Purple is the dominant color of the Allium flower, even though there is an extensive range of other colors to choose from, especially if you’re looking for a way to deter mosquitoes from your yard.
They are commonly referred to as ornamental Alliums because of the perfectly round spheres of miniature flowers clustered together on the tip of long green stalks that stretch up to heights of 4 feet.
But, the Allium leaves are something special. They smell.
When pinched or squeezed, they emit a scent similar to onions or garlic and it’s that smell that gardeners love for their ability to keep away pests.
This complete guide explains facts about the Allium flower, and how you can use that information to learn how to cultivate, grow and recognize these interesting plants.
Ornamental Allium

- Family: Amaryllidaceae
- Genus: Allium
- Leaf: Long leaves that are blue/green in color on some cultivars
- Seed: Flowers have between 20 to over 200 tiny round black seeds
- Blossoms: Most alliums bloom in late spring but some types bloom in the fall as well
- Native Habitat: Well-draining soil but grows well under all conditions
- Height: 1 to 4 feet tall
- Type: Perennial
- Native Growing Zone: Middle East, USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 10
Ornamental Allium: Mosquito Repellent Plants
There are many features to like about allium flowers. Chosen for color coordination in landscapes, for indoor floral displays, and even because they are fast growers, they require very little space to bloom at their best.
One of their often overlooked superpowers is the specific onion scent that emanates from the crushed leaves that ward off mosquitos naturally.
That’s a strange smell to appreciate from flowers, yet there are some areas in the country where mosquitos are more than a small problem and make the lives of the residents a nightmare.
Integrating plants that keep mosquitoes away in your landscape is a smart, and attractive, method of protection and the allium flower, also known as the ornamental onion or even the garlic plant, fits the bill perfectly.
How To Identify Allium Flower and Allium Flower Growing Zone
Alliums, like many varieties of flowers, prefer to spend 6 to 8 hours of their day with full sun exposure.
Yet there is such a wide level of diversity within the 800 types available that many of them do just as well in partially shaded areas.13
They are very hardy and resilient low maintenance plants, able to adapt to different soil types with ease as long as the composition allows the water to drain away while retaining moisture.
As for their distinctive shape, the visible ball balancing on long stalks is not just one big round flower but multiple florets clustered together to appear as one.
It is quite amazing how they all grow individually yet form uniform shapes as if they have been trimmed to perfection.
Yet not all are completely round.
Some of them are oval and vary in diameter from as little as 4cm to a hefty 50cm, while others hang downwards like tiny bells.
But how to identify allium flower the best way is by giving the leaves or stems a little squeeze and breathing in the enchanting smell of onions.
Types of Allium Flowers and Allium Flower Growing Zone
You can also identify these plants by the color of their blooms. Below are some of them including some characteristics and information on allium flower growing zone.
Purple Allium Flower (Purple Ball Flowers)
Unusually for the plant kingdom, purple flowers are the most prevalent for alliums.
The hue differs as does the appearance of the flower itself, constantly showcasing a level of variety to confirm that it can fit into any garden configuration, color scheme, or style.
1. Flowering Onion
(Allium atropurpureum)
This is a true species of purple allium, unlike the various hybrids that populate the market, and is perhaps the most deeply purple allium flower of them all. Since the flowers are rather modest compared to those on many hybrid alliums, the color is the major reason why people choose to cultivate them.

(Image: peganum14)
The flower head is almost 3 inches wide. It is native in Hungary and some regions of Turkey, and grows up to 3 feet in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8.

(Image: Krista15)
2. Purple Sensation
(Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’)
This massive purple flower, which blooms in May and June before other large alliums, has around 4-inch broad blossoms.
It originates in Iran and Kyrgyzstan, and in USDA Zones 4–10, it can reach heights of up to 3 feet.
3. Globemaster
(Allium ‘Globemaster’)
This hybrid allium has florets that are clustered so tightly together that they appear as one giant ball of tiny flowers with overall diameters of up to 8 inches.
A hybrid of two types of alliums, it grows to heights of 2.5 feet in USDA planting zones 5 to 8.

(Image: Mike Peel16)

(Image: Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova17)
4. Gladiator
(Allium ‘Gladiator’)
Gladiator plants have flower heads that are 6 inches, which is among the largest for this species, and swing gracefully on stems that grow 3 to 4 feet tall. This hybrid allium lives up to its dramatic name, covered in tiny star-shaped flowers.
It is among the most striking of the purple ball flowers. Late spring and early summer are the prime blooming times of the year for this prize-winning showstopper.1
It grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8.
5. Drumstick Allium
(Allium sphaerocephalon)
The small flowers sway and bob in the breeze on slender stalks. The flowers are barely an inch or two in diameter, with a bright magenta top and a green bottom as their distinguishing feature.

