30 Stunning Types of Philodendron Varieties To Grow Indoor: Pics, Care Tips

Georgette Kilgore headshot, wearing 8 Billion Trees shirt with forest in the background.Written by Georgette Kilgore

Gardening | February 26, 2024

Woman looks at various types of philodendron plants to grow indoor and wonders if there is a guide that includes philodendron identification charts, pictures, and instructions for how to grow and care for philodendrons.

There are a many stunning and beautiful types of philodendrons that can grow in many places around the world…and many which can be grown both outdoors and indoors to bring serene greenery inside your space.

But many people want to know which types philodendrons will work best for their specific application, and also as many care tips as possible for keeping their philodendron plants healthy and thriving.

This complete growing guide outlines 30 types of philodendron plants that grow in rainforests around the world, many of which you can use to introduce a touch of the tropics into your life.

But, be aware that although flowers bloom when these plants are in their native environment, very rarely will any types of flowers appear on indoor philodendrons.

How To Identify Philodendron and Philodendron Varieties

In reality, there are over 400 species to choose from that have blue-green to gray-silver foliage and more, yet they all fall into just two main categories – vining and non-climbing.

Related Reading: How Many Tree Species Are There?

These traits are accurate modes of identification, with vining Philodendra needing a support structure to grow upright, while the non-vining type can stay erect on its own.



Philodendron in oval frame on green background.
  • Family: Araceae
  • Genus: Philodendron
  • Leaf: Large, glossy leaves that are predominantly dark green across all the species but some plants display reddish, bronze, or even purple colors
  • Seed: Measuring just 2-5mm, they are white and the same shape as a grain of rice
  • Blossoms: The flowers blossom from mid-June
  • Native Habitat: Tropical zones in the West Indies, Africa, Asia, South America, and Australia are where these plants flourish
  • Height: 1-15 Feet
  • Canopy: 1-15 Feet
  • Type: Perennial

Philodendron Types and the Philodendron Growing Zone

Rainforests that are hot and humid are the optimal growing zones for most types of Philodendrons. But even under the same conditions, all the species do not grow in the same manner.

Related Reading: Forest Ecosystem Guide: Boreal vs Deciduous vs Coniferous vs Temperate

There are 3 distinct ways that they grow, and each couldn’t be more different from the other considering that it is the same species of plant.


This method of growing refers to any plant that grows disconnected from the soil, attaching itself to another structure, be it a tree or a wall, for support. Nutrients and water are derived from rainfall or moisture, and food is collected from any type of leftover organic remnants.

These plants are often referred to as ‘air plants’.


This is a more traditional method of growth where the roots establish themselves in the ground. Nutrients are drawn through the taproot and the plant lives directly from the land.1


Seeds from these plants start their lives attached to a tree and gradually extend their roots toward the ground. On contact, the roots take hold and the entire plant migrates to its new home on terra firma.

Secondary hemiepiphyte is the process where the roots of the plant begin in the soil but slowly ascend up the trunk of a tree, climbing higher to search for sunlight, eventually breaking contact with the ground below.

Philodendrons make perfect house guests, as long as you select one that isn’t going to be creeping or crawling around your house when you close your eyes for the night, that is.

Types of Philodendron Plants for Your Home (Varieties To Grow Indoor: Pics)

Here are certain types of Philodendrons that are more sought after than others as they are easier to care for, and are more appealing in the looks department.

Graphics of types of Philodendron showing Blushing Philodendron (Philodendron erubescens), Philodendron Laciniatum (Philodendron laciniatum), Philodendron Grazielae (Philodendron grazielae), Philodendron Birkin (Philodendron ‘Birkin’), Tri-leaved Philodendron (Philodendron tripartitum), Philodendron Silver Sword (Philodendron hastatum), and Green Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum) leaf images.

Here is a brief sample of just 7 with similarities in sizes, and differences in leaf designs.

