Size of Standard Solar Panel: Solar Sizing Calculator Finds How Many

Georgette Kilgore headshot, wearing 8 Billion Trees shirt with forest in the background.Written by Georgette Kilgore

Solar Panels | March 29, 2024

Woman holding a measuring stick wonders how many solar panels do I need and what size of standard solar panel should I use while looking at solar panel dimensions and the sun.

Solar is a clean and abundant source of energy and knowing the size of standard solar panel needs are important, because it can help you determine how much it will cost to install solar panels in your home.

Besides the reduced electricity costs when you install solar panels, you also contribute positively to environmental conservation.

If you’ve asked yourself, how many solar panels do I need, you can figure the size of solar panels you need using this calculator:

Solar is renewable and clean, making it a good energy source for your home or business. But there are also drawbacks to solar panel production and disposal.

This complete guide explains the cost and terminologies involved with solar panel installation, how to measure the size of standard solar panel needs, and how to use solar panel carbon offsets to erase the emissions generated by their production and disposal.

Solar Panel Sizes and Wattage

Size is one of the factors that affect the cost of solar installation. You need to know the size of standard solar panel to calculate how much you need to install solar panels in your home.

The solar system size uses kilowatts(kW) as the measurement unit. Kilowatts tell you the highest amount of power a solar system can produce under perfect conditions.

There is also Kilowatt-hours which shows the amount of electricity that your system produces and how much of it your home uses.

Solar panels angled towards the sky on a green surface with a bridge in the background.

(Image: Caspar Rae11)

Therefore, you can use the number of kWh your home uses to determine what size of standard solar panel the home requires. Another factor that comes to play here is the amount of electricity bill you want to reduce.

If your home consumes a lot of energy, you will need a big solar system to cover your electricity bills which means that the solar system installation will be much more expensive. Even so, larger systems have a lower cost-per-watt.

That is because of the spread out overhead costs and the ability to buy equipment in bulk. Read on to find out how to calculate your solar installation costs based on size and the number of panels needed.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost for a 2,000 Square Foot House?

Many people wonder, how much do solar panels cost? The average cost of a 2000-square-foot residential solar panel installation in 2022 is between $18,000 and $20,0001 and that is before the tax credits or any other incentives that your area might have.

That gives you about $2.75 and $3.35 per watt of solar installed, based on your location and the quality of the equipment you use for the installation

Solar Panel Sizes and Prices: Solar Panel Size Chart

System Size Number of Solar Panels Average Cost per Watt Average Total Cost (After Tax Credit)
4 kW 11 $3.25 $9,100
6 kW 16 $2.95 $12,390
8 kW 22 $2.85 $15,960
10 kW 27 $2.75 $19,180
12 kW 32 $2.75 $23,100
14 kW 39 $2.60 $26,936
16 kW 43 $2.60 $29,860

Bar graph that compares solar panel sizes and prices.

Solar Panel Dimensions Mm: Solar Panel Dimensions Cm

Knowing the size of standard solar panels is essential to find out the cost of installing the entire system. You need to understand the dimensions to know how many panels will go into your solar system.

Solar panels have smaller individual solar photovoltaic (PV)5 cells in standard sizes. The standard size of a solar photovoltaic (PV) cell is 156 mm by 156 mm, which is about 6 inches in length and width.

Most of the small-scale solar installations at home will have about 60 cells. The commercial ones range between 72 and 98 cells but could be more depending on the size of the building.

Metric System

Solar Panel Wattage Solar Panel Dimensions (L x W x H)
50 W 58 x 51 x 3 cm
100 W 102 x 56 x 3.3 cm
200 W 147 x 68 x 3.5 cm
300 W 165 x 99 x 3.5 cm
400 W 198 x 102 x 3.5 cm
500 W 226 x 112 x 3.5 cm
600 W 244 x 114 x 3.5 cm

Imperial System

Solar Panel Wattage Solar Panel Dimensions (L x W x H)
50 W 23 x 20 x 1.2 inches
100 W 40 x 22 x 1.3 inches
200 W 58 x 27 x 1.4 inches
300 W 65 x 39 x 1.4 inches
400 W 78 x 40 x 1.4 inches
500 W 89 x 44 x 1.4 inches
600 W 96 x 45 x 1.4 inches

Solar Panel Size Calculator: Solar Panel Cost Calculator

The solar panel size calculator helps you determine how many solar panels you need. To find out the number of solar panels you need for your home, use the formula below.

