There is no doubt that Poison Ivy vine can be problematic in a home garden.
As a climbing vine or as ground cover, its bright green leaves appear harmless and even attractive as they turn red, curl, and die off at the approach of winter.
But for most people, the natural defenses of the hardy plant result in itchy rashes if you accidentally handle it or touch it, making it an undesirable addition to the back yard.
Knowing how to identify Poison Ivy vine can help you avoid it and remove it safely (if you want to), and this guide explains exactly how to do it, as well as outlining some of the best natural remedies for dealing with exposure to poison ivy.
Poison Ivy
(Toxicodendron radicans)

- Family: Anacardiaceae
- Genus: Toxicodendron
- Leaf: Compound, alternate leaves with three leaflets. Either jagged-edged or smooth
- Seed: Tiny, swallowed by birds and animals harmlessly passes through their system
- Blossoms: Between May-June
- Native Habitat: The Eastern regions of the United States and Canada
- Height: From 2 feet up to 12 feet tall
- Canopy: The width can be as wide as the tree it has become entangled in
- Type: Perennial
- Native Growing Zone: The edge of forests and woods, the edge of pathways, and fields.
Image Credit: Jan Haerer (leoleobobeo)15
How To Identify Poison Ivy: What Does Poison Ivy Look Like?
Poison Ivy causes a harsher allergic reaction than the English Ivy plant or the harmless Kudzu Vine which has a similar three-pronged leaflet structure. Even the Honeysuckle Vine is low on the toxicity level compared to the Poison Ivy so you would definitely not want to mistake any one of them for the other.
If any of these vine plants, including the Clematis Vine are consumed by humans they can cause stomach problems. If consumed by pets, the reactions can be a lot more severe with bouts of diarrhea and vomiting being visible signs.
Unfortunately, one of the painful ways that people first identify Poison Ivy from its less painful compatriots is by the rashes that will erupt on their skin by accidental contact.
A less traumatic method is to recognize the leaves before there is any skin contact, and here are 3 plants you should not be caressing or your pets having a quick nibble.
Poison Ivy Vine Leaves
The compound leaflets of Poison Ivy leaves appear in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, from smooth and rounded to serrated. But they consistently cluster in threes, the middle one longer than the other two.
The glossy, brilliant green leaves transform into a beautiful scarlet or reddish yellow in the fall.1
Poison Sumac Leaves
The Poison Sumac leaves always grow in odd numbers from 7 to 13 lobes with one at the very tip. It has a feather-like appearance known as a pinnately compound with leaflets growing across from one another.
The eye-catching red stem is perhaps the main giveaway, the main warning sign that this plant is not friendly.
Poison Oak Leaves
Shiny and crimson when first emerging, new leaves turn green by summer, then turn yellow or flaming red in the fall. The leaves have 3 lobes, range in size from 2 to 15 cm (1-6 in) in length sometimes on the same plant, and are alternately arranged on short stems.
The number of leaflets can vary on a single stem from 5 to 7, or even up to 9.
English Ivy Vine Leaves
Different varieties have leaves that are either short and narrow, or wide and broad, depending on the species. But they all generally have light-colored stem lines that contrast sharply against the deep green surface that has a waxy texture to it.
Another identifying feature is that this plant is an evergreen perennial, meaning that when other vines have shed their leaves in the cold months, this one will still be vibrant.
Pictures of Poison Ivy and Western Poison Ivy
Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy), which can be a shrub or a climbing vine, and Toxicodendron rydbergii (Western Poison Ivy), a non-climbing shrub, are both Poison Ivy species in the Anacardiaceae family. T. radicans includes nine different subspecies, six of which are indigenous to the Americas.
Poison Ivy is often referred to as Eastern Poison Ivy to differentiate it from its Western counterpart. The two species are widespread across the entire country due to hybridization and have virtually identical characteristics, apart from one.
- Both types of Poison Ivy have clusters of three leaves at the end of thin stalks.
