacy screen for your porch and backyard based on your needs and preferences.
This guide outlines the 20 best privacy trees that are fast-growing and provide year-round cover, along with their best growing locations and care tips for ensuring your privacy thrives.
Best Trees for Privacy and How To Choose Them
Your home is your safe place. You want to feel protected, which is impossible if your house is too exposed to your neighbors and everyone walking or driving by.
Thanks to screening plants, homeowners can enjoy a personalized living fence that they can trim and shape. Many use privacy for various reasons besides fencing.
For one, they improve a home’s curb appeal and overall value. Buyers are willing to pay more for houses with beautiful landscaping trees.
The cover also helps keep away things you don’t want people seeing in your yard.
It may be overwhelming for you if you are planting for the first time; the following tips may help.
Growth Rate
Ask any homeowner about the desirable features of their dream hedge trees. They will immediately say that they want a fast-growing tree.
Nobody wants to wait for decades, leaving their home bare, waiting for trees to grow.
Picking and caring for privacy trees is a huge investment and takes a lot of time and effort. You will notice that high-quality shrubs for privacy grow rapidly, which is the main reason for planting them.
You should also consider your ideal height, or how tall you want your trees to get. The best species should cover your home in less than five years.
To be certain, you can look up your preferred tree’s growth rate or ask your local nursery for more details.
Care and Maintenance
Another factor to consider when choosing a tree is how much care it needs. Most homeowners opt for resilient species that withstand the elements, including snow and storms.
A low-maintenance version helps when you are busy and have little time for plant care.
While evergreen trees are easy to care for, deciduous trees require leaf racking during seasonal changes. Besides, remember that the leaves fall off in autumn, leaving the screen merely bare branches.4
Space is another vital consideration when picking a tree for your home.12 Massive properties don’t have restrictions since they can accommodate the giant species that grow tens of feet wide.
You also want to check for nearby power lines; otherwise, the trees will be dangerous.
If you need a privacy hedge that also doubles as an actual barrier to prevent pets from getting out, privacy trees can be used in addition to traditional fencing to provide a lovely, natural appearance.
How Long It Takes To Grow Privacy Trees
Every tree grows at a certain rate according to various factors. The most important determinant is the species, its genetics, location, and how much care it receives.
While some species usually grow fast, reaching over 5 feet yearly, others take their time to establish themselves first.
The only downside when dealing with extremely fast growers is that they tend to develop brittle wood and have short lifespans. However, slow growers grow stronger, high-quality wood and live longer.
Another factor influencing your tree’s growth is your region’s climate. Those living in warmer states in the south usually grow faster than the species in the northern regions.
Another obvious determinant is the tree’s living conditions. Those with proper care and maintenance typically grow healthier and stronger than neglected trees.
5 Fast Growing Privacy Trees
As a homeowner, you want a tree that can grow to your desired height in the shortest time possible. It is the first feature you go for, and five beautiful trees fit the description.1
1. Leyland Cypress
The common feature of most types of cypress trees for privacy is that they are all fast-growing evergreen trees. These are impressive features for privacy hedges because they take a short time to reach a desired height and stay lush all year.

(Image: Gmihail13)
The Leyland cypress reaches 50 feet in only 15 years, creating an excellent cover when growing next to other trees. It thrives best in zones 6-10; the best part is that it is easy to maintain.
It can grow further under proper care to reach 70 feet, creating a striking bluish-green cover.

(Image: David J. Stang14)
2. Thuja Green Giant
You cannot mention fast-growing trees without the Thuja Green coming to mind.
It is one of the top choices for landscaping thanks to its growth rate, giant size, low maintenance, and overall look. It grows into a unique pyramidal shape; you don’t have to prune it regularly.
This makes it perfect if you are often busy and have little gardening time. For the best results, consider growing some if you live in zones 5-9 and watch as it reaches more than five feet annually.
3. Eastern Red Cedar
The lovers of evergreen conifers will love the eastern red. It is a magnificent tree with fluffy leaves and unique red wood.
It also makes for a good privacy tree thanks to its aromatic nature. The scent will linger around your home, and it will heavily attract wildlife.