Household kWh multiplied by sunlight hours for your zip code divided by the panel’s rated wattage.

Other factors to consider here are the size of your roof and how much sunlight it gets.

Size of Standard Solar Panel: Size of Solar Panel for 1Kw

A 1 kW solar system consists of multiple solar panels that make up 1000 watts. The average price for that is $700 to $1200, which only covers the cost of the solar panels.

Here is a $/W comparison for various 1 kW setups.

Solar Panel Wattage Amount of Solar Panels Total Wattage Size of Each Panel Total Area for 1Kw Solar Panel Price Renogy Price/Watt
50 Watts x 20 1kw 558 x 508 x 25 mm 5.67 sqm $1,499.98 $1.49
100 Watts x 10 1kw 1044 x 508 x 35 mm 5.3 sqm $999 $0.99
200 Watts x 5 1kw 1650 x 670 x 35 mm 5.53 sqm $1399.95 $1.39
320 Watts x 4 1,2kw 1666 x 1002 x 35 mm 5.2 sqm $1299.99 $1.01
450 Watts x 2 0.9kw 1909 x 1134 x 35 mm 4.81 sqm $899.99 $0.99
550 Watts x 2 1.1kw 2279 x 1134 x 35 mm 4.7 sqm $1,099.99 $0.99

Consider the areas that these solar panels will cover once they are installed which is why some people rent out their land to operate a solar farm. The solar farm income per acre is unbelievable and can provide for up to 50 years.

Related Reading: The 7 Best Solar Generators and Why They Don’t Lower Carbon Emissions Without Offsets

Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Each State

The reason why your location is one of the main factors that affect the cost of solar panel installation is that different areas receive different amounts of sunlight at different times and intensities. Therefore, you should consider where you live when making solar cost calculations.

The chart below will help you estimate the cost.

State Average Cost per Watt ($/w) Cost of 6 kW System (After Tax Credit)
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Alabama $2.45 $10,290.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Alaska $2.41 $10,122.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Arizona $2.64 $11,088.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Arkansas $2.63 $11,046.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near California $2.68 $11,256.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Colorado $2.51 $10,542.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Connecticut $2.86 $12,012.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near District of Columbia $2.88 $12,096.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Delaware $2.65 $11,130.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Florida $2.58 $10,836.00
Photo of a house full of solar panels on its roof.

(Image: viarami12)

State Average Cost Per Watt ($/w) Cost of 6 kW System (After Tax Credit)
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Georgia $2.33 $9,786.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Hawaii $2.67 $11,214.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Idaho $2.52 $10,584.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Illinois $2.57 $10,794.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Indiana $2.49 $10,458.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Iowa $2.53 $10,626.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Kansas $2.39 $10,038.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Kentucky $2.34 $9,828.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Louisiana $2.38 $9,996.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Maine $2.87 $12,054.00
Photo of two workers installing solar panels.

(Image: Ricardo Gomez Angel13)

State Average Cost per Watt ($/w) Cost of 6 kW System (After Tax Credit)
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Maryland $2.74 $11,508.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Massachusetts $2.87 $12,054.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Michigan $2.66 $11,172.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Minnesota $2.74 $11,508.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Mississippi $2.64 $11,088.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Missouri $2.59 $10,878.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Montana $2.42 $10,164.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Nebraska $2.83 $11,866.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Nevada $2.61 $10,962.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near New Hampshire $2.83 $11,886.00
Photo of five workers lifting a solar panel for installation.

(Image: Justin Lim14)

State Average Cost Per Watt ($/w) Cost of 6 kW System (After Tax Credit)
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near New Jersey $2.78 $11,676.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near New Mexico $2.44 $10,248.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near New York $2.86 $12,012.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near North Carolina $2.49 $10,458.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near North Dakota $2.42 $10,164.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Ohio $2.50 $10,500.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Oklahoma $2.62 $11,004.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Oregon $2.50 $10,500.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Pennsylvania $2.38 $9,996.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Rhode Island $2.69 $11,298.00
Photo of a man tired during a solar panel installation.