- They can have the exact green, red, or orange foliage.
- Leaves can have either pointed or rounded tips, with sharp or smooth edges.
- They have white, unappealing berries and tiny white flowers.
- The only difference is that the Eastern Poison Ivy grows both as a ground vine and a climbing vine but the Western Poison Ivy can only be found in the form of a shrub.
How To Identify Poison Ivy Vine Vs. Poison Oak: Poison Ivy Vine Comparison
From the same family, these two vines can easily be mistaken for one another as they have a similar three-lobed leaf structure.2
If you look closely you can spy tiny hairs growing on the stems of the Poison Ivy and the leaf edges are jagged in comparison to the leaves of the Poison Oak. Both of them, however, are packed with urushiol, the compound that causes skin irritations on contact.
Poison Ivy Berries
The ripe berries are an attractive bright red, maturing from light green in late summer/early fall, then they take on a more whitish hue. They are just as poisonous as the plant itself but animals such as chipmunks and different types of birds can safely consume them.
Poison Oak Berries
The fruits are tiny, spherical, and pale or yellow/green in color with a touch of fuzz. Like plums and apricots, this fruit is classified as a drupe and is just as inedible and untouchable as the rest of the plant.
Birds and some animals love them, though.
Poison Ivy Vine Flower
Clusters of small, green, or yellowish-white flowers are produced but are not what you would call visually appealing. When viewed from a distance, the clusters of developing flower buds resemble little more than random dots of green.
A plant can have both open and closed flower buds at the same time.
Poison Oak Flowers
The petals of a fully developed male flower bloom in March and April and open outward and downward, clustering loosely at the nodes of the leaves. They have 5, 6, or 7 ivory petals and are less than a quarter of an inch across.
The Poison Oak female flower lacks the showy golden anthers and has smaller,3 more disk-shaped petals.
Poison Ivy Vine Seeds
Poison Ivy’s fruit looks like a cluster of grapes, but the seeds are actually very tiny, off-white, or pale yellow. They spread and take root easily and sometimes the plant can get out of control because of this feature.
Poison Oak Seeds
The tiny seeds are not eaten by animals or birds but are transported after they have consumed the fruits. They are digested and spread far and wide as they pass through their systems which account for the plant’s label as being invasive.
Poison Oak Rash and the Poison Ivy Plant Rash
Both Poison Ivy Vine and Poison Oak are irritants. A chemical compound that causes the skin to break out in red, itchy rashes, and even erupt in blisters, is called urushiol and is literally present in every single part of the plants; the clinical name for the skin irritation induced is Rhus Dermatitis.
The severity of the allergic reaction, the level of exposure, and how quickly symptoms appear will vary according to the sensitivity of the person when coming into contact with either plant.
This can also vary as a person ages. You might have been unaffected as a child and grown more sensitized with repeated exposures or as your body changes.
Urushiol is absorbed into the skin within at least 3 minutes of exposure and usually starts with mild itching and tiny blisters within a few hours after exposure.
Symptoms are:
- Redness on the skin on the points of contact
- Possible spots or streaks depending on how the contact was made
- Mild itching becoming more intense
- The eruption of skin blisters
- Swelling and a sensation of burning
- Blisters that may leak fluid and then become crusty
The inflamed, weeping sores may continue for up to two weeks, and in severe cases, a visit to the doctor may be in order.
An often overlooked point is that urushiol exposure from Poison Ivy has the ability to remain active on clothes if accidentally brushed against if you go for a walk on the wild side.4
This secondary method of contact, unfortunately, does not diminish the effects and the symptoms will be just as irritating and painful.
How To Get Rid of Poison Ivy Rashes: Treatments
Whenever coming into contact with Poison Ivy or another one of these plants climbing trees or hugging the ground as shrubs, there is unlikely to be a doctor or a pharmacist on hand to prescribe a course of treatments to soothe your anguish.
