Trees are crucial living components and help balance the ecosystem, explaining why experts work tirelessly to discover how many tree species are there.
Because the answer is a lot…a whole lot. And, new species are being identified all the time.
Thanks to technological advancements in the research world, scientists can now provide a pretty good estimate of how many tree species are there on the planet and how many trees are in the world.
This guide outlines 60 of the most common tree species and explains how experts determine how many tree species there are and the types of trees in any given location.
How Many Tree Species Are There?
The last decades have seen impressive tech advancements in research, and now scientists can use systems like satellites to enhance their studies of living organisms. There are more professionals conducting studies and using more resources.
The rough estimate of all the tree species in the world currently stands at 65,065, distributed in all countries worldwide.4 Other research papers also estimate that the number may be as high as 73,000, but more work is necessary to update this information.
You can find various updated databases listing all the accounted-for tree species. However, one challenge to overcome is that scientists are yet to identify all the species in the world, and the tally may be higher than the recorded 65,065.
Identifying the different types of trees in the world would help reforestation activities as advocates would have a better idea of the type of trees to plant that would help the ecosystem in a specific area.
How Many Types of Trees Are There? 4 Main Tree Types
Trees globally fall into four categories: deciduous, evergreen, angiosperms, and gymnosperms.
Deciduous Trees
Because of its climate, the U.S. has different types of deciduous trees, including maple, oak, and elm. They lose their leaves yearly to retain their food and water supply through harsh conditions like winter.
Most have massive leaves to facilitate photosynthesis, and shedding them relieves the plant of the expensive water loss in readiness for winter. Still, they grow back when the conditions are more favorable.
Evergreen Trees
Unlike deciduous trees, evergreens stay intact all year round, although new leaves grow in place of the old ones.
Most of them live in tropical rainforests, and the country’s common types of evergreen trees include the hemlock, eucalyptus, and cycads.
Fruit trees like apple and mango trees are angiosperms that grow flowers that develop into fruit with seeds.
The flowers are their reproductive systems, and the plants rely on animals to reproduce.
These tree species don’t have flowers, but their seeds are open for pollination by wind. They are typically softwood plants with seeds growing on cones or leaves.5
The most common gymnosperms include the pine and fir tree varieties.
How Many Species of Trees Are There?
There are more than 65,000 tree species on the planet, and scientists are yet to discover thousands more. The following are some popular types of trees with pictures and identifying features to give you a clear picture of the diversity of plants.
Types of Palm Trees
You may wonder how many types of palm trees are there. There are 2,600 varieties on the planet and the following are some of the popular types of palm trees.
1. Coconut Palm
This famous tree dates back to the prehistoric era and is easily distinguished by the coconut fruits on its branches when mature. There are valuable trees as the coconuts are food and ingredients in manufacturing other items.
2. Date Palm
This magnificent tree is native to Africa and the Middle East, and like the coconut tree, it is also known for its fruits (dates). It is an ancient plant that grows in tropical climates and remains a key revenue source for economies worldwide.
3. Foxtail Palm
The foxtail is native to parts of Australia, and people started growing it in various parts of the world in the 70s. Although it has battled seed harvesting and other challenges, it is undeniably one of the most famous ornamental palm tree species.
4. European Fan Palm
The fan palm means that the species has broad, flat, fan-like leaves, and out of other similar species, the European fan is the most valued for its resilience and majestic look; it can grow in temperate climates and survive drought and can reach over 20 feet.
5. Pindo Palm
The Pindo is renowned for its ornamental properties, featuring a thick trunk and long feathered leaves. It is a Brazil-native plant though it thrives in the south US and the Mediterranean. However, they grow quite slowly and only rarely reach 100 ft.
Types of Pine Trees
There are around 115 types of pine trees in the world, native to the Northern part of the planet. They thrive in subtropical or temperate climatic regions and are for timber or decoration.
6. Canary Island Pine
This enormous sturdy tree native to Spain does well in various soil types and is famous for its scented lumber. It gradually grows to form a parasol-like cover at the top and features three needles in a bundle.
