Are you considering planting a pear tree is your yard? Great choice!
Birds, bees, and your family will be thrilled, and there are many types of Pear trees to consider.
This juicy fruit tree may have some closely related family members who are considered invasive, but the Pyrus communis Pear Tree is a fruit bearing blessing to many backyards.
Non-invasive Pear Trees are air purifiers. The oxygen produced by a pair of your Pear Trees will allow you and your neighbors to breathe better and sequester carbon while providing delicious fruits to eat, can or jelly.
Decreasing your family’s carbon footprint and adding Vitamin C and fiber to your diet is a great way to help reduce your overall household carbon footprint.
In fact, fruitful Pear trees provide all sorts of benefits.
This complete guide explains everything you need to know about planting, growing and harvesting from a Pear tree, as well as how to identify pear trees growing in the wild.
Pear, Common Pear, and European Pear
(Pyrus communis)

- Family: Rosaceae
- Genus: Pyrus
- Leaf: Oval-shaped and glossy green
- Bark: Light gray as a young tree and turns light brown
- Seed: Small black seed
- Blossoms: White, yellow, or gold flowers
- Fruit: Pear
- Native Habitat: Europe and Western Asia
- Height: 40-50 Feet
- Canopy: Up to 40 feet wide and round
- Type: Deciduous
- Native Growing Zone: USDA Zones 4-9
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Ranking
Least Concern
Image Credit: Muzamil Iqbal (MuzamilIqbal)26
Pear Tree Facts
There are over 3,000 varieties of Pear Trees in the Rosaceae family.9 But one of the interesting Pear Tree facts is it’s part of the pome fruit group.
Delicious fleshy fruit with a middle filled with a minimum of 5 seeds is what makes the pome fruit unique.
Did you know that not only Pear Trees, but Apple Trees are also pome and a part Rosaceae family?
Besides being an ancient fruit that is older than the apple, the Pear Tree may be considered to be one of the easier fruit trees to plant and care for.
Many fruit-bearing trees fall ripe to the ground, but pears do not.
What to do with Pear Tree once it bears fruit? The best thing to do is to eat it.
You must pick the pear off your Pear Tree before it’s fully ripe to ensure it doesn’t turn into a mushy mess.
The Pear Tree facts below will give you a better understanding of the beauty of this deciduous tree:
Pear Tree Leaves
The Pear Tree leaves are glossy green in spring and summer. In the autumn season, the leaves turn red or yellow depending on the pear tree variety.
Pear trees are deciduous and will not bear leaves in the winter.
Pear Tree Flower
The Pear Tree flower is usually white and is considered a hermaphrodite plant. This fruit tree has male and female plant organs on each flower.
A hermaphrodite Pear Tree needs cross-pollination to bear fruit.
Flowering Pear Tree and Pear Tree Blossom
The flowering Pear Tree and Pear Tree blossom show their beauty in spring. Several fruitless Pear Tree varieties, such as Pyrus calleryana, also known as the Callery Pear Tree, can be mistaken for a Cherry Blossom Tree.
The large Pear Tree blossom that many admire has tiny fruits. Although the ornamental Pear Tree does not bear lethal fruit, it’s bitter and is often eaten by birds.
Pear Tree Seeds
When you cut open a pear, you will see five valves. Each valve will have small black seeds inside.
The seed amount varies but can have up to five seeds in each valve.
Pear Tree Symbolism
The Pear Tree symbolism represents femininity, reproducing in abundance, and children.
Longevity and good health are also synonymous with Pear Tree symbolism.
How To Identify Pear Tree
The Pyrus communis and Pyrus pyrifolia are the desirable fruitful Pear trees.10 The Rosaceae trees are identifiable before the pears harvest in the fall.
The shiny green oval leaves with clustered white flowers in spring are a welcome seasonal favorite.