But there is always something at home that will either get rid of the urushiol oil or ease the irritation until you can make it to the docs.
- Soap and water should be your first option. Lukewarm water and soap will help to remove the oil.
If you decided to wash an item of clothing be sure to wear gloves to prevent further accidental contact. - The use of rubbing alcohol on the contact area will also eliminate traces of the oil, and it can even be smeared over footwear as a precautionary measure.
- In an effort to reduce the swelling, a cloth soaked in cold water can be used as a compress.
- Soaking in a bath with baking soda added has been known to ease the symptoms.
A pharmacist or a medical doctor will prescribe topical creams and oral antihistamines, and in severe cases, steroid injections if the person has difficulty breathing or swallowing.
How To Kill Poison Ivy Vine: Naturally Removing Poison Ivy
Because of its shallow roots, it’s possible to pull these invasive plants out of the ground and dispose of them, as long as protective gloves are worn. Although slightly back-breaking, it will get the job done.
Whether it’s a permanent solution is another matter as they love growing back if any parts of the roots are left behind. Repeat mowing and deep plowing of the soil will eventually kill them off.
Herbicide for Poison Ivy
You can use a herbicide like glyphosate spray on the leaves or you can cut the vine and apply the herbicide directly to the cut end so it enters into the plant’s system directly.5
If using herbicides, read the instructions carefully, and take all necessary cautions to avoid any nearby plants that may not appreciate being collateral damage.
Killing Poison Ivy With Vinegar
Heavily spraying a Poison Ivy Plant with vinegar is an effective way to kill it. Be careful though, not to plaster other plants as you may kill them too.
Afterward, pour boiling water over it, wait, and then dig it up and remove it.
One of the most natural methods of making sure that the small patches of Poison Ivy in your garden don’t become an epidemic is to get some goats. It’s as if the irritating weeds are an aphrodisiac to them and they will munch them away as soon as one of them pokes their heads up.
Poisonous Plants and Types of Poison Ivy
The common name for the allergic reaction caused by Poison Ivy and Poison Oak is called Contact Dermatitis. But learning how to identify weeds by photo takes time and is never easy.
Although they are two of the most recognizable culprits for the breakout of skin rashes and lesions, there are other plants out there, literally lurking in the bushes, waiting for you to get close enough so they can rub you the wrong way.
1. Stinging Nettle
You’ll know straight away if you’ve come into contact with this plant as a painful sting like being jabbed with multiple needles will make your eyes water. Your skin will quickly feel like it’s on fire and start to itch like crazy.
Native to the Americas, it grows in dense clumps near ditches, along streams and hiking routes, and often on the edge of farmland.

(Image: MolnarSzabolcsErdely12)
It has dark green leaves that are longer than they are wide and the range in length is from 2 to 4 inches, with some 6 to 8-foot stems with purple shading. Fine hairs lightly cover the leaves as well as the stems and these are the cause of the very uncomfortable burning sensation.
2. Leadwort
The flowers of the Leadwort are beautiful.6
They are small with five delicate petals and have an enchanting Lilac and white coloring, with a backdrop of dark green glossy leaves.
They are often used as a ground cover feature by gardeners as the flowers bloom in spring, and last well into the fall.
However, experienced gardeners wear gloves and protective gear at all times as without them they would experience redness, blisters, and a fair amount of discomfort.
3. Baby’s Breath
Baby’s Breath is a common flower that can be found in both wild and cultivated settings. Because of its mix of pretty white and pink flowers, it is quite often included in bouquets of roses purchased from a florist.
There are no allergic reactions when encountering this plant in the wild or in floral presentations.

(Image: Sephelonor13)
The symptoms of irritation to the eyes, the nose, the sinuses, and mild skin rashes will only be experienced if the flowers are dried.
Those who have developed an allergy to Baby’s Breath or are particularly sensitive should avoid coming into contact with them as they have been known to bring on asthma attacks.