7. Foxtail Pine
The foxtail is native to California and reaches 20-50 ft in height. It is common in the Sierra Mountains and is a beautiful tree if you stumble on it in its natural habitat, given that it is rarely grown for landscaping.
8. Jack Pine
Native to Canada and northern parts of the United States, the Jack Pine is adaptable to poor soils, and farmers plant it as a windbreak for their crops. It is also called the gray pine and is typically elongated and slim with two needles in pairs and curved cones.
9. Pitch Pine
This coniferous tree is common in the North Eastern US and often grows in regions unfavorable for other trees. It has a reddish-brown bark that turns darker the more it grows, and one of its best qualities is that it is fire-resistant.
10. Red Pine
This evergreen tree typically grows in the UK, the US, and other European regions, preferably in sandy soils with fewer nutrients, like other pines.2 It boasts a fast growth rate but is susceptible to pests and diseases.
Types of Christmas Trees
More than 35 Christmas tree varieties in the United States are perfect for the holiday season; the following are some popular options.
11. Balsam Fir
This evergreen tree is famous for its flat, needle-like leaves and conical shape with slivery hints on the leaves. It is a perfect Christmas tree thanks to its aesthetic appeal; the best part is that it smells great too.
12. Douglas Fir
The Douglas Fir takes a pyramid shape with dark green or bluish leaves that give off a rich Christmas tree scent. The fronds are fluffy and leathery, growing in bunches, and the tree can reach an impressive 330 feet height in the wild.
13. Noble Fir
One of the common types of Christmas trees is the Noble Fir, which reaches 230 feet. It features thick branches spaced widely along the trunk and has needle-like leaves that often curve upwards, making it an excellent decorative tree.
14. Grand Fir
As the name suggests, this massive tree species can grow to over 200 feet. It is native to Northern California in the North Western part of America and boasts leaves in yellowish-green hues and white stripes underneath.
15. Fraser Fir
You will distinguish the Fraser Fir with its extra robust yellow-green branches. Like other Christmas trees, it has needle-like fronds and a generally conical shape with stems that lightly curve upwards.
Types of Bonsai Trees
These beautiful trees come in over 430 varieties and are famous for use as indoor plants. Here are some of the types of bonsai trees.
16. Juniper Bonsai
One of the first bonsai species that comes to mind is the Juniper, a simple, easy-to-maintain plant, perfect for beginners. They will be fine even without watering, and their branches are bendy, allowing easy reshaping.
17. Green Mound Juniper
One of the trendiest indoor plants among users is the green mound that looks incredible and easily adapts to various climates. It is also simple to maintain since the fronds are easy to cut, and you can plant it outdoors as long as you shield it from extreme sunlight.
18. Acacia Bonsai
The acacia is a common indoor plant that needs a lot of sunshine to grow, and owners place them under windows for more sun. It also needs watering daily, but in moderate amounts, or else it may drown.
19. Boxwood Bonsai
Also called the Buxus, this bonsai species is a fast grower but doesn’t thrive during extreme winters. They need protection from the cold and thrive indoors, where they receive shade in summer and warmth in winter.
20. Brazilian Rain Tree
This species is a delicate plant with pointed branches and green fronds that fold up at night and unfold later in the day. They can survive warm weather but adapt and are safer indoors if it gets chilly.
Types of Maple Trees
There are 132 maple tree species worldwide, most originally from Asia and the Northern parts of Africa and America. The following are some of the types of maple trees.
21. Red Maple
This tree’s leaves and flowers turn bright red during fall, hence the name. You will find it in swamps in Northern America and distinguish it from the simple 5-lobed leaves, of which the three top ones are larger than the two below.
22. Silver Maple
This deciduous tree is in Canada and the United States, although it isn’t as widespread as the red variety. It grows extremely fast, but the wood is soft and weak, explaining why people avoid planting it near homes and cars.
23. Sugar Maple
Native to Canada, the sugar maple is famous for its sweet sap and beautiful blooms, and the leaves turn different colors during the fall.
You can find yellow, orange, brown, and red hues on different leaves of the same tree. Additionally, the sap creates tasty maple syrup, and people use its wood for furniture and flooring.