(Image: Ricardo Gomez Angel15)

State Average Cost Per Watt ($/w) Cost of 6 kW System (After Tax Credit)
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near South Carolina $2.62 $11,004.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near South Dakota $2.39 $10,038.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Tennessee $2.49 $10,458.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Texas $2.77 $11,634.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Utah $2.66 $11,172.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Vermont $2.85 $11,970.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Virginia $2.66 $11,172.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Washington $2.77 $11,634.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near West Virginia $2.64 $11,088.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Wisconsin $2.60 $10,920.00
Solar Panel Sizes and Prices Near Wyoming $2.57 $10,794.00
Aerial photo of a desert with hundreds of solar panels.

(Image: Antonio Garcia16)

People in different states are now opting for this source of energy. Some are even charging Tesla with solar panels.

Though some remains adamant because they are unsure, therefore they are asking, is this type of renewable energy effective?

Even though it is a green energy source, it still has its challenges and one of the concerns is how the price of a product is directly impacted by the generation of the carbon footprint solar panel during production.

Factors Affecting Size of Standard Solar Panel Installation and Costs

Certain factors impact the size of solar panel needs. These include:

The Location

Where you live will definitely determine how much you pay for your solar installation. That is because of the market condition, incentives, and how much sun the area receives.

If you live in an area with less sun, you will need more panels than someone who lives in a place that shines throughout the year. That affects the total cost of solar installation and could drive the bill way up.

State governments offer incentives and rebates7 to people installing solar systems in their homes as a way to promote clean energy use. However, the incentives are not standard across the states, and because of this, some will have more than others.

Close up photo of solar panels facing up the sky to get solar energy.

(Image: American Public Power Association17)

The market also plays a huge role in how much you pay for solar installations in your location. If there is high competition among local installers, it could significantly affect the price.

The cost of doing business in the area is also a contributor to the varied costs of solar installations in different states. You can see from the state comparison table above that prices differ in every state.

The factors highlighted above are the main causes of the difference in price. Go through the table and see how your state fairs in the solar panel installation costs.

The Size of Standard Solar Panel System

Size is a huge factor in the cost of solar installation. The bigger the solar system, the more it is likely to cost.

If your home uses a lot of kWh,6 you will need a big solar system to cover your energy requirements. That means that you need to buy more solar panels and the work involved will be more than installing a small system.

However, the cost per watt decreases with an increase in the size of solar systems. That is because you can buy the equipment in bulk and reduce most of the overhead costs.

Photo of solar panels in a field.

(Image: Sungrow EMEA18)

Even so, the budget for small solar systems is way lower than for huge ones. Most normal homes will require a small solar panel system because of the average power requirements.

Therefore, the best way to save money with solar installations is to either install a small system or go really big. The big solar systems are usually installed in commercial buildings that use too much energy and warehouses.

Related Reading: Find the 7 best solar generators

Use the size chart above to determine the size you want for your home based on the average cost8 attached to it.

The Equipment and Manufacturer

Premium brands will always cost more than other smaller brands but that does not mean that they are better than the rest. Most of the time is because of the popularity of the premium brand.

When buying solar panels for your home, work with your budget or consult professional solar installers to know which equipment to buy. The table below compares some of the most popular manufacturers and their costs of system equipment.

Panel Manufacturer Average Cost per Watt Average System Cost (After Tax Credit)
Panasonic $2.87 $12,054
Canadian Solar $2.87 $12,054
SunPower $2.85 $11,970
Qcells $2.49 $10,485
LONGi Solar $2.85 $11,970

Bar graph that shows the cost of system equipment per manufacturer.

Roof Characteristics

A roof that slopes at a 30-degree angle will be easier to install solar panels on than one with skylights or multiple levels. If it faces south, the better because the panels will be installed in a single plane with optimal sun exposure.

If the roof requires more equipment to install the solar panels properly, then that means the cost will increase to cover the extra equipment. It is important to have a solar installation expert when planning installation so that they can look at all those angles and advise you on the best approach.


Finding the best solar panel installer is key when you want to get value for your money. However, premium installers will be more expensive than regular ones.

You can ask for recommendations from friends and family or look for highly rated installers online. Labor costs could significantly increase the cost of solar installation, but that depends on how well you want the work done.

Permits and Interconnections

Another factor that could increase the cost of your solar system installation is the permits. You need to get a solar permit9 and pay a fee for the interconnection.