(Image: Kasman14)
4. Giant Hogweed
Officially classed as a noxious weed in the United States, this invasive species is big, growing up to heights of 14 feet with 2-4 inch round stems.
The sap is so toxic that it causes major skin irritations that result in blistering, and possibly permanent scarring that will resemble a second-degree burn.
The worst of it is that if the eyes are accidentally rubbed, there is a risk of blindness. The skin rash may resemble a second-degree burn and may cause permanent scarring and photosensitivity.
The problem with the sap of the Giant Hogweed is that it needs ultraviolet light to be activated, meaning that you may not be aware that you are carrying the toxin on your hands until it is exposed to sunlight. And by that time you would more than likely have touched your face or rubbed your eyes.
This is known as phototoxic and if you discover traces of it before it is exposed to light, wash thoroughly with soap and rinse with cold water. Stay indoors if possible but if not wear sunglasses or cover the infected areas.
If symptoms persist or worsen, seek the advice of a medical professional.
5. Virginia Creeper
Distinguishable from Poison Ivy mainly by the 5 leaflets instead of 3, the Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia),7 has berries that are dark blue and thin hairs growing on its aerial root structure. It’s generally considered harmless.
It’s leaves and stems don’t contain urushiol oil, however the berries are toxic
Plants That Look Like Poison Ivy But Aren’t: Fake Poison Ivy Leaves
Even in the plant kingdom, there are doppelgangers.
Here is a list of 8 plants with leaves that look as dangerous as the Poison Ivy Vine but are actually completely harmless.
- Hog Peanut leaves
- Box Elder
- Bushkiller Vine
- Jack-in-the-pulpit
- Boston Ivy
- Common Jewelweed
- Dewberry
- Mock Strawberry
How To Remove Dormant Poison Ivy Vine: Can You Get Poison Ivy in the Winter?
Although there are still irritants in the stems and branches, Poison Ivy is a little bit simpler and safer to uproot in the winter. At the height of summer, the urushiol chemical is more potent and debilitating, while in the winter, barring any challenging and windy days, it’s easier to yank it out of the ground.
It can still cause allergic reactions, but just with a slightly reduced intensity.
Before taking a firm hold and bending at the knees to get better leverage to heave the weeds out of the ground, ensure that you are dressed to protect. That means long sleeves, long trousers, and thick rubber gloves.
- Start by cutting away all the vines and branches. Refrain from pulling or snapping as spores could be released into the air and irritate your lungs and impede your ability to breathe.
- With a sharp shovel or trowel, dig about 8 inches below the plant to make sure you excise all of the root structure. Leaving in a small part risks the plant regrowing.
- To dispose of the uprooted Poison Ivy, place all of its branches and leaves in strong plastic bags, still avoiding skin contact. Also, do not throw it on a bonfire as the burning urushiol oil will irritate your eyes and make it feel like your lungs are not only on fire but as if they are being squeezed at the same time.
- Once all your tools have been wiped down and put away, carefully remove all your clothing and make sure they are thoroughly washed.
These steps may seem overly cautious considering that Poison Ivy is a deciduous plant and all the leaves are probably long gone by the time the ground turns frosty.8 But it’s not just the leaves that are problematic.
Any and every part of the plant is constantly flush with the harmful compound, even when it appears dormant. If any of it smears on your clothes or your footwear or your gloves, glasses, or hat, it can stay active for a very long time.
How To Kill Poison Ivy, Wild Grape Vine and Other Vine Plants
Girdling of a tree often occurs when a vine curls itself around a branch or the trunk and tightens its grip so much that it breaks the bark and squeezes so tightly that nutrients and water are unable to pass the girdling point. This can cause branches to fall off and trees to eventually die.
Both Wild Grape vine and Poison Ivy Vines can be found in trees but they interact with it in different ways.
Poison Ivy is a climber. It wraps its tendrils around the trunk and creeps steadily upwards where it can access more direct sunlight.