24. Paperbark Maple
From the name, you can tell apart a paperback maple tree from its peeling red rusty bark chunks. The bark underneath is dark brown, making red layers stand out more and giving the tree a distinctive aesthetic look.
25. Bigleaf Maple
As the name suggests, the bigleaf maple is easily distinguishable by its giant leaves that grow to about 12 inches wide. They are native to the North Western US, and mosses love growing inside the ridges on their bark.
Types of Oak Trees
There are around 600 various types of oak trees worldwide, including hybrid species, and the US is home to over 90 native varieties.
26. Black Oak
The Black Oak Tree comes in two varieties: Australian and California. It is generally a tiny, fast-growing tree commonly in Central and North Eastern America. It features a dark, smooth bark that turns gray and rigid when mature and has sturdy, heavy wood used for construction and fuel.
27. Chestnut Oak
Mainly found in Eastern US, the chestnut oak has a yellowish-brown bark that gradually turns darker and develops deep furrows as the tree ages. However, the wood from this tree is less precious since it is too rigid to make furniture.
28. White Oak
The white oak is a stunning, unique tree species thanks to its exotic white or ash-gray bark with deep furrows, unlike standard light gray versions. It is long-living and is famous for its high-quality, durable wood used for flooring and construction work and its medicinal properties.6
29. Northern Red Oak
This deciduous tree lives in North America and easily adapts to various soil types and climatic conditions. Going by the name, the northern red variety features red flowers, twigs, and leaves. It may not be as sturdy as white oak, but it is handy in construction work, furniture, and interior finishes.
30. California Live Oak
Also called the coast live oak, this evergreen tree is a valuable species native to the US in California. It is typically a medium tree that thrives in the Sierra mountain ranges and closely resembles the canyon live oak due to the similar spinose leaves.
Types of Cypress Trees
If you want to spruce up your landscaping, the cypress tree is an excellent option, and the best part is there are almost 130 species to choose from, based on the prevailing conditions. The different types of cypress trees have massive dark green leaves that look incredible, mainly when growing around your home.
31. Blue Cypress
This tree species name comes from the blue-green hue of its leaves, making it perfect for aesthetics in residential places. They grow in large numbers in the South West US and northern Mexico, and their desirable feature is disease resistance.
32. Italian Cypress
The Italian species is known for its steady growth rate of 3-5 feet annually and ability to attain 30-40 feet at maturity. It adapts well to its surroundings and can grow to 5 feet wide and looks fantastic, hence ideal for privacy fences around homes and aesthetic trees along driveways.
33. Kashmir Cypress
Kashmir stands out from other cypress trees thanks to its stunning elegant look, and not many know that it is from Bhutan, not Kashmir. On the downside, it only thrives in zone 9 climate and attains massive sizes, making it unfavorable for planting in residences.
34. Patagonian Cypress
This cypress variety thrives in South Argentina and Chilean mountains, preferring the climate in rainforests. Its other names include Lahuan and Alerce (Spanish for larch) from the native languages. The most massive tree is 60 m tall, while the oldest is approximately 3,622 years.
35. Nootka Cypress
Native to the US west coast, the Nootka lives in moist soils and features massive trees growing to 40 meters. Its distinctive feature is the swaying branches and flattened dark leaves, explaining why it is sometimes called the weeping cypress.
Types of Magnolia Trees
The magnolia subfamily features 210-340 unique species easily identifiable by their colorful flowers. The following are some of the types of magnolia trees.
36. Sweetbay Magnolia
This variety of Magnolia tree is also called the Whitebay, laurel, and swamp bay magnolia and is native to the coastal parts of the United States. They prefer lowlands, and an interesting feature is how they can be deciduous or evergreen based on the prevailing climate since they don’t have to shed leaves when the winters are mild.
37. Purple Magnolia
This species is native to SouthEast China and thrives in neutral or acidic soil types.
Also called the red, Mulan, lily, or tulip, magnolias are usually tiny and only reach about 4 meters at maturity. Their branches are thin and feature red, purple, or dark pink flowers.