(Image: Famartin15)
Many prefer planting it in driveways. Its fast growth rate means it can reach its maximum 60 feet height and 20 feet width quickly.
You can plant it in hardiness zones 3-9, and it is perfect for rustic garden setups.

(Image: David J. Stang16)
4. Flowering Dogwood
Flowering Dogwood is one of the best options if you are going for a colorful tree to rejuvenate your landscaping.11 It grows into many shades, including pink, red, and white; the red berries only add to its beauty.
Others may argue that the flowers appear for a short while in a year, but the tree is generally stunning all year round.3 Zones 5-8 are perfect for the tree, and under proper care, your trees will grow faster, showcasing glossy green leaves and colorful berries in fall.
5. Dappled Willow
The Dappled Willow is a top choice if you are looking for bushes for privacy. Its most impressive feature is the variegated leaves that come in pink,10 white and green shades sprucing up any backyard or porch.

(Image: Wouter Hagens17)
Another impressive feature is its relatively fast yearly 2-3 feet growth rate. They take a short time to reach their mature height (8-10 ft), forming elegant rounded multicolored privacy screens.
5 Tall Trees for Privacy
Finding tall tree fences for tall buildings can be tricky because you may end up with a short or medium-sized fence. It is crucial to carefully consider the tree’s maximum height before planting.
You want it to serve your needs and cover the entire house effectively.
The following are some of the tallest privacy trees that reach at least 50 feet.

(Image: DoristheExplorist18)
6. Bald Cypress
One impressive feature of all Cypress Tree is that they all grow fast. They also reach impressive heights and stay evergreen throughout the year, regardless of the season.
The Bald Cypress is no different.
It is perfect if you are looking for a majestic tree that will stay beautiful all year. For the best results, you can plant it in hardiness zones 5-10 and patiently wait for it to reach its potential height of 100 feet high and 40 feet wide.
7. Colorado Blue Spruce
The Colorado Blue Spruce must make the cut in our list. It has all the features homeowners want in a landscaping tree, from the fast growth rate, giant height, lush foliage, and evergreen nature.
It has a signature bluish look makes it stand out from other trees, adding color to your home.

(Image: Agnieszka Kwiecień19)
It naturally grows in hardiness zones 3-7 and can reach 75 feet tall and 20 feet wide. Besides the unique blue shade, the tree also has a long lifespan, able to live for 60 years under your care and 100 years in the wild.

(Image: James Steakley20)
8. Dawn Redwood
You have found the best tree if you are looking for a fast-growing, extremely tall, and stunning tree. The Dawn Redwood attains at least 2 feet of growth yearly, making it one of the fastest-growing Redwoods.
Additionally, it can grow to 80 feet tall when mature, which is impressive if you want a majestic tree. It comfortably grows in zones 5-8 and resembles an evergreen with needle leaves.
However, its leaves turn red or brown and fall off in autumn. It works if you love the color changes, but remember that it means that it will be bare in winter.
9. Italian Cypress
The Italian Cypress is another tree that makes the list of giant privacy trees.9 You can easily spot it with its long, slim silhouette and densely growing foliage.
It makes a great landscaping tree, adding character and elegance to your home.

(Image: Forest & Kim Starr21)
Thanks to its slim look, you can grow it even when you have little space, and many homeowners love how it adds height to the landscape.
Its maximum height is 50 feet, but it doesn’t grow extremely wide. It lives best in hardiness zones 7-11, and the best part is that it is hardy, gracefully surviving various environmental conditions.

(Image: Harvey Barrison22)
10. Eastern White Pine
This evergreen tree also stands out when looking for an elegant tall tree for landscaping. It also grows fast, which is perfect if you want a quick living fence.
This resilient North American tree grows up to 15 inches tall yearly and can reach 100 feet high at maturity.
The perfect growing zones are between 3-8, and many farmers grow them for their wind-breaking properties.2
5 Evergreen Trees for Privacy
Do you want trees surrounding your home to stay lush and green all year round? You must be looking for an evergreen tree.
Forget about racking up leaves in autumn and staring at bare twigs and branches in winter.
The trees below brave the harshest conditions to stay beautiful through all the seasons.
11. Deodar Cedar
Think the Deodar Cedar if you want a majestic tree with an excellent cover that stays evergreen all year round. This true cedar is one of the hardiest and most easily adaptable trees that can withstand the harshest conditions.