After planting for a minimum of three years, the Pear fruit is very identifiable.
But, how to identify Pear Tree in the Pyrus communis species? It is through its teardrop shape.
The Pyrus pyrifolia or the Apple Pear from China and Japan actually looks like an apple.
Avoid the Bradford Pear Tree (Callery Pear Trees)
From hero to villain, the Bradford Pear Tree, also known as the Callery Pear Trees,11 was once adored by millions of Americans.
This ornamental Pear Tree was aligned on many roads and neighborhood streets, with dwarf and standard sizes like the Weeping Cherry Tree.
But before the Bradford Pear Tree was later planted by the thousands in the 1960s, it was hailed a hero Pear Tree for making its voyage from China in the early 1900s to help fight the fire blight that was destroying Pear Tree orchards in the Pacific Northwest.
The Rosaceae cultivation of the Pyrus calleryana (Bradford Pear Tree) and the Pyrus communis (Common Pear Tree) was the solution.
However, after over 25 years of several spring blooms and fruit, the Callery Pear Tree was deemed uncontrollable and invasive (they grow quickly).
According to Harvard University,1 if a neighbor decides to plant an Aristocrat Pear Tree and a Bradford Pear Tree within a mile range, this will cause cross-pollination.
This happens with the help of birds dropping the seeds after feeding. The Callery Pear Tree will begin to cross-pollinate with other species, germinate, and grow even without assistance.
And with the Bradford Pear Tree lacking biodiversity, states such as Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania are banning the Callery Pear Tree.2
Check with your local nursery or College extension to ask questions and if it’s recommended you avoid the Bradford (Callery Pear Tree).
Types of Pear Trees Alternatives to Bradford Pear Trees
Adding a Pear Tree to your backyard oasis seems easy enough, but which types of trees are best for your yard size and design?
Bradford Pear Trees may not have been banned in your state, but being knowledgeable about your options helps you have clarity in your decision.
Sizes of Pear Tree: Dwarf Pear Tree vs. Standard Pear Trees
Pear Trees can grow as tall as 50 feet. The Pear Tree blossom can grow beautifully in spring with a canopy as wide as 30 feet.
Dwarf Pear Trees vs. standard Pear Trees are determined if you need a variety of types of trees between 8 and 12 feet.
The dwarf Pear Tree can comfortably stay small in sizes up to 10 feet. Semi-Dwarf Pear Trees are determined to be 10-15 feet tall.
Standard Pear Trees are estimated to be over 15 feet. Typically a minimum of 20 feet is the standard Pear Tree height.
20 Pear Tree Types To Grow in a Home Backyard
One of the 20 Pear Tree types to grow in a home backyard is the European Pear; often simply called a pear or Common Pear, it is the primary cultivator in the United States.
Most European pear varieties come from France and are also grafted with pears from the Pyrus pyrifolia species originating from China and Japan.
Here are some Pear varieties in the Pyrus communis to add to your small backyard Pear Tree oasis:
1. Ayer Pear Tree
The blushing red-yellow pear is sweet-flavored and called Ayer Pear Tree. This self-pollinating Pear Tree is often teamed up with a Barlette (Williams Pear Tree) for cross-pollination.
2. Baldwin Pear Tree
A yellow Baldwin Pear can turn light green with red spots. This fruit variety is not as hard as other pear varieties, but it’s sweet in taste.
The Baldwin Pear Tree is often cross-pollinated with the Bartlett, Hood, and Kiefer Pear Trees.
3. Barlett Pear Tree (Williams Pear Tree)
The Barlett Pear Tree, also known as the Williams Pear, is a popular cross-pollinator. This yellow Pear is often chosen to be grown as a dwarf Pear Tree.
The Barlett Pear is not drought resistant.