38. Southern Magnolia
The southern variety stands out from other magnolias thanks to its massive size, reaching an impressive 40-80 ft tall and 40-50 ft wide. It survives in climate zones 7-9 and has shiny evergreen leaves which shed during extreme winters.
39. Chinese Magnolia
You can identify a Chinese magnolia by the pink and white fragrant flowers that bloom in spring. It is a beautiful tree to grow in your home that attracts wildlife and smells great, and note that it thrives in zone 6-9 in moist soils.
40. Star Magnolia
The star magnolia grows relatively slowly and reaches 10-20 feet in length and 8-15 feet wide. It usually lives in zones 4-8 and is relatively easy to maintain.
It is a stunning tree to grow in your compound, especially in a row during landscaping.
Types of Willow Trees
There are 400 species worldwide,3 but North America is home to over 100 types of willow trees, and most of them grow into shrubs; only around 40 varieties grow into tall mature trees.
41. White Willow
From the name, the white willow is famous for its stunning silvery-white leaves. It lives alongside rivers and matures in about 20 years.
The US forest service deems it invasive, but it is generally safe and has numerous health benefits.
42. Weeping Willow
This beautiful species is quite popular and is known for its drooping fronds that often touch the ground.
Types of weeping willow trees represent grief in many cultures worldwide. It is originally from China, and many Asian communities plant them in graveyards to express loss.
43. Bebb Willow
Also called the beak willow, this tree adapts to various soil types, although it relies on sunlight and doesn’t thrive under shade. You will find it in North America, and locals use it for its medicinal properties.
44. Yellow Willow
Found in parts of California, the yellow willow tree is a unique, striking tree that grows to 23 feet and is home to various bird and insect species. It is ideal for planting in residential gardens since it can survive in any soil type and is easy to maintain.
45. Narrowleaf Willow
Also called the sandbar or coyote willow, this species has yellow and white blooms in spring and reaches 36 feet in height. The easiest way to detect it is through the leaves; going by the name, it has long, thin leaves, and its flowers resemble spikes.
46. Purple Willow
This special willow is common in Western Asia, Poland, and the British Isles. It features purple stems and bluish-green leaves and is mainly used to control soil erosion.
Its bark also has a lot of medicinal properties, like treating headaches, arthritis, and other diseases that cause inflammation.
Types of Cedar Trees
Interestingly, there are only four true types of cedar trees in the world, the Himalayan, Atlas, Lebanon, and Cyprus cedars.
47. Lebanon Cedar
This tree is one of the most common cedars in the world, easily identifiable by its pyramidal shape that turns into a flat canopy at the top as it grows. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is one of the broadest cedars, measuring 60 feet wide.
48. Atlas Cedar
Hailing from Morocco, the Atlas’s impressive feature is the remarkable shape that makes it perfect for landscaping. It quickly reaches 115 feet and has a massive 7 feet trunk thickness.
Sadly, scientists regard it as an endangered species in its natural environment, the Atlas Mountains.
49. Cyprus Cedar
Cyprus resembles a fir when young, and some confuse it with the Lebanon species. It is shorter in comparison as it only attains 60 feet and grows the slowest out of other cedars.
Its natural habitat is in Eastern Mediterranean in Troodos Mountain.
50. Himalayan Cedar
From the name, you can tell that this variety is from the Himalayan ranges, typically taller than other cedars, reaching 200 feet.
Its trunk grows thick at 10 feet and features long needles and cones. Its gigantic size makes it a rare landscaping breed, unlike species like Lebanon.
Types of Birch Trees
There are approximately 40 birch tree varieties in the world grown for ornamental use or timber distributed around the northern parts of the planet.
51. Black Birch
This tree is common in North America, especially in regions like Maine, but you can also find it in the Appalachians.
They can reach 35 meters high; the oldest is 368 years old. It has a rigid, heavy wood and is tolerant to severe winters.
The easiest way to identify a black birch is from its dark bark, and interestingly it also produces sap like the maple, but it has a stronger molasses taste.
52. Gray Birch
This tree is native to Canadian provinces like Ontario and Nova Scotia but is present in Virginia, New Jersey, and Indiana in the United States. It prefers dry, less rich soil, unlike other birches, and lives for 30 years.