(Image: Bishnu Sarangi23)
It has unique bluish-green needles that stand out in any landscaping style. It naturally grows in hardiness zones 7-8 but can thrive as long as it receives proper care and maintenance.
Under suitable conditions, it can reach an impressive 50 feet, which works if you are looking for a giant barrier.

(Image: Crusier24)
12. Douglas Fir
This tree will always remind you of Christmas thanks to its elegant pyramidal shape. While some homeowners grow them singly in their yards, others line them up to form giant privacy screens around the house.
The tree is fun to experiment with since there are multiple subspecies, coming in various shades, sizes, and needle types. Its best feature is its towering height because it can reach 80 feet tall under ideal conditions, such as regions in USDA zones 5-7.
13. Norway Spruce
This famous conifer which is among the best evergreen privacy trees is a great choice for tall landscaping trees. It is easy to spot with its unique growing pattern where the branches grow upwards while sticking out of the tree.

(Image: DenesFeri25)
It adds character to your home and has a stunning pyramidal shape with needle leaves. When growing in suitable conditions and in zones 2-7, the tree can easily reach its potential 60 feet height.

(Image: Pescov26)
14. Spartan Juniper
The Spartan Juniper is another regal tree that you never knew you needed. It has a stunning tall and slender look with dense foliage and is ideal if you don’t have space for a tree that grows wide.
It resembles other giant Junipers, although it grows to only 15 feet high and 5 feet across.
Like other Junipers, it is a famous landscaping tree you can grow for various needs. It can be at the front or back of your house, growing among other trees to create a fence or you can grow it as a standalone as an accent tree.
15. Yew
Many trees make up this list, but you can add the Yew shrub if you prefer a low-growing hedge. It has dark green glossy leaves that nicely contrast with the dark berries, beautifying your home.
There are various cultivars to choose from, but the tallest reach 20 feet, but generally, the yew makes a low shrub.

(Image: BabelStone27)
For your safety, it helps to know the Red Berry Tree identification and poisonous bush with Red Berries identification. Otherwise, you may grow a toxic species that is fatal to pets and children.
5 Best Backyard Privacy Trees
Some homeowners pay more attention to the front yard, forgetting that the back also needs beautification. Fortunately, several tree species make excellent backyard trees.
Below are a handful of them.

(Image: Peka28)
16. Chinese Tallow
These Deciduous trees are excellent for the backyard thanks to their stunning rounded shape and the color shade changes through the seasons.8 They have a fast growth rate of over two feet annually and can reach 40 feet high.
Many plant them for shade and privacy screens in their backyards. However, they are unsuitable for planting near decks or house entrances because they drop many flowers, leaves, and fruits all year long.7
17. Weeping Willow
The Weeping Willow is one of the most dramatic trees in the wild. It is famous around the country for its interesting drooping shape.
Instead of growing outwards, its foliages and branches travel downwards. This makes a bold statement in your space.

(Image: Jeffrey Eisen29)
You can help it reach its maximum height of 70 feet when growing it in your home by providing moist conditions and growing them if you live in Zones 6-8.

(Image: Denise Davis30)
18. Red Maple
Maples are common landscaping trees in the US. The Red Maple is among the most famous, growing naturally in the northern USA.
It takes a vivid red color in fall, which spruces up your backyard. An impressive feature is its fast growth rate of two feet yearly.
It is also a top choice for those looking for a shading tree. When the conditions are perfect, and the region is in zones 3-9, the red maple can reach 100 feet high.
19. Cherry Blossom
Anyone will tell you how enchantingly beautiful the Cherry Blossom is. It has a unique feature with its bright white and pink flowers, which make it a must-have if you want a colorful backyard.