Name of PhilodendronHeight & WidthDescriptionUSDA
1. Blushing Philodendron
(Philodendron erubescens)
3 feet high
2 feet wide
Extremely popular with long, bold, leaves, this heart leaf plant is very lush and compact10-11
2. Philodendron Laciniatum (Philodendron laciniatum)3 feet high
3 feet wide
The shiny texture of the multi-lobed leaves is highlighted by the slightly lighter veins. This is a very decorative plant that is as eye-catching as it is unusual9-11
3. Philodendron Grazielae (Philodendron grazielae)3 feet high
3 feet wide
The thick leaves are perfectly heart-shaped, glossy green, and are attractive in pots or in hanging baskets9-11
4. Philodendron Birkin (Philodendron ‘Birkin’)3 feet high
2 feet wide
Dark green glossy leaves that are streaked with varying degrees of lighter shades of green9-11
5. Tri-leaved Philodendron (Philodendron tripartitum)4 feet high
3 feet wide
The coloring of these lengthy leaves is light green. They have an original growth pattern with one long central leaf and two shorter ones on the back end9-11
6. Philodendron Silver Sword
(Philodendron hastatum)
3-4 feet high
2-3 feet wide
A unique Philodendron with silver,2 almost metallic-looking leaf coloration. Because it has a strong climbing nature, it requires a post, tree, or support structure to grow on9-11
7. Green Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)4 feet high
3-4 feet wide
Also known as the Sweetheart plant due to the shaped leaves, they can grow 20 feet tall outside. It is a vine by nature and extends gracefully indoors and is often confused with another plant called Pothos9-11

Philodendron vs Pothos

These two plants belong to the same Araceae and are very often mistaken for each by amateurs and professionals alike as both have heart-shaped leaves.

The main differences are

  • Pothos’ heart leaves are less pointed than Philodendrons.
  • The sheen differs on the leaves with Philodendrons being less shiny.
  • Philodendron roots are thin, while Pothos roots are thicker and more aggressive as they vine upwards.
  • The stems differ in thickness, with Pothos stems being a lot chunkier and also similar in color to the shade of the leaves.
  • Within the Pothos species, there are more types of plants with variegated leaves than those in the Philodendron species.

The differences between the two close family members are not the easiest to spot. It won’t be the end of the world if a Pothos plant is purchased instead of a Philodendron, but let’s have a look at a few more so that that mistake doesn’t come to pass.

Philodendron Vine: Stunning Types of Philodendron

If purchasing Philodendrons to grow as vine plants is your intention, it can’t hurt to be able to tell the difference between a climber and a crawler.

Graphics of Types of Philodendron showing 8. Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’ (Philodendron hederaceum ‘Lemon Lime’), Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Brasil’ (Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’), Philodendron Micans (Philodendron micans), Philodendron Red-Emerald (Philodendron erubescens ‘Red Emerald’), Philodendron Pink Princess (Philodendron Pink Princess), and Fiddleleaf Philodendron (Philodendron bipennifolium) leaf images.

Just check out our list of attractive plants to see which one will be decorating the far corner of your room.

Name of PhilodendronLighting
8. Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’
(Philodendron hederaceum ‘Lemon Lime’)
Indirect lightYellowish-green foliage just radiates vitality as a stake is positioned to allow this impressive plane to go high instead of staying low.11-12
9. Philodendron Hederaceum ‘Brasil’ (Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’)Bright, indirect sunlightThe dark leaves are variegated by bright yellow stripes. The vines can be supported to climb upwards or allowed to cascade over the side of hanging baskets.311-12
10. Philodendron Micans (Philodendron micans)Bright, indirect sunlightThe leaves have a greenish bronze coloring on one side and reddish brown on the other. What makes it even more exceptional is its velvety texture.10-11
11. Philodendron Red-Emerald (Philodendron erubescens ‘Red Emerald’)Partial lightClassed as one of the blushing Philodendrons, the red emerald has purple-red veins, bright red stems, and a red line along the edges of its large leaves10-12
12. Philodendron Pink Princess
(Philodendron Pink Princess)
Medium to bright indirect sunlightBright pink leaves mix well with dark green leaves with a tinge of purple. Position the Pink Princess Philodendron to climb freely and it will provide a wonderful display of lush foliage9-11
13. Fiddleleaf Philodendron (Philodendron bipennifolium)Enjoys full sunlightThis plant is an exotic vine with incredibly shaped leaves. Being semi-epiphyte, it is amazing to watch it in slow motion dragging itself upwards around the supporting pole.9-11