It does not choke the life out of the tree but can deprive it of its share of the life-giving sunlight.
Grape Vines, on the other hand, cannot climb, preferring to cling onto a new tree or drape their limbs over older ones. In both cases, the intention is to grow with the supporting tree.
The problems start from the very beginning as the vines grow faster than the tree, becoming very thick and heavy as they ascend into the canopy, the tangled vines squeezing ever tighter.
The branches quickly get damaged and weakened and fall off due to the weight of the intruder. Injured, and continually assaulted by the Grape Vine, the tree’s health suffers as it is starved of nutrients, deprived of water, and strangled from multiple points until it can take no more and dies.
This is in stark contrast to the Poison Ivy that, even though it does compete for sunlight with the tree, it never over-tightens its tendrils, and just gently creeps upwards towards the light.
Detaching the Wild Grape Vine from the tree before it kills the tree involves the use of a chainsaw if it is very thick,9 a handsaw if it isn’t, or an axe to cut or chop it away.
If it doesn’t completely die off, then this needs to be done every spring and winter for 2 or 3 years until it gets the message that it is not wanted and finally perishes.
Poison Ivy Vine Facts (Toxicodendron radicans)
Did you know that the only states in America without this annoying plant are Hawaii and Alaska?
Possibly because of the intense cold and the tropical and subtropical temperatures that are too uncomfortable even for this invasive species.
Still, the good fortune of those two states doesn’t extend to cover the rest of the United States with Poison Ivy Vine and its irritating relatives becoming more pervasive and harmful.
Let’s see what else you may or may not know about Poison Ivy Vine:
- In the first 10 to 20 minutes after contact, the oil can be removed, but an hour later, it will have already been absorbed into your skin.
- If you’re fast enough, soap and cold water will wash off the oil but using hot water will only serve to open up the pores of the skin and let the oil penetrate faster.
- The same amount of urushiol oil that fits onto the end of a pinhead is enough to infect and cause allergic reactions in about 500 people.
- Even when it is uprooted and cast aside, the Poison Ivy Plant still retains its ability to cause skin eruptions and allergic reactions. That’s why it should never be set on fire.
- The presence of higher amounts of greenhouse gases and climate change is increasing the potency of the urushiol oil in plants containing this compound, which will reflect a more intensive allergic reaction.
- Native Americans managed to make use of parts of the Poison Ivy Vine and the Poison Oak. The oil they used for dyes and woven baskets was made from the leaves and stems of the Poison Oak.
- Every year about 10 million Americans consult medical personnel about reactions to this allergy-inducing plant and other contact allergens.
- In overly windy areas, Poison Ivies have been known not to grow tall in an effort not to be wind-damaged up top.
- It’s not possible to contract rashes from another person caused by the urushiol oil toxic primer.10 It is not contagious.
- The potency of the oil can remain active for up to 5 years.
- Urushiol oil is present in mangoes, cashews, and pistachios and the effects when coming in contact with it are just as annoying.
- Poison Ivy Vine will grow anywhere and everywhere apart from areas where the soil is constantly soaked or where it is oven dry.
Frequently Asked Questions About Poison Ivy Vine
Are Some People Immune to Poison Ivy?
Yes. Amazingly there are some people who will not break out in rashes from coming into contact with Poison Ivy Vine plants, but they are very rare.
Will Washing Off Poison Ivy Help? What Kills Poison Ivy Rash Quickly?
If it is washed off straight away after contact with dishwashing soap and cold water, the urushiol oil can be washed away with hardly any symptoms erupting.
What Does Poison Ivy Vine Look Like? Does Poison Ivy Have Thorns?
No, poison ivy vines do not have thorns, and the most common way to remember what it looks like is “leaves of three, let it be.” You can recognize it growing along the forest floor, or along side larger plant stems, and usually it sports a hairy looking stalk.
Are There Poison Plants in Michigan?
