GE Aerospace Peebles Test Operation, Ohio

Georgette Kilgore headshot, wearing 8 Billion Trees shirt with forest in the background.Written by Georgette Kilgore

Planting Projects | May 7, 2024

Flowering Dogwood identification chart at the GE Aerospace Peebles Test Operation facility nature walk in Ohio.

At the facility in Peebles, Ohio, GE Aerospace has established a nature walk for visitors that has just opened.

As an educational resource for local students, this story walk features some amazing facts about trees!

And, 8 Billion Trees was delighted to help with providing tree species identification charts for the GE Aerospace facility, to help students recognize and identify the trees along the trail.

But, we didn’t stop there.

Eastern Red Ceder Tree identification chart at peebles test operation for GE aerospace in Ohio.
Flowering Dogwood identification chart at the GE Aerospace Peebles Test Operation facility nature walk in Ohio.

These identification charts are carefully placed to showcase the types of trees on the trail, allowing students to get a first hand appreciation for them.

Because oftentimes, a book or chart can only provide a glimpse of the real thing, a physical impression can go a long way toward helping student retain the knowledge they are given.

Tall types of cedar trees planted in a grove with green cedar needles and overhanging cedar branches.

So, to enhance the learning experience, our graphics team went the extra mile.

Downloadable Resources for Educators

As part of our many free educational options for educators and students, we’ve created matching worksheets and coloring pages for each tree species featured on the nature trail.

These worksheets match the identification charts exactly, for continuity.

We love spreading awareness about how awesome trees really are… especially those right in our own back yards, so these are completely free for anyone!

Tree Species Identification Chart Worksheets

Free tree species identification chart worksheets. Enter your email address to download the worksheets.

Building awareness about carbon emissions…and how trees can help erase them and restore the crucial ecology of the planet…is an important part of our mission at 8 Billion Trees.

Because we know that change can happen when we all work together!