(Image: Rhododendrites12)

(Image: Scott Bauer13)
4. Blake’s Pride Pear Tree
If you have room in your landscaping design for a 20-foot Pear Tree, the Blake’s Pride Pear Tree is an option. This tannish yellow pear is often cross-pollinated with the red Pear D’Anjou, Seckel Pear, and the popular Barlett Pear Tree.
5. Bosc Pear Tree
The Bosc Pear Tree grows a unique Pear. This pear flavor is often compared to cinnamon, nutmeg, or honey. The Bosc Pear is bronze or cinnamon in color.
This Pear variety can be cross-pollinated with the Comice Pear and D’Anjou.

(Image: MarkusHagenlocher14)

(Image: Helge Klaus Rieder15)
6. Clapp’s Favorite Pear Tree
The Clapp’s Favorite Pear Tree has yellow with red blush pear fruit. It is also referred to as “Red Clapp’s Favorite”.
This Pear Tree can be cross-pollinated with the Red Pear (D’ Anjou) Pear Tree, Seckel Pear Tree, and other Pear varieties.
7. Comice Pear Tree
The Comice Pear Tree is a dwarf Pear Tree favorite. If you ever received a fruit basket for Christmas, the Comice Pear was probably one of the featured fruits.
Though often referred to as the Christmas Pear, this yellowish-green pear can be enjoyed all year long.
The Bosc Pear and D’Anjou are great cross-pollinator options to grow the Comice Pear Tree.