Philodendron Identification of Variegated Heart Leaf Philodendron

Variegation in plants refers to the presence of distinct colored patterns on leaves in any corner of the world. This can also appear on stems as two-toned or multi-tonal colors in the form of stripes, dots, circles, and splotches.

Graphic of types of Philodendron showing leaf images of Variegated Burle Marx (Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’), Philodendron Painted Lady (Philodendron ‘Painted Lady’), Philodendron Jungle Fever (Philodendron ‘Jungle Fever’), Philodendron Paraiso Verde (Philodendron ‘Paraiso Verde’), Silver Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron brandtianum), and Philodendron Ring of Fire (Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’).

These additional markings enhance an already impressive plant with designs an artist would find hard to beat.

Name of PhilodendronNative ToDescriptionUSDA
14. Variegated Burle Marx
(Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’)
Jungles of BrazilIt can be a low-growing shrub or a climbing vine. It has brilliant green heart-shaped leathery leaves with yellow splotches and reddish stems9-11
15. Philodendron Painted Lady (Philodendron ‘Painted Lady’)Brazil and MexicoThis is a stunning variegated climbing houseplant that is easy to care for and is an excellent choice for beginners.
Each fresh leaf has a yellow hue with green speckling. As these Philodendron yellow leaves age, they turn a darker green with spots of yellow
16. Philodendron Jungle Fever (Philodendron ‘Jungle Fever’)South America and the CaribbeanWhat separates this plant from other variegated Philodendrons is that the leaves are multicolored in large sections of 3 or more distinct shades of green9-11
17. Philodendron Paraiso Verde (Philodendron ‘Paraiso Verde’)West IndiesShaped like a blade, the mottled green and white leaves distinguish this cultivar from many others. The bright variegation and unique shapes easily position this plant as the main attraction no matter where it is placed49-11
18. Silver Leaf Philodendron (Philodendron brandtianum)Tropical rainforests of Brazil, Colombia, and PeruThis heartleaf has a variegation with bold shades of white paint between the veins that makes it an interesting specimen to have around.10
19. Philodendron Ring of Fire (Philodendron ‘Ring of Fire’)South AmericaAn astounding specimen. The unique leaves range in colors from orange to deep green, with distinctive speckled, blotched, or even striped markings.9-11

Large Philodendrons and Large Philodendron Leaves

Growing huge Philodendron plants indoors can bring numerous advantages to homeowners. These types of indoor plants can provide fresh air by absorbing pollutants and are also visually appealing, bringing a touch of elegance to your home.

Graphics of Types of Philodendron showing Split leaf Philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum), Philodendron Xanadu (Philodendron xanadu), Philodendron gloriosum (Philodendron gloriosum), and Philodendron maximum (Philodendron maximum) leaf images.

Pick a spot that will allow them to grow and see below which type of Philodendron catches your eye.

Name of PhilodendronHeight & WidthDescriptionUSDA
20. Split leaf Philodendron
(Philodendron bipinnatifidum)
4 feet high
5-10 feet wide
The dramatic, crinkly leaves spread wide and hang low over the short trunk. The prominent veins serve to highlight the unique shapes and lobes9-11
21. Philodendron Xanadu (Philodendron xanadu)3 feet high
3-5 feet wide
The huge glossy Philodendron leaves contribute to the wide-spreading nature of this. It is actually terrestrial, growing upright, so it is all the more amazing the size it achieves. However, care has to be taken to keep it out of the reach of pets and children as it is toxic10-11
22. Philodendron gloriosum (Philodendron gloriosum)3 feet high
6 feet wide
Very large and heart-shaped. These Philodendron green leaves can grow up to 2 feet in length with distinctive white veins running throughout.10-11
23. Philodendron maximum
(Philodendron maximum)
3-4 feet high
3 feet wide
The enormous deep-veined leaves alone measure between 1-3 feet in width and up to 5.5 feet long and are only found in South American rainforests.5 Fortunately, indoors the leaves are still large but do not spread out quite so wide10-11

