Many people ask, is pest control for crickets necessary?
A mouse or ant infestation in your home can call for immediate treatments, but what’s so bad about crickets (other than the nocturnal noises they make)?
Although this insect is generally harmless, crickets (in the right amount) can wreak major havoc in your home if left to propagate.
Once inside, cricket swarms can destroy your clothing, ripping holes and tearing through your wallpaper just as easily. They can wreck glue, wood, leather, and plants, and their loud chirping can obliterate the peace and sanctity of your home.
Since they’re an uncommon pest, many homeowners don’t know many pest control for crickets options.
This guide explains how to recognize and get rid of crickets in your house, and how to prevent them from taking up residence again.
Identification Matters: Understanding the Crickets Taking Residence in Your Home
With over 900 cricket species, 100 that live in the United States,5 identifying the crickets in your home can be puzzling.
There are only three species known to venture into homes: Camel, Field, and House crickets. Here is a primer on each.
1. Camel Cricket
- Scientific Name: Ceuthophilus spp3
- Natural Habitat: Under logs, greenhouses, cellars, caves, and basements
- Locations: Worldwide, including the entire United States
Camel crickets have curved bodies with an oval-shaped head and dorsal arching. Their antennae naturally taper, and they’re thicker overall, especially in the hind femur.
Those femurs are spiny, with this trait more common in males than females.
Field crickets are small, measuring about an inch on average. The coloration varies but is typically brown, red, or black.
Females have an ovipositor on their abdomen, an extended appendage males lack. The ovipositor is for burying fertilized eggs.
Measuring 0.63 to 0.83 inches long, the common house cricket is brown or gray.
Females have an ovipositor nestled between dual rear appendages known as cerci. Male crickets have more noticeable cerci.
How To Get Rid of Crickets Outside and Inside the Home
Discovering the odd cricket in your home might not disturb you, but when they continue increasing in number, you will realize you have a problem.
The following removal methods range from the humane to the kill-em-dead so you can move past your cricket problem for good.
How To Get Crickets Out of Your House (Natural Cricket Repellent)
A combo of common household ingredients will repel crickets naturally. Grab a bowl and squirt a few dollops of dish soap, then add two cups of water, and hot chili powder or a few fresh hot chilis you don’t mind parting with.
Stir this hot concoction, transfer it to a spray bottle, and mist the areas of your home the crickets have claimed as their own.
Please wear protective equipment like a mask, glasses, and gloves when handling these ingredients, as they’re very hot and can cause eye and skin irritation.
Don’t spray this fiery mixture near plants or pets as it will harm them.
- Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Crickets?
If you’d rather contain your cricket problem yourself, consider diatomaceous earth to get the job done.2
This powder is comprised of diatom fossils. It’s scratchy enough to damage a cricket. When the diatomaceous earth punctures the bug’s exoskeleton, it dehydrates and dies.
Diatomaceous earth is nontoxic, so it’s worlds better as a natural pest control for crickets than bleach.
That said, don’t use it in the kitchen (or anywhere you prepare food) or within reach of children. Though diatomaceous earth is nontoxic, it can cause lung irritation.
Ramping It Up: How To Kill Crickets
Have creepy crickets and their tenacious chirping ruined your peace of mind? You can kill crickets without resorting to chemicals.
You will need a mason jar, water, and molasses for this method. Fill the jar with two cups of water and three tablespoons of molasses, repeating for as many infested rooms in your home as you have.
Place each jar down in the room without a lid and wait. The cricket will smell the molasses and find themselves unable to resist.
As they enter the jar, the sticky molasses will entrap them, and they’ll drown in the jar.
If you’d rather make theirs a quicker death, you can always suck up crickets with the vacuum cleaner.
- Does Bleach Kill Crickets? (Bleach as Chemical Pest Control for Crickets)
Bleach can kill crickets, but it’s not the most effective method.
You’d have to pour bleach down the drain or wherever you’ve spotted the crickets to ensure their eradication. If one or two crickets getaway, you’ve wasted your efforts.
Using bleach isn’t only dangerous for crickets but people. Breathing in bleach can cause breathlessness, coughing, and other lung irritation symptoms.
Prolonged exposure can be even riskier, as bleach can cause fluid to build up in your lungs.
Bleach powder is a better solution for crickets, as the smell alone is enough to keep them at bay. However, the same health effects remain, so skip the bleach and call an exterminator instead.
Pest Control for Crickets: Outside Treatment Methods
Treating crickets at the source will prevent them from reaching the home.
If your neighborhood is sparse on feathered friends, install a birdhouse, birdbath, or bird feeder in your backyard. Bluebirds eat crickets, and some other types of birds also do.
Limit the use of lighting, especially at night. House and field crickets love the light and will gravitate to your home compared to the darker one on your street.7
However, don’t sacrifice security in the name of cricket reduction.