(Image: Snoop16)

(Image: [email protected]17)
8. Concorde Pear Tree
The Concorde Pear Tree is a smaller plant species. This dwarf tree is great for a compact backyard.
Although the Concorde Pear Tree is considered a self-pollinator, it will grow a large harvest if cross-pollinated.
The Concorde Pear Tree can be cross-pollinated with Bosc Pear Trees and the Moonglow Pear Tree.
9. Conference Pear Tree
The Conference Pear Tree is a yellow pear with a thin physique. It can be cooked or eaten from the palm of your hand.
The Conference Pear Tree is a self-pollinator. However, cross-pollination can be successful with several pear varieties, including the Gorham Pear Tree and the Moonglow Pear Tree.

(Image: Glysiak18)
10. Gorham Pear Tree
The Gorham Pear Tree is a brownish-green Pear. With a unique cone shape, the Gorham Pear can be cross-pollinated with the Concorde and Moonglow Pear Tree.
11. Hood Pear Tree
The Hood Pear Tree is a hybrid tree joined by the Pyrus communis and Pyrus pyrifolia species. This yellowish-green pear is a crowd-pleasing choice.
The Hood Pear Tree can be cross-pollinated with a Baldwin and Pineapple Pear Tree.

(Image: Forest and Kim Starr19)
12. Kieffer Pear Tree
The Kieffer Pear Tree is a hybrid tree. The Pyrus communis and Pyrus pyrifolla created the Kiefer Pear Tree.
It can grow in various locations and as a dwarf Pear Tree if you choose.
According to North Carolina State University,3 the Kiefer Pear Tree is not only drought resistant, but it can also withstand flooding. The Kiefer Pear Tree can cross-pollinate with the Baldwin, Summercrips, or Barlett Pear Tree.
13. Pineapple Pear Tree
The Pineapple Pear is a favorite for many pear lovers. Because of its very similar taste to the Pineapple, many enjoy this yellow Pear in fresh salads.
It’s also a hybrid Pear made from the Pyrus communis and Pyrus pyrifolia species.
The Pineapple Pear Tree can be cross-pollinated with the Hood Pear Tree and Baldwin Pear Tree.

(Image: Forest and Kim Starr20)
14.Red Pear (D’ Anjou)
The Red Pear (D’ Anjou) is a Pear Tree that can grow almost anywhere. Also called Beurre D’ Anjou, the Beurre is French for “Butter”.
The buttery taste is a favorite for many smoothies and salads.
The Red Pear (D’Ajou) can be cross-pollinated with the Comice, Bosc, and Barlett Pear Trees.
15. Seckel Pear Tree
The Seckel Pear Tree can get as tall as 20 feet. However, the size of the pears it will bear is the smallest yet one of the sweetest.
The Seckel Pear Tree can cross-pollinate with Bosc, D’Anjou, and Comice Pear Trees.

(Image: Forest & Kim Starr21)
16. Summercrisp Pear Tree
A summer fruit to enjoy is the crisp Summercrisp Pear Tree. This red blush pear can cross-pollinate with the Kiefer, Bosc, and Barlett Pear Trees.
17. Sunrise Pear Tree
The yellow and red blush Pear is a popular dessert ear. The Sunrise Pear Tree can be cross-pollinated with Blake’s Pride Pear Tree, Seckel Pear, and Barlett Pear Tree.
The Pyrus pyrifolia Pear Tree species come from several types of trees originating from Asia. However, the Pyrus pyrifolia Pear Trees below are great options to consider.