Rare Philodendron (Philodendron rugosum)

Some types of Philodendron are so rare that they are referred to as the Black Gold Philodendron, such as the Philodendron melanochrysum, because of their dwindling existence growing in the wild, threats to the ecosystems, or the difficulties associated with growing them in a controlled environment.

Graphics of Types of Philodendron showing Philodendron 69686 (Philodendron ‘Bette Waterbury’ 69686), Philodendron Bob Cee (Philodendron ‘Bob Cee’), Blotched Philodendron (Philodendron mamei), Pigskin Philodendron (Philodendron rugosum), Philodendron Spiritus Sancti (Philodendron spiritus-sancti), Philodendron Joepii (Philodendron moonenii), and Philodendron Billietiae Variegated (Philodendron billietiae Variegata) leaf images.

Another often overlooked aspect is that cultivars can be patented for up to 20 years and the owner may not want to create multiples of their prized possession to maintain a higher price tag.

Name of PhilodendronNative ToDescriptionUSDA
24. Philodendron 69686
(Philodendron ‘Bette Waterbury’ 69686)
French GuianaOnly designated a number when first discovered, it is a tree-grower with irregularly shaped dark green leaves that grow up to two feet tall in heavily shaded forest regions9-11
25. Philodendron Bob Cee
(Philodendron ‘Bob Cee’)
South AmericaThe leaves of this unusual tropical species are long and thin with serrated edges. The Bob Cee, a rare and highly sought-after Philodendron climbing cultivar, can be difficult to locate.9-11
26. Blotched Philodendron
(Philodendron mamei)
EcuadorAlso known as ‘Silver Cloud’, it is easily recognizable from its ruffled stem, its long silvery patterned leaves, and the manner in which it creeps along the ground9-11
27. Pigskin Philodendron (Philodendron rugosum)South AmericaWith a bit of patience and a few planting tips for Philodendron, these rare plants shaped like a pig’s ear can be trained to climb around a pole or draped over a hanging basket in no time at all69-11
28. Philodendron Spiritus Sancti
(Philodendron spiritus-sancti)
South AmericaFound only in Espirito Santo in Brazil, there are only 6 of these very rare Philodendron species growing in the wild. If one can be found for sale growing commercially the price tag will be between $5,000 to $10,000!10-12
29. Philodendron Joepii
(Philodendron moonenii)
French GuianaThe dark green leaves on this odd-looking philodendron set it apart. A Joepii plant’s leaf has a large lower-lobed body, a delicate upper section, and rabbit-like ears that point erect. Unfortunately, they are becoming extremely rare10-11
30. Philodendron Billietiae Variegated (Philodendron billietiae Variegata)French Guiana and BrazilOutstanding orange stems and leaves sprinkled with a brilliant yellow color are the hallmarks of these variegated tropical plants. They grow strong, leathery leaves and just a single variegated leaf can easily cost more than $1,000!9-11

Planting Tips for Philodendrons (Philodendron Seeds)

The 3 methods of propagating and growing Philodendrons differ slightly but are easy to do.

Apart from choosing the preferred method of propagation, selecting the correct potting soil that drains well is crucial as is having the actual pot itself with adequate drainage holes just in case of overwatering.

Consider using mist for plants, too, to avoid overwatering.

Philodendron erubescens 'Red Emerald' in pots showing heart-shaped green leaves and red stems.