(Image: Jan Krnc31)
Consider growing it in zones 5-9 under full sunlight for the best results. The Cherry Blossom loves the sun and water; it can reach 20 feet tall under perfect care and maintenance and serve as a privacy and landscaping tree.

(Image: Miyuki Meinaka32)
20. Sky Pencil Holly
This slender tree must be on this list because it is a favorite for homeowners who want privacy screens but have tiny spaces in their backyards. It is usually a slim tree that maintains only a 2-foot width but reaches up to 10 feet tall.
This saves you a lot of space. It loves growing in zones 5-9 and easily and readily adapts to climatic changes; some owners even plant it in containers.
What Makes the Best Hedge for Privacy?
A good privacy hedge does more than fence around your home. The following is what you get by opting for a natural fence.
- Personalized landscaping: You can style your hedge however you want with trees. You can create any landscaping style, from Mediterranean, to rustic, based on your preference or understanding of tree symbolism.
- Windbreaking: If you want to protect yourself from the strong winds outside, the trees do the job perfectly. They also shade your home and create a cool environment which is vital during scorching summers.
- Noise reduction and cancellation: You can grow privacy trees if you live in a busy and noisy neighborhood. They will shelter you from the loud sounds of other activities, especially if they grow tall.3
- Soil erosion control: One of the trees’ best features is preventing soil erosion. Planting them around your home or farm will help hold the soil together, particularly if your area has problems with soil erosion.
- Improvement of curb appeal: One of the best ways to improve how your home looks is by growing trees around. Prospective home buyers will also offer more money.
When To Plant Privacy Trees for the Best Yield
There is no specific time to plant privacy trees because there are several factors to consider. Proper timing depends on where you live and the prevailing weather and climatic conditions.
For instance, the fall is ideal for those living in regions with short winters.
Spring and fall are the most-preferred planting times because the conditions and generally more conducive. You want to avoid the extreme heat in summer and the freezing cold in winter.
Fall works for most homeowners; the chill helps the plants focus its attention to developing roots and creating a steady growth pattern.
When the air gets warmer, the tree can then divert its attention to growing taller. The most important thing to remember is that you shouldn’t plant in winter.
The trees find it challenging to grow when the soil is frozen.
Growth and germination stops during that time, and in most cases, nothing happens even when the air warms up. No matter where you plant the trees, you have a higher success chance if the conditions are favorable.
What Are the Growing Zones for Privacy Trees? (Where To Grow Them)
One of the best ways to tell whether your tree will thrive is by checking its growing zone and whether it aligns with your region. The USDA zone mapping indicates the temperature needs of various tree species, allowing you to choose what works for your home.
The 13 zones can help you narrow down to the trees that will grow comfortably. Each tree has its suitable hardiness zone range and you, can pick one that matches your location.