Your solar system is only complete if it is connected to the grid, which will cost you some money. Solar energy is good for the environment and can save you the money you would use for high electricity bills.

However, the installation cost could be a bit high due to the high-quality equipment required for the system, for example if you just need to find a solar panel for AC unit, the cost will be less than if you are powering your entire home.

The best way to look at it is as an investment in your home.

Once the solar is up and running, you can break even in a couple of years and continue enjoying renewable10 and clean energy. It is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements of solar installation from permits to calculations so that you can plan for a successful solar installation.

Photo of a residential house with solar panels on its roof.

(Image: Gary Cole19)

There are numerous methods to get involved in the green movement. Some people are using a global footprint calculator to determine the environmental contributing variables and use the result to further expand their knowledge about going green.

Any action that can be taken to assist is essential, whether it be installing solar panels in your homes or getting involved in carbon offset tree planting. For carbon offsetting, you can ask any carbon offsetting companies for assistance.

As for these panels, the best way to do that is to hire a good solar installation company that can guide you through the process and helps you make the calculations. You can also use the calculator and charts provided above to find out the size of standard solar panel and how many of them you need for your home.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Size of Standard Solar Panel

How Much Do Solar Panel Cost Per Panel?

Averagely, solar panels cost between $3 and $5 per watt, which equals $15,000–$20,000 for a 5kW system.2

How Much Do Solar Panel Cost Per Square Foot?

The average cost is $4 to $10 per square foot. However, the best way to estimate costs is by the energy requirement, which is $2.53 to $3.15 per watt before adding tax credits or available incentives.

What Is Solar Panel Size in Feet?

Solar panels are approximately 5 feet long & 3 feet wide. However, you can find slight variations depending on the manufacturer.

What Is Solar Panel Size Per Kw?

Solar system sizes use kilowatts as measurement units and, factors like where you are and the direction your roof faces, determine how much each kilowatt of your solar panel system will produce. It is mostly between 3-5 kWh of clean, renewable energy daily which is around 3-4 solar panels for 1 kilowatt.

What Is Solar Panel Size in Meter?

The average size of residential types of solar panels is 1.7m tall x 1.0m wide (or 1.7m2), which has a maximum power output of about 330W.

What Is the Weight of Solar Panels in Kg?

The weight of solar panels depends on their cell configuration and the wattage.3

  • 250 watt 60 cell solar panel = 19 kg
  • 300 watt 72 cell solar panel = 25 kg

Which Is the Solar Power Calculation Formula?

Solar Power = wattage of solar cells x Sunlight hour (average) x (60-80) % 4

Does the Solar Panel Wattage Calculator Give Correct Figures?

The calculators give approximate values based on the factors provided in the calculator. If you input the correct figures, you will get an almost correct output.


1SolarReviews. (2022, August 31). How Much Do Solar Panels Cost? (2022 Installation Prices). SolarReviews. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from <>

2This Old House. (2022, November 8). How Much Do Solar Panels Cost? This Old House. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from <>

3Lets Save Electricity. (2019, November 8). What is the Size of a Solar Panel & Weight of a Solar Panel. Lets Save Electricity. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from <>

4Rahman, A. (2021, January 28). How To Calculate Your Solar Power Requirements | (Power Station Tips In 2022). EcoWowLife. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from <>

5U.S. Department of Energy. (2022). Solar Photovoltaic Technology Basics. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from <>

6U.S. Department of Energy. (2022). Photovoltaics. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from <>

7University of Central Florida. (2022). Rebates & Incentives: The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Florida Solar Energy Center. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from <>

8U.S. Department of Energy. (2022). Solar Installed System Cost Analysis. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from <>

9The Brookings Institution. (2022, September 28). How Does Permitting for Clean Energy Infrastructure Work? Brookings. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from <>

10U.S. Department of Energy. (2022). Renewable Energy. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. Retrieved November 22, 2022, from <>

11Photo by Caspar Rae. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>

12Photo by viarami. Pixabay. Retrieved from <>

13Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>

14Photo by Justin Lim. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>

15Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>

16Photo by Antonio Garcia. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>

17Photo by American Public Power Association. Pixabay. Retrieved from <>

18Photo by Sungrow EMEA. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>

19Photo by Gary Cole. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>