For a fast, effective method to employ today, try an insect killer. Cricket pesticide is available in granule or liquid form for easy application on your lawn.
As a safety precaution, it is important to remember that you shouldn’t let kids and pets play where you spray.
Playing It Safe: How To Keep Crickets Away and Prevent a Cricket Infestation
You’ve treated your cricket problem and emerged triumphant, but they will return unless you fix the source issue.
Start with your home’s exterior. Look for small gaps and openings, especially around the door and window frames, foundation vents, and crawlspace doors.
Use caulk or sealant to block these entry points. Upgrade your weatherstripping, and don’t leave holey window or door screens intact.
Removing hiding places makes your home less appealing for crickets to live. Keep your lawn clean by raking up leaves, collecting debris, and removing trash as it accumulates.
Make mowing a priority, as tall grass hides crickets. When you’re done trimming your lawn, move on to any shrubs and trees around your property.

(Image: David J. Stang8)
Oh, and don’t forget the gutters! Crickets will hide anywhere they can take shelter, so pull those gunky leaves out of your gutters every month or so.
Here’s one more tip: Consider letting your pet play outside (if you didn’t treat your lawn with chemicals). Cats and dogs alike greatly enjoy hunting crickets, and they’ll appreciate the opportunity to sharpen their natural instincts.
When To Call an Exterminator for Crickets (Professional Pest Control for Crickets)
You can call an exterminator for crickets when you realize you have an infestation.
Compared to other insects, crickets are trickier to kill. They can survive without a morsel of food and a drop of water for up to two weeks, so starving them doesn’t do the trick.
You must either kill them or remove them humanely. If you wish, try the above methods first, or jump straight to seeking an exterminator’s services.
Readying Your Wallet: Cricket Exterminator Pricing
If you’re considering hiring an exterminator, you’ll want to know more about the pricing of their services first. The average cost of professional cricket removal is $175 to $325,6 with a national average of $250.
However, exterminator prices depend on the extent of your cricket problem. You could pay up to $675 if the exterminator finds a complex cricket infestation or has to use extensive removal methods.
A cricket infestation can give you the creepy-crawlies. After all, who likes to see a black cricket in the house?
These insects might not bite, but their droning chirp is enough to drive anyone up a wall.
Removing cricket entry by keeping your lawn tidy and sealing up your home’s exterior is an effective way to stay on top of any infestations, and you can always choose professional pest control for crickets.
Frequently Asked Questions About Pest Control for Crickets
What Do Crickets Eat?
Crickets are omnivorous, House crickets among them. In the wild, they’re content munching on grasses, fruit, leaves, seeds, flowers, and the odd larvae from aphids; when in your house, they’ll eagerly expand their diets, eating produce, grains, and protein.
How Long Do Crickets Live?
You’ll recall crickets can live for two weeks without water and food, so their life cycle is at least that long, but how many days? Crickets live on average for 90 days, giving them enough time to mature, lay eggs, and continue the cricket lifecycle.
1Britannica. (2023). Field Cricket. Britannica. Retrieved October 31, 2023, from <https://www.britannica.com/animal/field-cricket>
2Bunch, T. R., Bond, C., Buhl, K., & Stone, D. (2013, January). Diatomaceous Earth General Fact Sheet. National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services. Retrieved October 31, 2023, from <http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/degen.html>
3National Pest Management Association. (2023). Camel Crickets. PestWorld.org. Retrieved October 31, 2023, from <https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/occasional-invaders/camel-crickets/>
4National Pest Management Association. (2023). House Crickets. PestWorld.org. Retrieved October 31, 20233, from <https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/occasional-invaders/house-crickets/>
5New Hampshire PBS. (2023). Gryllidae- True Crickets. Wildlife Journal Junior. Retrieved October 31, 2023, from <https://nhpbs.org/wild/Gryllidae.asp>
6Pomares, I. (2022, August 17). Cricket Extermination Cost Guide. Fixr.com. Retrieved October 31, 2023, from <https://www.fixr.com/costs/cricket-extermination>
7Sanders, D., & Houseman, R. (2015, December). House-Invading Crickets. MU Extension. Retrieved October 31, 2023, from <https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/g7366>
8House Cricket Infestation Photo by David J. Stang / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized and Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved January 5, 2024 from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Acheta_domestica_2zz.jpg>
9Field-cricket-20070325-004 Photo by Ghouston / CC0 1.0 DEED | CC0 1.0 Universal. Cropped, Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved February 15, 2024, from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Field-cricket-20070325-004.jpg>
10Acheta domestica male Photo by Hexasoft / Public Domain. Cropped, Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved February 15, 2024, from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Acheta_domestica_male.png>