In addition to providing free tools like an ecological footprint calculator, 8 Billion Trees operates nurseries throughout the Amazon Rainforest and beyond, leading afforestation projects that are helping to combat climate change while restoring local ecosystems and conserving wildlife.
Where Does 8 Billion Trees Plant Trees?
To date, we have supported the planting of over 8,371,131 trees around the globe and have funded the conservation of over 185,329 acres of existing forest. Additionally, we fund wildlife conservation efforts near the Amazon Rainforest, where we fight to save injured and displaced animals who’ve lost their tree homes.
We currently plant and conserve trees in seven different countries around the world.
Amazon Rainforest, Brazil
Peebles Test Operation, Ohio
Educational Resources for Teachers
In addition to planting trees, we’re dedicated to providing free educational resources for teachers and students. In addition to our kid’s quizzes and free downloadable worksheets, we recently had an opportunity to assist in the identification charts for GE Aerospace in Ohio.
At the Peebles Test Operation facility, GE Aerospace has created an educational nature story walk for students and educators.
We we excited to be able to provide the large identification charts that can be used to identify the native species along the trail.
La Muralla 2 site, Honduras
Over the span of two transformative years, from May 2021 to April 2023, the Eden Reforestation Projects, in collaboration with 8 Billion Trees, embarked on a pivotal environmental restoration mission at the La Muralla 2 site in Honduras.
This endeavor successfully saw the planting of 455,540 trees, fully meeting its ambitious target. This report aims to shed light on the profound impact of the reforestation efforts, not only on the local ecosystem but also on the socio-economic fabric of the surrounding communities.
The La Muralla 2 project was set against the backdrop of the mixed pine/oak forests and cloud forests of Honduras, a region that plays a critical role in the local water cycle, acting as a micro-watershed that provides fresh water to several communities in the municipality of La Unión throughout the year.
With an estimated planting density of 2,500 trees per hectare over a sprawling 1,214 hectares, the project has not just aimed at restoring the green cover but has also been pivotal in preserving the region’s vital water sources, underlining the interconnectedness of ecological stewardship and community welfare.
Employing an average of 7.30 individuals per month, the initiative translated into a total of 6,297 workdays, providing the local populace with not only a stable income but also the opportunity to enhance their living conditions.
The economic ripple effects of this project have been significant, enabling community members to improve their homes, diversify income streams, and meet their families’ daily needs.
Moreover, the project has contributed to improved sanitary conditions, better access to nutritionally rich food, and increased educational opportunities for children in the community, showcasing a holistic approach to environmental restoration.
However, despite these successes, the La Muralla 2 site faced closure in 2023 due to factors beyond Eden’s control.
Yet, the La Muralla 2 project stands as a testament to the power of partnership and community involvement in environmental conservation efforts.
How Does 8 Billion Trees Decide Where the Trees Are Planted?
While planting and conserving trees everywhere they are needed is important, we have to start somewhere. And in doing so, we have to think about where trees are needed the “most.” In order to answer this, we aim to plant in “biodiversity hotspots” that contain a large number of unique and precious species but are gravely in danger of being destroyed.
There are two factors that must be met for an area to be classified as a hotspot:
- A minimum of 1,500 species of plants are present
- A minimum of 70 percent of the original vegetation has been removed or lost

As of today, there are 35 areas defined as hot spots, making up 2.3 percent of Earth. However, this small percentage supports and provides habitat for more than half of the earth’s plant species (that aren’t found anywhere else on the planet). Furthermore, over 42 percent of all bird, mammal, amphibian, and reptile species live in these “hotspots.”
As explained in our FAQ page, planting trees goes way beyond fighting habitat destruction. It recharges the environment, helps to stabilize micro-climates for farming, prevents harmful erosion, restores water systems, and ultimately provides a new source of income for the inhabitants of less developed areas. In addition to focusing on hotspots, 8 Billion Trees also takes into account the poverty level of a given area to help determine where the greatest impact can be made.
8 Billion Trees also helps to support some groups that do not fit these criteria, but still make an incredible difference for not only the environment but the people who live in it. We always check the legitimacy of the organizations we support and have included several important resources throughout our website.
8 Billion Trees Climate Change Research
In order to ensure that our efforts are maximized for the greatest potential and that our projects’ sustainability goals are exceeded, we’re conducting climate change research in order to understand the most effective and efficient ways to restore the environment and sequester carbon in the Amazon rainforest.
One such area is the Cerrado biome. This tropical ecoregion of Brazil includes the crucial highlands, also known as the Planalto, but also consists of various types of savannas with high levels of endemism (which means that organisms are found only there… nowhere else). The vegetation contained in the area features highly complex structures, in which there is a mosaic of environments with very particular floristic compositions, in addition to presenting high biodiversity.