(Image: David J. Stang10)

Before doing anything else be aware of the following

  • Growing Philodendron from a cutting can take about 2 weeks before the first shoots appear
  • Growing Philodendron from a seed will take anywhere from 2-8 weeks for the germination process to end
  • Growing Philodendron from a seedling is the fastest method of growing philodendrons as the germination period has already elapsed

Once the plants are established, they are remarkably easy to care for whether your fingers have a tinge of green or not.

  1. Place the pot in bright yet indirect sunlight
  2. Every 7-14 days water thoroughly
  3. Prune dead leaves so new ones can grow in their stead
  4. If the leaves appear paler than they should be, use a water-soluble fertilizer to deliver the nutrients they are missing
  5. As the Philodendron grows, transplant it carefully into a larger pot

When planting outside consider what companion plants for growing Philodendron can be used, and how far apart to plant Philodendron to prevent any leaf wars, and you’ll be halfway there to having your own forest.

Growing Zones for Philodendron: Where To Grow for All Types of Philodendron

Although there are some Philodendron plants that have been cultivated to withstand less-than-ideal conditions than what they are accustomed to, as houseplants prefer regulated humidity levels that can create environments with temperatures ranging between 65° to 85° F.7

How far apart to plant philodendrons will depend on the species, but as a rule, when planting outside, a distance of about 5 feet between plants is recommended. But when to plant Philodendron for the best yield?

To get the best results plant, cuttings, or seeds between the period of spring to summer.

Philodendron Disease Prevention for All Types of Philodendron

Philodendron plants are incredibly versatile, yet they are also vulnerable to bacterial plant diseases. The most common health issue they face is diseases that attack the leaves.

Some of the most prevalent ones are leaf spot, bacterial blight, Xanthomonas leaf spot, tip burn, and Pseudomonas leaf spot.

Indoor plants are frequently harmed by improper watering and insufficient lighting which can cause the roots of the plants to decay, and the foliage to droop and discolor.

Knowing how to stop Philodendron disease begins with maintaining good conditions and not overwatering. Be careful and vigilant and these diseases have less chance of taking hold.

If they do, treatment begins with pruning the infected leaves and spraying the plants with natural fungicides to prevent the spread to other plants.

Common Pests of the Philodendron (Natural Pest Control for Philodendron)

While most types of Philodendron are not plagued by pests, there are still a few of them that can become problematic. The ones to keep a sharp eye out for and the bug spray at the ready are

  • Aphids: These tiny insects hide under leaves and attack the stems to extract as much sap as they can before they are spotted.
  • Fungus Gnats: Hiding in the soil, their larva consume the roots and weaken the plant.
  • Scales: Disguising themselves under a protective brown shell, they will gnaw at your pride and joy until all the sap has been sucked from the leaf.
  • Spider Mites: Often too small to spot, this marauding horde can cause significant damage to the leaves despite their size.

When spraying insecticides to eliminate infestations from spider mites and other pests in an indoor setting,8 the more natural the ingredients the better.

Mixtures of neem oil and dish soap are highly effective and safe for the household’s occupants, including pets.

Tropical Plants: Philodendron Facts

Philodendrons are fascinating plants. They are perhaps not the most flashy or colorful, yet they have an unmistakable tropical feel to them whether climbing, hanging, or crawling around the house.

Closeup of Philodendron gloriosum showing dark green leaves with white leaf veins.

(Image: Stefan Schweihofer11)

But they are more than just their big, green, and sometimes variegated leaves

  • Philodendrons are toxic. If ingested by children or pets they will cause burning around the mouth, drooling, and vomiting.
  • If an epiphyte Philodendron falls from its support structure, a tree for example, it will just dust itself off and start to climb back toward the light again.
  • Flowers on Philodendrons attract pollinators by emitting an irresistible pheromone.
  • If properly cared for, some types of Philodendron can live for decades.
  • Philodendrons are fantastic at removing carbon dioxide from the interior of homes and purifying the air. In the fight against climate change, it is a small step but if every household in every country did the same.