(Image: Teodor Buhl22)
18. Apple Pear Tree: Asian Pear Tree and Chinese Pear Tree
Unlike the European common Pear, the ripening process stops as soon as you remove it from the Apple Pear Tree.
They are also known as the Asian Pear Tree and Chinese Pear Tree. Pear lovers may also refer to the Apple Pear Tree as the Japanese Pear Tree.
Several Pear Trees can cross-pollinate with the Apple Pear Tree, such as the Bartlett Pear Tree.
The following is in the Pyrus calleryana family. The below Callery Pear Tree is considered an invasive Pear Tree.
Check with your local nursery or college extension before planting.
19. Autumn Blaze Pear Tree
A Pear variety that seems to do well in small backyard orchards. The Autumn Blaze Pear Tree is known for its fiery red leaves in fall and is fruitless.
This type of tree is for designing your backyard entryways or aligning your driveway. It’s unique with its thorns and ornamental Pear Tree beauty.
The Autumn Blaze Pear Tree is not the only fruitless Pear Tree that is showy.

(Image: cultivar41323)
20. Evergreen Pear Tree
The Pyrus kawakamii species is a popular ornamental Pear Tree that can add to your landscaping design.
The Evergreen Pear Tree is admired for its spring beauty and is a pure ornamental Pear Tree.
The Evergreen Pear Tree has tiny fruits. Its small inedible fruits are for the environment, such as birds.
Pear Tree Growing Zone
Envisioning where your new Pear Trees should be planted is an important step. But growing zones for Pear Tree (where to grow) is the next step.
The Pear Tree growing zone is USDA Hardiness Zones 4-9.
However, some Pear Tree varieties are very versatile in where they can grow. According to Old Farmer’s Almanac, the Pear Tree growing zone can include Zones 3 and 10.4
You may have two or three Pear Tree varieties from the above 20 Pear Tree types that would look great in your home backyard.
But knowing the best types of trees in the Pyrus communis family that will thrive in your growing zone is essential.
Checking with your local nursery or College extension before purchasing Pear Tree rootstock or planting a seed is a good idea.
You can also research the U.S. Department of Agriculture website to review the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map.5
Pear Tree Growth Rate
The Pear Tree growth rate can vary in the quality of soil and care. However, the Pear Tree can grow moderately fast, with 3-5 feet per year.
The training of the Pear Tree starts in the first year. If you desire a dwarf Pear Tree, a pruning and trimming routine is necessary.
How long it takes to grow Pear Tree varies on the types of trees in the Pyrus communis and Pyrus callery species.
However, some Pear Tree varieties may bear fruit beginning in the third year.
As reported by the University of Minnesota,6 it would not be unusual for a healthy and thriving Pear Tree to harvest fruit in 3-10 years and bloom beautiful white flowers for the spring during these maturing years.
How Big Does an Ornamental Pear Tree Grow?
Ornamental Pear Trees like the Autumn Blaze Pear Tree and Evergreen Pear Tree can grow up to 30 feet tall. The Bradford Pear Tree that has been deemed invasive can grow bigger at 60 feet.
How big does an ornamental Pear Tree grow is dependent on the care and pear variety.
However, the average size of Pear Trees grows up to 20 feet. Delicious fruits that happen to come from ornamental trees provide the best benefits.
Choosing specific types of trees such as the Pear Tree, Cherry Tree, and Peach Trees are often grown for the beauty of their spring blossoms and sweet fruit. But before you consider growing a Peach Tree or learning how to grow a Cherry Tree from seed, start with the Pear Tree.
How To Plant and Grow a Pear Tree
Pear Tree planting can be a gratifying experience. But how to plant and grow a Pear Tree starts with your location.
The best growing conditions for Pear Trees rely on the quality of the soil and growing zone.
The Pear Tree provides your home garden with several options of Pear Trees and dwarf Pear Trees to fit in compact yards. Here are some ways to grow your Pear Tree:
Growing a Pear Tree From a Seed
If you decide to have a certain pear variety, growing a Pear Tree from a seed is not the best option. It is unlikely that you will grow the same species as the Pineapple Pear or Red Pear (D A’jou) when you take their seeds.
But if you enjoy surprises, you can grow a Pear Tree from seed by doing the following:
- Accumulate several Pear seeds between December and February
- Sanitize seeds by soaking seeds in 1 tsp of bleach in warm water for 15 min
- Place 3-4 Pear seeds into a poly plant bag or sandwich bag with peat moss
- Place the poly bag into your refrigerator crisper for 3-4 months (stratification process which mimics winter conditions so the seed will germinate).
Sanitizing your seeds will help prevent growing fungi and other diseases from the seeds accumulated.
During the germination process, which may take up to four months, check the peat moss weekly to ensure it has moisture. After germination, stratification begins with the seeds that have not grown any roots.
The Pear Tree seeds can now soak in warm water for up to 48 hours.
After stratification, place one seed in its own container or planting pot that supports a well-drained potting soil. These potted, soon-to-be young Pear Trees must be placed in full sun.
Your plant is ready for replanting in your home backyard garden when you notice leaves. Replanting may take up to a year.
Be sure to keep the soil moist. It’s recommended to water once a week or when needed according to the soil’s lack of moisture.
Note that collecting Pear seeds is acceptable, but purchasing Pear seeds from your local hardware store nursery department can also do the trick. And you can always get the best recommendation of Pear Tree variety for your soil type and location from a trusted university extension.
Growing a Pear Tree From a Cutting
Similar to growing a pear from seed, choosing several viable Pear Tree cuttings is recommended. Do the following steps for growing a Pear Tree from a cutting:
- Prepare your gallon container with vermiculite and perlite
- Place the bark of the pear cutting in the water
- Make sure to plant 3-4 cuttings per gallon container
Make sure to plant healthy Pear cuttings. If you bought the hardwood Pear cuttings, you won’t have to worry about the cut itself.
If you do it yourself, the cuttings should be cut from a green branch with tons of growth nodes on the stem. The branch should have a diameter of at least one-quarter to one-third.