The Cerrado vegetation establishes a set of characteristics that range from rural to forest areas, and there are basically five types:
- Cerradão—mostly consisting of a drought-resistant (“xerophytic”) type of forest, with moderately spare and slim trees. Dr. Susan L. Woodward, Professor of Geography Emerita, Department of Geospatial Science, Radford University explained, “the term ‘cerrado’ is a Portuguese word meaning ‘closed’ and probably was used to underscore the difficulty of riding through the densely wooded parts of the savanna on horseback.”
- Cerrado sensu stricto—is a savanna woodland area where trees can reach up to 21 feet tall (7 meters), mostly where deep, well-drained soil exists.
- Campo cerrado-this contains savanna type vegetation, with poor soils, and scrublands.
- Dirty field (campo limpo)—these are shrub savannas, which have begun to regrow.
- Clean field (campo sujo)—these are areas that have been cleared by frequent fires, and where savanna grasses grow.
For each physiognomy of the Cerrado, there is a predominance of some plant species, and there is a great variation of soil types, which can be more clay rich, or sandier, or with more stones. These occur in addition to the dynamic relationship with the water cycles.
However, for carbon capture, it is interesting to note that several cerrado plants have extremely developed root structures, with only a small part of their structure exposed. Some are true underground trees!
This natural strategy is probably related to the long period without rain, according to our biologist, Eduardo, but these structures can certainly reach many meters below the ground, close to the water tables.
Much like an iceberg, when looking at a small plant that barely reached 5 meters in height, remember that it is possible that you are facing a plant with a root system that is many meters deep!
This biomass ratio above and below ground must be observed when calculating the carbon stock. Therefore, we take into account all the characteristics of the place in order to create more biologically balanced habitats, with a higher rate of natural regeneration and greater biodiversity.
Our research consists of recreating the environments exactly as they were before, monitoring the development of the plants, collecting data and recording the daily and reproductive activities of the animals.
Then, we review the data in our laboratory and perform tests to see exactly how much carbon dioxide is being removed from the restored environment.
Why Collecting Native Seeds And Planting Native Species Is Crucial
You have probably heard stories about invasive plant species wreaking havoc in certain environments (think of kudzu, the vine that is strangling native species in the Southern United States). When a species is introduced into a foreign habitat, very often the results are disastrous.
In the past, individuals, organizations and governments deliberately introduced many of these non-native species in ignorance, thinking only of addressing an immediate problem with a fast solution, like solving mass erosion.
However, now we know better.
Introducing non-native species is terrible for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, and is especially true in reforestation efforts.
Reasons Behind 8 Billion Trees’ Commitment to Native Restoration
Besides not posing threats to the balance of the local ecosystem, native species are:
- More resistant to pests
- Better adapted to the local conditions
- Improve the habitats of wild animals
- Provide many other ecological and social benefits
Using native species also allows for genetic diversity, a much-needed element in restoration initiatives.
If you have heard about forest restoration projects that failed, you will most likely find that happened because these projects did not encompass native and genetically diverse species.
But many people ask, is selecting native and different types of species enough to ensure successful restoration projects?
Reasons Other Planting Efforts Have Failed
Until recently, restoration plans rarely favored the use of native species.1 For instance, reforestation and afforestation projects implemented between 2003 and 2007 in South America included 98% of exotic (non-native) species.2
That happened because the organizations leading the projects had limited knowledge about the characteristics and the management of native species.3 Also, many of the species planted were designed to feed industrial processes that relied on non-native trees.
Under that scheme, restoration initiatives did not exactly focus on reestablishing the health of the native forestland. Many times, the planting material was not suitable for the planting site or the project failed because the genetic base of the planting supply was not wide enough. Moreover, few reforestation projects have been able to consider how well the trees will adapt to future changes. 1
Currently, scientists emphasize the need for careful planning and execution of restoration activities, placing native species at the center of successful strategies.
But, other considerations are involved as well.
Recent research also highlights many risks associated with the use of native species, especially when selecting the correct genetic planting resources, like seeds.1
Why Collecting Genetically Diverse, Native Seeds Works
Collecting native seeds is a very important step to ensure success in a reforestation project. Seeds harvested from the same area where the planting will happen are better adapted to that environment and are more resilient, that is, they can recover from stresses more easily and fight the location’s bacteria and other threats.
The plants that germinate from these seeds also offer greater support for the local fauna (wildlife). That’s important to the overall balance of the ecosystem, because wild animals also help replenish the plant life by ‘spreading’ the seeds. 4
When a reforestation project relies on the use of native seeds, it prevents issues such as the introduction of genotypes that become invasive, as well as reduced genetic diversity. 5
Genetic diversity is fundamental in reforestation efforts. It decreases the chances of inbreeding, promotes effective reproduction, and makes plants more easily adaptable to potential changes in the environment. 1
It’s important to know that genetic homogeneity leads to problems that are not always immediately clear and that accumulate over time. Many times, the impact only becomes visible when it has disrupted large areas and is therefore, more difficult to address.6
As a matter of fact, disturbances arising from low genetic diversity often accumulate in the next generation of plants that grow in the restored site. 1
Robust Restoration in Practice: The Cantão Case
In a remote area of Brazil, where the Amazon Rainforest meets the Cerrado (known as the Brazilian Savanna), 8 Billion Trees is reforesting areas within the Cantão State Park [Parque Estadual do Cantão, in Portuguese]. Deforestation in these areas started in the 1970s, well before the Park was created, and the signs of degradation persist until now.