(Image: Gustavo Zambelli33)
Fortunately, most species have a massive growth range and it is easy to find a species that will thrive.
You can check online for your tree’s hardiness zones while counter-checking with your region to ensure that it will be comfortable. If not, your preferred tree may struggle to grow in an extremely cold or hot region.
How To Care for Privacy Trees: What Are the Best Growing Conditions for Privacy Trees?
You may be lucky to land a low maintenance and hardy tree that can survive various harsh conditions. However, all trees are living things that need the best care to grow healthy and sturdy, particularly in their first years of life.
Below are the best growing conditions.
Full sunlight is the key ingredient to growing green and healthy trees. The sun helps you keep your privacy trees lush and appealing all year round.
You can check your specific tree’s sunlight needs before planting it.
Ask whether it requires full or partial sunlight because some discolor under extreme heat. Landscaping trees can grow discolored and vulnerable to diseases without the right lighting.
All plants, including desert species, need regular watering. It is necessary for their survival, particularly at the sapling stage, where they perform more physiological processes.6
Most homeowners follow a simple rule that the tree needs watering when the soil dries up. However, this depends on your species because some are more water hungry, while others are vulnerable to root rot.
The best bet is to plant privacy trees in well-draining soil. You want to avoid root rot and other pests and diseases that attack stressed trees.
It also helps to know your soil’s acidic level and add fertilizer if necessary to assist growth.
Generally, you should know the requirements of the particular species you are planting. Each tree has special needs and will thrive more if receiving specialized treatment.
Companion Plants for Growing Privacy Trees
If you have a green thumb and love experimenting with various companion trees, you will love that you can do the same with your privacy trees. Instead of planting a single species in a line, you can also grow complimentary trees that offer ornamental value.
You can grow vivid flowering species alongside plain evergreen trees for additional color or contrast. Other plants of different shades accentuate the trees to create beautiful patterns around your fence.
They also help each other by creating a sustainable micro-ecosystem.
Therefore, companion trees help improve the hedge’s aesthetic appeal while improving the development of the privacy trees. For instance, daylilies are a go-to for homeowners because they are easy to plant and care for and come in various colors to serve as accents to otherwise plain green trees.
Hydrangeas are also commonly grown in fences thanks to their climbing nature and how their striking flowers effortlessly pair with green. Lastly, you can go for roses to add color and fragrance to the fence.
They come in reddish and pinkish shades and have thorns, making them perfect for barricading your home.
What Are the Common Pests of the Privacy Trees?
Pests attack trees as they feed on their juicy sap, destroying the foliage and causing extreme fatalities. Some pests need particular treatment, and it is best to know what you are dealing with first to protect your plants.
It helps to look out for worms and caterpillars that love feeding on evergreen trees like firs and pines. They bore holes into the leaves and needles, defoliating the tree and if the attack is excessive, the plant gets weak and dies.

(Image: Lucy Mui34)
There are also boring insects that dig several holes into the tree. They also lay eggs, and their population keeps growing, making it more challenging to stop them.
These insects include aphids, beetles, lace bugs, spider mites, and many more.
Natural Pest Control for Privacy Trees
Insecticides are the best remedy for protecting trees from pests. However, if you are eco-conscious are avoid using chemicals on your trees, you can go for friendlier alternatives.
Natural options are kinder to people and the environment. Some farmers and homeowners use neem or vegetable oil mixed with water and soap.
They spray this mixture as a pesticide on the affected tree parts. Their working principle is to suffocate the insects, restrict egg development and starve off the adult insects.
You can also introduce predators of the pests attacking your trees. The insects will be eaten or flee for their lives.
It starts with identifying the infestation and checking the perfect natural predator to handle it.
How To Stop Privacy Trees Disease
Privacy trees are also vulnerable to plant diseases. Fungi, bacteria, and rotting ruin their aesthetics and endanger their lives.
In severe cases, you may have to cut down a tree to protect others which ruins your beautiful privacy hedge.
The following are some of the most common diseases and how to remedy them.
Canker Disease
The canker is one of the most infamous fungal diseases farmers and homeowners deal with. It infects willows, pines, firs, spruces, and any other tree you plant for landscaping.
It passes through the tree’s wounds, causing the systems to block, which can be fatal.5
- How To Stop Canker
One way to protect your privacy trees from this disease is to avoid mechanical injuries that expose them more. If you notice any signs, removing the infected parts immediately is best.
Blight is a common disease that usually affects evergreen trees. You will first detect it when the leaves discolor and the tree stops growing.
It is typical in stressed, wounded, or neglected trees.
- How To Stop Blight
You can protect your trees from this disease by caring better for them and providing water and sunlight. Additionally, you can remove the affected trees or plant parts to prevent spreading to other plants.
Applying fungicides regularly also helps control the spread.
Powdery Mildew
This fungal disease is quite common, and you can easily spot it. It leaves a white coating on the leaves, and the infected parts later discolor, dry, and drop.
You can expect it in shaded plants that are deprived of sunlight.
- How To Stop Mildew
The best way to prevent the attack is to grow your privacy plants under full sunlight, away from shading trees and buildings. You can also opt for blight-resistant trees that are easy to cure with fungicides.
Root Rot
It is one of the deadliest diseases to affect plants. Trees growing in poor-draining soils and those overwatered are usually more vulnerable.
The infected trees usually appear drought-stressed, shown by discolored leaves and defoliation.
- How To Stop Root Rot
First, when planting, ensure that the soil is well-draining and doesn’t stay water-logged for long. It also helps to avoid watering the plants, irrigating only when necessary.
What Are Privacy Trees?
Privacy trees grow tall fast, forming a fence around a property. They have densely growing leaves that grow close together, forming an impenetrable cover or living fence.
You can plant tall, short, deciduous, or evergreen trees based on your preference.
What Are the Qualities To Look For in Privacy Trees?
As a homeowner, you look for certain qualities in your privacy trees. The first on the checklist for many is that the species should be fast-growing, taking the shortest time possible to reach the height you desire.