(Image: David J. Stang24)
Depending on whether the tree is a dwarf Pear Tree or standard size, the cutting should be cut at a 45-degree angle below a leaf node. Growing a Pear Tree from a cutting sounds easy, but having a trusted nursery walk you through the process is recommended.
Growing a Pear Tree From a Seedling
Deciding not to go through the germination process, cuttings, or grafting to grow your Pear Tree orchard is understandable.
Many may consider growing a Pear Tree quite easy compared to other types of trees, but growing a Pear Tree from a seedling helps save you time.
To ensure the successful planting of a Pear Tree from a seedling or bare root from a trusted nursery, it should have strong roots and be 4-5 feet tall.
Placing your new pear tree seedling from the container into the soil in your backyard requires preparation.
Tilling the soil and removing perennial weeds before planting is recommended to help the Pear Tree not have to compete with invasive shrubs according to the University of New Hampshire.7
When to plant is dependent on your location and when the last frost has ended. However, planting a Pear Tree seedling or bare root in the ground is usually in early spring and no later than May.
Planting Tips for Pear Tree
Verifying which two Pear Trees you should plant in your soon-to-be small Pear Tree orchard is necessary.
Planting tips for Pear Tree to ensure a thriving orchard are suggested below:
- Chill hours are a minimum of 200 hours depending on Pear varieties
- Check your soil pH with a pH test kit
- Plant in a well-drained clay or loamy soil
- Place Pear Tree container or seed in full daily sun
- Water 1-2 times a week dependent on soil type
Warmer climates require fewer chill hours to help prepare for thriving budding and future pear harvest for the following fall and cooler climates require more chill hours.
However, the dormant season in the winter prepares the future harvest best at 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
The pH for the best soil can be 6.0-8.0, dependent on the Pear variant and location. Placing your Pear seed, seedling, cutting, or bare root in up to two inches of soil is recommended.
When To Plant Pear Tree for the Best Yield
When to plant your Pear Tree is determined by your pear cultivar. Some Pear Trees can be planted all year round.
However, planting a pear tree in late winter or early spring is recommended.
Pear Tree Pruning
Proper Pear Tree pruning will help develop a strong root system and thriving fruit in the future.
Choosing a one-year-old young Pear Tree from a nursery will help curve the need to prune heavily.
How To Prune Pear Tree
To avoid delayed fruit production on fruit-bearing Pear trees or young ornamental Pear Trees not receiving enough sunlight, eliminating an entire large branch ensures no structural or fruiting problems.
Making sure branches are vertical from the leader or trunk at approximately a 65-75 degrees angle helps your Pear Tree bear a large harvest of fruity.
When To Prune a Pear Tree
Training the leader of the Pear Tree, along with using a stake to help grow a strong root system, helps the following two years establish a pruning schedule only in the winter dormant months or early spring.
Pear Tree Diseases and Pear Tree Disease Prevention
The Fire Blight Pear Tree disease can turn into an undesirable sight, rapidly spreading like wildfire and damaging various parts of a tree. Pear Trees and other plants are in jeopardy of once getting the Fire Blight.
But there are a few more diseases to look out for, such as the following:
- Sooty Blotch
- Pear scab
- Fabraea leaf spot/black spot
How to stop Pear Tree disease can start with planting disease-resistant Pear trees. The Kiefer and Seckel Pear Trees are known to be fire-blight-resistant Pear Trees.
The Autumn Blaze is moderately fire-blight resistant, as reported by the University of Missouri.8
To prevent seeing burned-looking branches and shoots, prune your Pear Tree. Remove any fire-blight-affected twigs or leaves away from your small Pear Tree orchard.
Inspecting your young Pear Tree home orchard weekly will allow you to remove any diseased foliage.
Whether it’s Sooty Blotch, Pear Scab, or Fabraea Leaf Spot, pruning away dead or damaged foliage is the foundation of Pear Tree disease prevention.
For the removal of infected branches, a cut should be made 8 to 12 inches below the infected shoot or canker. Be sure to clean your pruning tools before touching a new branch with rubbing alcohol to avoid spreading diseases to your other trees.
Common Pests of the Pear Tree
There are several common pests of the Pear Tree that can be prevented with the help of disease and pest management routines. A healthy Pear Tree that has quality maintenance will not have the following:
- Codling Moth
- Pear Sawfly
- Pear psylla
- Root Weevils
- Spider Mites
Natural pest control for Pear Trees is a copper spray that is Organic Material Review Listed (OMRI). Spraying your Pear Tree with Neem oil is also a natural pest control.
Pear Tree Care
After your Pear Tree cultivars have been chosen or planted, do you have a care plan? Having a care for Pear Trees plan should be established to almost guarantee your home orchard lasts for generations.
The below care for Pear Trees plan is some basic maintenance you can add to your Pear Tree management routine:
Care for Pear Trees Plan
- Fertilizing Pear Trees before July
- Removing weeds
- Not overwatering
- Watering young Pear Trees 1-2 times a week
- Pruning and training young Pear Trees
For Pear Trees younger than 3 years, check with your local nursery to ensure you know which fertilizer is best for your region, because some will recommend no nitrogen fertilizer for young Pear Trees.