Setting goals that are not merely quantitative, the team at 8 Billion Trees carefully plans all steps of the restoration activity, starting with the careful selection of species and collection of seeds.
Hand Gathering the Seeds
Respecting traditional and scientific knowledge, the 8 Billion Trees’ team selects the most suitable species to restore the target sites. Our experienced biologist is leading studies aimed at identifying the predominant species of the local landscape, and cataloging all native species that exist and are well-adapted to that area.
For example, in the Cantão Park, repeated fires have been affecting the areas surrounding the restoration site. Only two tree species have been able to cope with these conditions. With this in mind, the restoration team determined that these two species must be the first ones to be planted in the degraded area. That is because they can serve as shields to other plants – such as fruit trees, which attract the local animal life – which can only be planted in later stages.
Once the native species that best suit the planting site are identified, the team sets out to collect seeds.
They do this by hand, trekking throughout the heart of the jungle and savanna formations, selecting native seeds that ensure the best restoration results. The team selects the specific germplasm that copes with the local conditions and potential future stresses.
Storing and Cataloging Native Species Seeds: 8 Billion Trees Germplasm Bank
After collecting the seeds, the team carefully prepares them for storage, ensuring that humidity levels are controlled and that the temperature does not exceed 71.5 Fahrenheit, to avoid bacteria and fungus growth.
The seeds (at present, roughly 100 thousand) are stored in a germplasm bank, which is resistant to fire and other threats. The team checks all seeds every day to ensure that all of them are healthy!
Seeds collected in any given year (say 2020) are used in the next year (2021). That ensures they will not decay, which would hamper germination and cause a decrease in quality.
Spouting the Native Species: Nursery Care
When the time is right, the seeds are sown in germination beds in a nursery, which 8 Billion Trees manages.
Currently, 70,000 seedlings are growing there!
All workers receive training to care for the seedlings as if they were patients in an intensive care unit. That is because the seedlings are very fragile. For instance, their roots cannot suffer impact. If that happens, the plant may die within a few days.
Transporting the seedlings from the nursery to the planting site can also be a risky procedure, but, working together, everyone guarantees the seedlings will not be under stress.
Another common goal is to guarantee the seedlings are ready to go to the restoration site as soon as the environmental conditions allow for planting.
Planting Season! Restoring Native Species
In the Cantão Park, planting happens in the rainy season, which usually lasts from November to early January. The rain is crucial to ensure the survival and growth of the seedlings. Moreover, native trees are adapted to the rain schedule. The planting activities also follow the lunar cycle, which significantly impacts the development of plants.
The soil in the restoration site is also constantly being improved to ensure the seedlings planted there will thrive. That is especially crucial in Cerrado areas, where the soil is very acidic and lacking in nutrients.
Carefully planning and executing these procedures, 8 Billion Trees follows all recommendations the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) sets for restoration projects:
- Giving priority to native plants
- Using material that is suited to the local conditions of the restoration site
- Ensuring diversity of species and a broad genetic base, aiming at ensuring resilience
- Planning each phase of the restoration process well in advance so that the
- Planting can happen at the appropriate time and place
- Seeking to integrate the planted trees into the surrounding landscape
Making It Happen!
Since non-native species can hamper both conservation and restoration efforts, 8 Billion Trees’ teams work hard to ensure only high-quality and genetically diverse native plant materials are employed in our reforestation efforts.
These factors are fundamental to ensure a functional, healthy, and resilient ecosystem.
By following these steps, we’re working hard to achieve success in planting and restoring the native rainforests in Brazil.
1Thomas, E., Jalonen, R., Gallo, L., Boshier, D., Loo, J. (2014). Introduction. In Bozzano, M., Jalonen, R., Thomas, E., Boshier, D., Gallo, L., Cavers, S., Bordács, S., Smith, P. & Loo, J. (Eds.) Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree species. State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic Study. Rome, FAO and Bioversity International.
2FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). (2010). Global forest resources assessment. Main report. FAO Forestry Paper 163. Rome.
3Lamb, D. (2012). Forest restoration – the third big silvicultural challenge. J. Trop. Forest Sci., 24: 295–299.
4 Hulme, P.E. (2012). Invasive species unchecked by climate. Science, 335: 537–538.
5Vander Mijnsbrugge, K., Bischoff, A. & Smith, B. (2010). A question of origin: where and how to collect seed for ecological restoration. Basic Appl. Ecol., 11: 300–311.
6Rogers, D.L. & Montalvo, A.M. (2004). Genetically appropriate choices for plant materials to maintain biological diversity. Report to the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Lakewood, CO, USA. University of California.