(Image: Jaggery35)
For others, it means having a stunning evergreen tree cover throughout the year. Some also go for trees with striking flowers or those with edible fruits.
Are Privacy Trees Worth It?
If you are wondering whether growing privacy trees are worth the investment, time, and effort, know that it may be the best decision you make for your home. Many people opt for living fences because they are multipurpose, serving as protective covers and for landscaping.
They also help improve your curb appeal and increase your home’s value. However, privacy trees are only worthwhile if you pick a fast-growing species that is easy to care for and reaches the desired height.
While there are several fencing designs to choose from, none matches the trees’ beauty and elegance. If landscaping is important to you, you will have fun picking the perfect trees for your home, and there are countless species to choose from.
All homeowners prefer the fastest-growing species. However, others go for giant or dwarf versions based on the fence height they require.
You can also pick evergreen or deciduous trees. Living fences are the best options, especially since you can trim and shape them as you wish.
All the trees need is proper care and maintenance to help them grow strong and healthy. They will improve your curb appeal and increase your home value.
Out of the various privacy trees available, there are countless options to choose from based on your needs and preferences.
1Bieschke, R. (2023, March 20). 11 Best Trees for Privacy. Budget Dumpster. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from <https://www.budgetdumpster.com/blog/best-trees-for-privacy/>
2Crow, R., & Griffiths, M. (2022, July 29). Best trees for privacy – 15 ideas to screen your yard. Homes & Gardens. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from <https://www.homesandgardens.com/advice/best-trees-for-privacy-and-screening-in-a-backyard>
3Garrity, A. (2021, May 18). 10 Best Trees for Privacy – Fast-Growing Backyard Privacy Trees. Good Housekeeping. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from <https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/gardening/g36450088/best-trees-privacy/>
4How to Plant Privacy Trees – Plant Guide. (n.d.). Garden Goods Direct. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from <https://gardengoodsdirect.com/blogs/plant-guide/how-to-plant-privacy-trees>
5Miller, L. (2020, April 30). Top 10 Tree Diseases (and What You Can Do About Them). The Family Handyman. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from <https://www.familyhandyman.com/list/tree-diseases-and-what-to-do/>
6Privacy Trees: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know. (2019, May 30). Fast Growing Trees. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from <https://www.fast-growing-trees.com/pages/privacy-trees-guide>
713 of the Fastest-Growing Trees for a Privacy Screen in Your Yard. (2023, February 21). Better Homes & Gardens. Retrieved April 21, 2023, from <https://www.bhg.com/gardening/trees-shrubs-vines/trees/fast-growing-trees/>
8AquaPlant. (2023). How to Control Chinese Tallow (Popcorn Tree). AquaPlantA Diagnostics Tool for Pond Plants and Algae. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from <https://aquaplant.tamu.edu/management-options/tallowpopcorn-tree-non-native/>
9Bina, A. (2023). Italian Cypress. University of Redlands. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from <https://sites.redlands.edu/trees/species-accounts/italian-cypress/>
10Breen, P. (2023). Salix integra ‘Hakuro Nishiki’. Landscape Plants. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from <https://landscapeplants.oregonstate.edu/plants/salix-integra-hakuro-nishiki>
11Draper, E. (2017, May 10). Doggone Gorgeous Dogwoods! Buckeye Yard and Garden Online. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from <https://bygl.osu.edu/node/740>
12Falls Church Village Preservation and Improvement Society. (2006, February). Choosing The RIGHT TREE For Your Yard. Choosing The RIGHT TREE For Your Yard. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from <https://www.fallschurchva.gov/DocumentCenter/View/178/Choosing-the-Right-Tree-for-Your-Yard?bidId=>