(Image: NickyPe25)
Pear varieties may require fertilizer in early spring or when buds appear in late spring or early summer.
Watering needs for Pear Tree plants are dependent on the humidity and weather conditions. However, a young tree may need a minimum of 2 gallons a week.
Additionally, mature Pear Trees may not need as much pruning. But newly planted Pear Trees must be trained, and a central leader should be selected.
A pruning and training routine is especially important for Pear Trees that will remain dwarf Pear Trees.
How Much Carbon Does Pear Tree Sequester?
As mentioned above, your newly planted Pear Trees may sequester an estimated 48 pounds of carbon emissions per year.
Just the planting of a new Pear Tree has started you on an eco-friendly journey of purifying the air and being part of the solution to global warming.
To do more, you can reduce your paper use, ride bikes to local places instead of your car, and use a carbon emissions calculator to see where you and your family can reduce greenhouse gasses within your control.
But remember, your Pear Trees are pulling the greenhouse emissions out of the air (atmosphere) and sequestering them in their bark, leaves, branches, and soil.
By planting your own dwarf Pear Tree, you can help nature reduce water vapors, nitrous oxide, and provide sustenance for local wildlife, as well as for yourself.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pear Tree
How Much Sunlight Does Pear Tree Need Each Day?
Your Pear Tree needs a full day of sun at approximately 6-8 hours daily.
What Is the Best Distance To Consider How Far Apart To Plant Pear Tree?
The canopy of your Pear Tree will need room to grow, so a distance of 15-20 feet apart from each Pear cultivar will be beneficial.
What Are the Best Months To Consider When To Pick a Pear?
The good times to pick pears are from mid-September to October.
How Long Do Pears Last?
Pears can last in your refrigerator for up to 5 days.
Should I Plant an Asian Pear Tree or a Common Pear Tree?
If you plan to plant two types of Pear Trees, choosing an Asian Pear tree and a common Pear tree might be a perfect match for cross-pollination.
What Are the Best Companion Plants for Growing Pear Tree?
Planting leeks and onions is a great vegetable companion for Pear Trees, because they help repel codling moths. Legumes, sunflowers, and several other plants are great companions, too.
1Culley, T. M. (2017, February 18). The Rise and Fall of the Ornamental Callery Pear Tree. Arnold Arboretum. Retrieved July 2, 2023, from <https://arboretum.harvard.edu/stories/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-ornamental-callery-pear-tree/>
2McEwan, R. W. (2023, March 8). States are banning this invasive Callery pear tree and urging homeowners to cut it down. Phys.org. Retrieved July 2, 2023, from <https://phys.org/news/2023-03-states-invasive-callery-pear-tree.html>
3North Carolina State University. (2023). Pyrus communis ‘Kieffer’ (Kieffer Pear) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Retrieved July 2, 2023, from <https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/pyrus-communis-kieffer/>
4Old Farmer’s Almanac. (2022, May 4). Pears: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Pears. The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from <https://www.almanac.com/plant/pears>
5The U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2023). USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from <https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/>
6Hoover, E. E., Tepe, E. S., & Foulk, D. (2018). Growing pears in the home garden | UMN Extension. University of Minnesota Extension. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from <https://extension.umn.edu/fruit/growing-pears>
7Sideman, B. (2023). Growing Fruits: Growing Pears in the Home Orchard [fact sheet]. UNH Extension. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from <https://extension.unh.edu/resource/growing-fruits-growing-pears-home-orchard-fact-sheet>
8Warmund, M. (2023). Fire Blight | MU Extension. University of Missouri Extension. Retrieved July 4, 2023, from <https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/g6020>
9Wikipedia. (2023, June 16). Rosaceae. Wikipedia. Retrieved July 28, 2023, from <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosaceae>
10North Carolina State University. (2023). Pyrus pyrifolia (Apple Pear, Asian Pear, Chinese Pear, Chinese Sand Pear) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Retrieved July 28, 2023, from <https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/pyrus-pyrifolia/>
11North Carolina State University. (2023). Pyrus calleryana (Bradford Pear, Callery ‘Bradford’ Pear, Callery Pear) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Retrieved July 28, 2023, from <https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/pyrus-calleryana/>
12Red Bartlett pear Photo by Rhododendrites / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Red_Bartlett_pear.jpg>
13Blake’s Pride pears Photo by Scott Bauer for the USDA / Public Domain. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from <https://www.ars.usda.gov/oc/images/photos/jul99/k8494-1/>
14Pyrus Boscs Photo by MarkusHagenlocher / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pyrus_Boscs.jpg>
15Clapps Liebling Birne Freilichtmuseum Roscheider Hof Frucht H16 Photo by Helge Klaus Rieder / CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clapps_Liebling_Birne_Freilichtmuseum_Roscheider_Hof_Frucht_H16.jpg>
16Comice Photo by Snoop / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Comice.JPG>
17BirneConcorde139 Photo by [email protected] / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BirneConcorde139.JPG>
18Conference pear Photo by Glysiak / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Conference_pear.jpg>
19Pyrus communis (Common pear, European pear) Photo by Forest and Kim Starr / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0). Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://flic.kr/p/2nTpNuN>
20D Anjou Red fruit at Hawea Pl Olinda, Maui, Hawaii Photo by Forest and Kim Starr / Attribution 3.0 United States (CC BY 3.0 US). Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://flic.kr/p/DTMgXP>
21Seckel fruit at Hawea Pl Olinda, Maui, Hawaii Photo by Forest & Kim Starr / Attribution 3.0 United States (CC BY 3.0 US). Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://flic.kr/p/DuTarc>
22Photo by Teodor Buhl. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/asian-pear-pear-fruit-japanese-pear-5577395/>
23San Diego Balboa Park – Plaza de Panama, Pyrus kawakamii Ornamental Pear, Border Crossing by Luis Jiménez, 1989 Photo by cultivar413 / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0). Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://flic.kr/p/2i53T3W>
24Pyrus communis Bartlett 0zz Photo by David J. Stang / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pyrus_communis_Bartlett_0zz.jpg>
25Photo by NickyPe. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/pear-fruit-tree-food-healthy-5726303/>
26Fruit, Tree, Pear Photo by Muzamil Iqbal (MuzamilIqbal). (2018, July 5) / Pixabay Content License. Cropped and added text, shape, and background elements. Pixabay. Retrieved June 23, 2023, from <https://pixabay.com/photos/fruit-tree-pear-healthy-red-3519522/>