It has smooth, round bark and dark green, ovate leaves that turn yellow in fall before falling in winter. Its moderate hardwood is an excellent option for furniture making, and the oil content makes it perfect for firewood use.
53. Paper Birch
Common in North America, this tree derives its name from its thin, white trunk that peels off as effortlessly as paper. It can survive under shade and thrives in various soil types and when planted near swamps and streams.
The light brown wood makes woodenware and pulp, and the bark starts reddish brown but turns whitish as the tree ages. Also, this tree is an essential food source for wildlife when in the wild, especially for moose during winter.
54. Yellow Birch
This North American deciduous tree grows from Prince Edward Island to Newfoundland and the Appalachians to Minnesota, thriving alongside beech and maple trees. Its rigid wood is excellent for making furniture and other woodenware and is an ideal fuel source.
Its leaves resemble a black birch but are hairier, and its yellowish silver bark starts peeling off as it grows older, revealing a dark brown color.
55. River Birch
This species is native to the US and grows in zones 4-9, reaching 70 feet. It is quite a famous tree for its aesthetic qualities and can grow into a single or multi-trunk tree with a unique pinkish or reddish bark that peels to form a lighter bark inside.
Types of Elm Trees
There are 30-40 elm tree species in forests in temperate regions and private properties for ornamental purposes.
56. American Elm
You will often find it in northern America in Texas, Alberta, and Florida, and it is generally known as a beautiful tree you will often find in New York. It is ideal for landscaping thanks to its symmetrical crown, but on the downside, it is prone to infection with the Dutch Elm disease.
57. English Elm
Otherwise called the British elm, this fast-growing deciduous tree is common in Europe, and its top branches form a fan-shaped canopy. Thanks to its rot resistance, it is valuable in creating water pipes, piers, and jetties.
58. Slippery Elm
You will often find a slippery elm in Maine, Florida, and North Dakota, and it has a glue-like matter in its bark, hence the name slippery elm. This tree is used as medicine and rarely for commercial reasons, unless for fence posts or barrel staves.
59. Cherry-Bark Elm
This bushy elm appears generally rounded with smooth bark. It usually grows in temperate regions across Asia, America, and Europe, and its impressive feature is that it is most resistant to the Dutch elm disease, hence ideal for landscaping.
60. Cedar Elm
This species is known for its attractive bark that peels to reveal a green layer inside, and you will often find it in Canada and the US. It is drought-tolerant and survives in various soil types, making it perfect for growing as an ornamental tree.
How To Identify Different Kinds of Trees
There are two main ways to categorize trees, using their leaves and seeds. Identifying the types of tree leaves will help you distinguish deciduous from evergreens because the former’s leaves shed seasonally as the plant prepares for winter.
However, evergreen varieties stay intact through the year and grow in tropical rainforests where they don’t have to shed their leaves. The seeds or grains can also help you identify the tree species because there are flowering and non-flowering plants, angiosperms, and gymnosperms.
Flowers or fruits on the tree mean that the plant is an angiosperm that depends on animals for fertilization. On the other hand, if you see cones, fur, or exposed seeds instead of flowers, you can categorize the tree as a gymnosperm that relies on wind for pollination.
How Many Kinds of Trees Are There in America? How Many Tree Species Are There in America?
Suppose you are wondering how many trees are in the United States. In that case, America is home to more than 1,000 different types of tree species, with the most common variety being the red maple, and the oak is the national tree, signifying strength and adaptability.1
Out of the over a thousand varieties, the country’s most popular types of trees include the sweetgum, Douglas fir, sugar maple, flowering dogwood, balsam fir, quaking aspen, white oak, and bull pine. The climate in North America favors the growth of these trees, spread all over the country, growing in the forests and on private properties.
Estimating Tree Species Extinction Risk in the Brazilian Amazon
Estimating the range sizes of Amazonian tree species helps scientists understand the biodiversity in the rainforest. Their findings concluded that the tree species have enormous ranges and are about 300 years old on average, especially in the more fertile parts of the region.