(Image: Joan Simon18)
As the weeks pass by, the small cluster matures with each floret opening in a pre-arranged sequence in turn, beginning at the top.
The plant can grow as tall as 3 feet and is from North Africa and Europe. It grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 11.
White Allium Flower
The types of white flowers varieties are nothing short of spectacular. Alliums, whether they be stark white or splashed with color, never fail to impress.

(Image: CAJC: in the PNW19)
6. Graceful Beauty
(Allium amplectens ‘Graceful Beauty’)
This allium has a globe of small snow-white petals with a gorgeous pink stripe in the center, and the stems are sturdy and green. The graceful appearance of this 2-foot plant makes it a great option for summer pots.
This plant is native to North America and grows optimally in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 4 through 8.
7. Mount Everest Allium
(Allium stipitatum ‘Mount Everest’)
The ‘Mount Everest’ allium is tall at 4 feet with a sturdy stem topped off by a large ball of white florets. Comprised of approximately fifty individual florets, when a few of them are planted together in close proximity, the overall impression is a sight to see.

(Image: Salicyna20)
A North American native, this plant grows beautifully in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 4 through 8.

(Image: Belore Stergann21)
8. Three-Cornered Leek
(Allium triquetrum)
The loose clusters of tiny white allium flower atop the triangular stems of the three-cornered leek are the source of the plant’s common name.
9. Ivory Queen
(Allium karataviense ‘Ivory Queen’)
The huge, smooth, meaty leaves have a bluish-gray tint and are uncommon among alliums. They are distinct from other allium species due to this and their small stems. Its low profile may lead you to believe it is less impressive than its relatives but don’t discount its ability to command attention when placed along busy streets or walkways.

(Image: Jean-Pierre Dalbéra22)
The plant is barely 6 inches tall. It hails from Kazakhstan and grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 8

(Image: NasserHalaweh23)
10. Fireworks
(Allium schubertii)
Wild and unkempt, the presence of these 2-foot alliums has the ability to brighten any scenery. Each individual flower in the cluster erupts outward at varying lengths, creating a multi-tiered outburst at the stem’s tip.
Since Allium schubertii is not as thick or heavy as other types of alliums, it works wonderfully in looser planting designs and among attractive grasses.
This variety is from the Mediterranean and Central Asia but grows wonderfully in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 8.
Red Allium Flower
Although a red allium flower is more difficult to come by than its pink flowers and blue flower counterparts, the ones you do find will be well worth the effort. Luckily, they are sturdy and tough enough to thrive in many a severe setting, but they will respond better with a little TLC, as is the case with most ornamental onions.
11. Hair Allium
(Allium vineale ‘Hair’)
Thin green tendrils, which are both uncommon and intriguing, wrap around the crimson center of this allium. If you enjoy unique and exotic flowers, the ‘Hair’ allium will be a welcome addition to your garden from June to August.
This allium is found naturally in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 8 and can reach a maximum height of 2 feet, but is native to Africa and the Middle East.

(Image: Pritiranjan Das24)
12. Allium Red Giant
If you count the big scarlet globe of florets situated in the center of its extraordinarily thick dark green leaves, the plant’s total height is slightly over 1 foot. Use it as a showpiece in your garden, or vegetable plots, or arranged in a vase.
The bright color and distinctive perfume of the clusters of flowers, which measure about 4 inches in diameter, will draw hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees to the garden and ward off deer and other pests.3
The plant grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 8.
13. Red Mohican Allium
(Allium ‘Red Mohican’)
Allium ‘Red Mohican’ is an extremely rare and distinctive variety with its crimson flowers and white tips. This fragrant flower, which blooms in the months of May and June, stands 3 -4 feet tall.

(Image: Luc Coekaerts25)
Butterflies and bees frequent it, and it looks lovely whether fresh in the field or dried in a floral arrangement.
The Red Mohican is Native to Europe but grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 through 9.
Pink Allium Flower
For some reason, pink flowers are particularly appealing in summer gardens and easily brighten interior spaces. Sometimes understated, other times extravagant, they don’t need to be the main feature to make a lasting impression.
Here are some pink allium flower picks for you to choose from.