Yes. Poison Ivy, Hemlock, Poison Oak, Wild Parsnip, and Giant Hogweed are just a few of the poisonous plants in Michigan that emerge anew in the spring.
Is Poison Ivy in Texas?
Yes, Texas has Poison Ivy as well as Poison Oak, and Poison Hemlock and it has one called Texas Bull Nettle.
How Much Sunlight Does Poison Ivy Vine Need Each Day?
The plant needs between 4-6 hours a day and the ideal growing zones for Poison Ivy Vine are where the soil is well-draining and moist, yet it can adapt equally to dry soils.
When Is the Best Time To Kill Poison Ivy?
The best time is when the plant is in the process of taking on more nutrients in late summer or in the fall. The effects of the irritant in the plant will be less potent and it will easily absorb deadly herbicides that will be camouflaged alongside the nutrients.
Why Does Poison Ivy Exist?
Birds, deer, and small animals rely on the berries for survival. For migrating birds, they can find this reliable source of food in all parts of the country on trees or on the ground as they go on the engthy migration journeys across the country.11
What Kills Poison Ivy Vines on Trees and Poison Ivy Vine on Ground?
A gallon of water, a cup of salt, and a squirt of dish soap applied directly onto the Poison Ivy Vine will kill the plant. Cutting a vine and smearing a herbicide directly into the wound will also get the job done.
What To Do With a Dead Poison Ivy Vine?
It should be removed carefully while taking necessary precautions in avoiding direct contact to prevent the spread of irritants. Never burn them as they can still cause harm to people who inhale smoke coming from burning Poison Ivy.
Is It Easy To Identify Poison Ivy in Spring Season?
It will be difficult to identify Poison Ivy during the spring season as the leaves and overall appearance might not have fully developed making accurate identification trickier.
1NC State University. (2023). Toxicodendron radicans. NC State Extension. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/toxicodendron-radicans/>
2University of Florida. (2019, February 14). Palm Leaf Structure. University of Florida IFAS. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/plants/trees-and-shrubs/palms-and-cycads/palm-leaf-structure.html>
3Regents of the University of California. (2016). Pacific poison-oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum). Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/WEEDS/pacific_poisonoak.html>
4Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, June 1). Poisonous Plants: Types of Exposure. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/plants/exposure.html>
5US Food and Drug Administration. (2022, February 28). Questions and Answers on Glyphosate. US Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://www.fda.gov/food/pesticides/questions-and-answers-glyphosate>
6Williamson, J. (2008, December 27). Perennial Leadwort. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/perennial-leadwort/>
7Mahr, S. (2023). Virginia Creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Wisconsin Horticulture. Retrieved Augusut 4, 2023, from <https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/virginia-creeper-parthenocissus-quinquefolia/>
8Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service. (2023). Deciduous. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://hgic.clemson.edu/tag/deciduous/>
9The Pennsylvania State University. (2023, March 21). Wild Grape. PennState Extension. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://extension.psu.edu/wild-grape>
10Barrat, J. (2014, August 12). A poison ivy primer. Smithsonian. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://www.si.edu/stories/poison-ivy-primer>
11Cornell University. (2021, August 1). The Basics of Bird Migration: How, Why, and Where. Cornell University. Retrieved August 4, 2023, from <https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/the-basics-how-why-and-where-of-bird-migration/>
12Photo by MolnarSzabolcsErdely. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/stinging-nettle-nettle-plant-burn-5122448/>
13Photo by Sephelonor. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/flowers-nature-spring-floral-2393564/>
14Photo by Kasman. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/giant-hogweed-flowers-plant-6377833/>
15Poison Ivy On Stone Wall Plant Photo by Jan Haerer (leoleobobeo). (2017, April 11) / Pixabay Content License. Cropped and added text, shape, and background elements. Pixabay. Retrieved February 16, 2024, from <https://pixabay.com/photos/poison-ivy-on-stone-wall-plant-2219689/>