If you’re looking for a stylish plant for a corner of your office space or a backdrop in your home, you can start by picking any one of the 30 stunning types of Philodendron varieties to grow indoors and be amazed at the results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Types of Philodendron

What Is the Time Frame of How Long It Takes To Grow Philodendrons To Maturity?

It can take 15-16 years for a Philodendron to reach maturity.

What Are the Best Growing Conditions for Philodendron?

Most types of Philodendron need temperatures of 65° to 85° F and exposure to partial or indirect sunlight.

Does a Philodendron Flower Indoors?

No, for some reason most types of philodendron do not blossom with flowers indoors as they do naturally in an outdoor setting.

What Are the Watering Needs for Philodendron Plants?

It will only be necessary to water your Philodendron plant once every 1-2 weeks, allowing the dryness of the soil to be an indicator if it requires less or more watering.

How Much Sunlight Does Philodendron Need Each Day?

An average of 4-6 hours of indirect light is required on a daily basis for Philodendron plants.9

Read More About Types of Philodendron


1University Avenue. (2023). Taproots. UAEX. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://www.uaex.uada.edu/yard-garden/resource-library/plant-week/Taproots-01-17-2020.aspx>

2Steil, A. (2023). What are popular types of philodendron? | Horticulture and Home Pest News. Horticulture and Home Pest News. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://hortnews.extension.iastate.edu/faq/what-are-popular-types-philodendron>

3Steil, A. (2023, April). Creating and Growing Hanging Baskets | Horticulture and Home Pest News. Horticulture and Home Pest News. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://hortnews.extension.iastate.edu/creating-and-growing-hanging-baskets>

4University of Florida. (2023, February 24). Variegation. PropG. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://propg.ifas.ufl.edu/03-genetic-selection/22-genetic-variegation.html>

5National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. (2023). Rainforest. KDE Santa Barbara. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/biomes/rainforest.html>

6akruege4. (2022, May 1). What Makes Climbing Plants Climb? Biomechanics in the Wild. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://sites.nd.edu/biomechanics-in-the-wild/2022/05/01/what-makes-climbing-plants-climb/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-makes-climbing-plants-climb>

7BROWNING, S. (2021, January 10). Success with Houseplants – Humidity | Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County. Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://lancaster.unl.edu/houseplants-humidity>

8Cranshaw, W., & Sclar, D. (2023). Spider Mites – 5.507 – Extension. CSU Extension. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/insects/spider-mites-5-507/>

9Weisenhorn, J., Hoidal, N., & Anderson, N. (2020). Lighting for indoor plants and starting seeds. University of Minnesota Extension. Retrieved May 18, 2023, from <https://extension.umn.edu/planting-and-growing-guides/lighting-indoor-plants>

10Philodendron erubescens Red Emerald 2zz Photo by David J. Stang / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Resized. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Philodendron_erubescens_Red_Emerald_2zz.jpg>

11Philodendron Gloriosum Leaves Shrub Photo by Stefan Schweihofer (stux). (2014, December 20) / Pixabay Content License. Resized and Changed Format. Pixabay. Retrieved February 26, 2024, from <https://pixabay.com/photos/philodendron-gloriosum-leaves-shrub-573531/>

12Species Information Image: Hands holding a Philodendron birkin. Photo by feey. (2021, January 19) / Unsplash License. Cropped and remixed with text, shape, and background elements. Unsplash. Retrieved January 19, 2024, from <https://unsplash.com/photos/person-holding-green-plant-on-white-pot-JthmrJzhLtg>

13Rare Types of Philodendron Blotched Philodendron Image: Philodendron mamei Detailaufnahme des Blattes. Photo by feey. (2023, July 3) / Unsplash License. Cropped and remixed with text, shape, and background elements. Unsplash. Retrieved February 26, 2024, from <https://unsplash.com/photos/a-heart-shaped-plant-with-green-leaves-in-a-pot-cdjnWlSvOws>