13Cupressus leylandii 5 years old from cuttings, Ekoplant Photo by Gmihail / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 International (CC BY-SA 3.0) . Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2d/Cupressus_leylandii_5_years_old_from_cuttings%2C_Ekoplant.jpg>
14Thuja Green Giant 0zz Photo by David J. Stang / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/Thuja_Green_Giant_0zz.jpg>
152014-05-13 08 32 55 Eastern Red Cedar at South Riding Golf Club in South Riding, Virgini Photo by Famartin / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/2014-05-13_08_32_55_Eastern_Red_Cedar_at_South_Riding_Golf_Club_in_South_Riding%2C_Virginia.JPG>
16Cornus florida 16zz Photo by David J. Stang / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Common <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Cornus_florida_16zz.jpg>
17Salix integra Hakuro A Photo by Wouter Hagens. Wikimedia Commons, Retrieved from <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/Salix_integra_Hakuro_A.jpg>
18Bald cypress Taxodium distichum Photo by DoristheExplorist. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved from <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Bald_cypress_Taxodium_distichum.jpg>
19Picea pungens ‘Białobok’ Świerk kłujący 2021-05-26 01 Photo by Agnieszka Kwiecień / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Picea_pungens_%27Bia%C5%82obok%27_%C5%9Awierk_k%C5%82uj%C4%85cy_2021-05-26_01.jpg>
20Metasequoia glyptostroboides (MBG, 2011) Photo By James Steakley / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internantional (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/28/Metasequoia_glyptostroboides_%28MBG%2C_2011%29.jpg>
21Starr 050711-2672 Cupressus sempervirens Photo by Forest & Kim Starr / Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/Starr_050711-2672_Cupressus_sempervirens.jpg>
22Pinus strobus Acadia 0352 Photo by Harvey Barrison / Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/Pinus_strobus_Acadia_0352.jpg>
23sarangib. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/forest-deodar-cedar-flora-mountain-7369622/>
24Douglas Fir Photo by Crusier / Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/Pseudotsuga_menziesii_hig.JPG>
25Picea abies – Transylvania – 1 Photo by DenesFeri / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internantional (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Picea_abies_-_Transylvania_-_1.jpg>
26Juniperus chinensis 01 Photo by Pescov / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) . Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Juniperus_chinensis_01.JPG>
27Yew tree at Waverley Abbey Photo by BabelStone / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internantional (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6e/Yew_tree_at_Waverley_Abbey.jpg>
28Autumn Triadica sebifera trees by a river in Saga Photo by Peka / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internantional (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0a/Autumn_Triadica_sebifera_trees_by_a_river_in_Saga.jpg>
29Jeffrey Eisen. Unsplash. Retrieved from <https://unsplash.com/photos/qCec_zoGeck>
30Red Maple Leaves image. Provided by Denise Davis
31pink-leafed-trees-on-green-grass-field-1043458 Photo by Jan Krnc. Pexels. Retrieved from <https://www.pexels.com/photo/pink-leafed-trees-on-green-grass-field-1043458/>
32Ilex crenata of Eigan-ji Photo by Miyuki Meinaka / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internantional (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Ilex_crenata_of_Eigan-ji.jpg>
33Gustavo Zambelli. Unsplash. Retrieved from <https://unsplash.com/photos/nEvzSXBIhiU>
34Lucy Mui. Unsplash. Retrieved from <https://unsplash.com/photos/YwC4Xk1FsAo>
35Tree-lined privacy, Devon Place, Newport by Jaggery / Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/Tree-lined_privacy%2C_Devon_Place%2C_Newport_-_geograph.org.uk_-_2026714.jpg>