The Brazilian Amazon is quite massive, but the country is still dealing with a higher deforestation rate than any other tropical country. The forest keeps shrinking, adversely affecting the tree species in the area.
The deforestation rate in the Amazon is at 0.7% annually, leading to a high risk of tree species extinction. Experts rate a 16- 36% risk of death of certain trees based on the particular deforestation rate of various parts of the rainforest.
Earth Has Tree Species More Than You Think
Despite the high-tech systems scientists use for their findings, there is still a long way to go before they account for all tree species in all forests worldwide. While data states that there are over 65,000 different tree varieties, chances are high that more than 14% more species are out there.
Besides, researchers still need to discover more than 9,000 more types. These unidentified species lie deep in tropical rainforest jungles and are rare, under serious risk of extinction due to climate change and massive land clearing.
When Was the First Estimation of Tree Species?
A research crew from the UK first compiled a list of the global tree species in 2017. The data came from 500 documents and featured more than 80 experts in work spanned two years.
Their findings established there are more than 65,065 tree species.
However, one challenge scientists must overcome is the unknown tree species problem, where there are still thousands of unidentified plants worldwide. It also applies to animal research making it impossible to list all the living creatures globally.
Researchers find it easier to identify tree species thanks to technological upgrades. Unlike in the last decades, they can confidently state that more than 65,000 various species are across multiple countries, continents, and climates.
The list is inexhaustible but notes that all these species fall into either of the four main groups, deciduous, evergreen, angiosperms, and gymnosperms. They all come together to form more than 3.5 trillion trees worldwide, with Russia having the highest tree population due to its massive landmass.
If you were wondering how many tree species are there, note that there are more than 65,000 different species but remember that scientists are confident that there are thousands of unidentified varieties all over the planet.
Frequently Asked Questions About How Many Tree Species Are There
How Many Different Trees Are There in America?
While there are over 3.4 trillion trees worldwide, America is in the top five countries with the highest number of trees. More than 228 billion trees grow in the country across various regions, and only Russia, Brazil, and Canada rival the population.
What Are the Types of Forestry Species Worldwide?
The forests are vital to the ecosystem since they cover almost 30% of the world’s land mass and host most of the earth’s biodiversity. There are more than 60,000 tree species in the forests, 80% amphibian population, 75% of bird species, and 68% of the earth’s mammals.
How Many Tree Species Are There in America?
North America is rich in biodiversity, and studies show that more than a thousand tree species call it home. The climate is favorable for their growth, and they have devised ways to adapt to extreme changes, like shedding their leaves during harsh winters.
How Many Species of Trees Are Out There?
The massive jungles and forests in the world are home to more than 65,000 tree species distributed across countries and continents. Researchers use technology to identify the various species in the world, but there is still a challenge of non-discovery of rare trees hidden in forests.
What Are the Two Main Categories of Trees?
The first category of trees is based on the leaves where deciduous trees shed them during winter, but the evergreens keep theirs all year round.
You can also classify trees based on their seeds or ability to flower where angiosperms grow flowers which later turn into fruits, while gymnosperm seeds are exposed and rely on wind pollination for reproduction.
1Abdelatif, E. (2016, June 30). 6 Tree Facts Every American Should Know. TreePeople. Retrieved December 03, 2022, from <>
2Homestratosphere’s Editorial Staff & Writers. (2022, December 01). 101 Different Types of Trees (2022 List: Names, Species, Photos & Details). Home Stratosphere. Retrieved December 03, 2022, from <>
3ProGardenTips. (2022, May 13). 28 Most Common Trees in the World. ProGardenTips. Retrieved December 03, 2022, from <>
4Samurović, K. (2022, June 19). How Many Tree Species are There in the World? Geography Realm. Retrieved December 03, 2022, from <>
5Walters, C. (2022, April 20). What Are the Four Types of Trees? Essential Garden Guide. Retrieved December 03, 2022, from <>
6Yashsvi. (2022, February 01). 25 Different Types of Tree Species with Their Names and Uses. Styles At Life. Retrieved December 03, 2022, from <>
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