(Image: F. D. Richards26)
14. Millenium Allium
(Allium ‘Millenium’)
The Millenium blooms late into the summer, the broad 2-inch heads bobbing and weaving on long stalks surrounded by lush greenery. On closer inspection, the florets resemble pink starbursts erupting from the center to form the traditional perfectly round sphere of an allium.
Barely 1 foot tall, it grows in planting zones 5 to 8 and is a hybrid created in the United States.
15. Pink Lily Leek
(Allium oreophilum)
Pink lily leek is a shorter, smaller Allium, but its bright magenta florets make up a showy head of loose flowers. When planted in large numbers, it creates a breathtaking spectacle.
And whether integrated into a busy flower bed or used in a beautiful bouquet, it’ll surely be a charming and dainty floral display.

(Image: Agnieszka Kwiecień27)
Native to Eurasia, it grows in USDA Hardiness zones 4 to 10 to heights of just 20 to 45 cm (8 to 18 inches).
16. Allium His Excellency
In late spring or early summer, Allium ‘His Excellency’ displays perfectly formed pink globe-shaped flower heads of star-shaped florets. It’s perfect for sunny borders and pairs nicely with decorative grasses and other alliums when planted in drifts.
As a cut flower, it’s beautiful, majestic, and hard to beat. In hardiness zones 4-8 it grows to heights of 3 to 4 feet and is originally from the Bukhara Region in Uzbekistan.

(Image: Wilrooij 28)
Its gray-green leaves are 3-4 inches wide and support pink flower heads that are 3-6 inches in diameter.
Native to central Asia, it grows up to 1 foot tall in USDA Hardiness zones 4 to 8.
18. Pink Jewel Allium
(Allium ‘Pink Jewel’)
The flower clusters of Pink Jewel Allium are about the size of a baseball and have warm pink petals and green ovaries that contrast well against the rose-pink background. The 3 to 4-inch globes of flowers bloom for about a month in May and June.

(Image: CAJC: in the PNW29)
They attract hordes of beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies. There is a 26 to 34-inch height range and this beautiful hybrid grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 8.
Blue Allium Flower
In nature, blue flowers are few and far between, so are cherished when discovered as they bring a special flair to any garden.
More than just one color, some of them are practically iridescent, shimmering as the sun strikes the clusters of florets atop towering stems, making them an ideal choice for creating a dramatic backdrop for other summer perennials or for standing out as a singular focal point in your garden.

(Image: chernoburko30)
19. Blue Globe Onion
(Allium caeruleum)
Allium caeruleum is a little and early-blooming ornamental flower that displays the most beautiful shade of sky blue. The flower ball cluster is about an inch in diameter and 2-feet tall.
Due to its diminutive stature, it is best appreciated when planted towards the top of a wall or structure so its star-shaped tiny flowers can be properly displayed and appreciated.
The plant is originally from Asia and China as well as Siberia but in the US, it grows best in hardiness zones 4 through 8.
20. Persian Blue Allium
(Allium aflatunense)
Persian blue is one of the most prevalent types of Allium and has a flower cluster that is 4-5 inches in diameter. This enduring selection grows up to 3 feet tall in USDA Hardiness Zones 4-8 and is both deer and rodent-proof and a magnet for all types of butterflies and other nearby pollinators.6

(Image: Jim, the Photographer31)
21. The Blue of the Heavens (Azureum Allium)
In early June, the Azureum Allium bursts forth with dazzling blue allium flower, with the middle vein of its star-shaped florets running to a deeper hue.
The flower’s orbs are a lovely 1 – 2 inches in diameter and this plant may attain a height of 14-16 inches at its tallest. Quite a hardy plant, it grows in Zones 2-10 and is native to Siberia.
22. Dark Blue Garlic
(Allium cyaneum)
This particular allium doesn’t grow tall and proud like other alliums suspended on long stalks. Instead, it hugs the ground, growing no more than 50cm tall.
It has some of the thinnest leaves of all alliums that bend under the weight of the bell-shaped flowers, a feature that enhances the attractiveness of this allium rather than detracting from it.

(Image: Agnieszka Kwiecień32)
Its original habitat extends from Tibet to Korea and in the U.S. it grows in planting zones 4 through 7.

(Image: HelenaH33)
23. Light Blue Garlic
(Allium caesium)
Each 4-inch sphere is made up of hundreds of florets with varying shades of blue on their mid-veins, anthers, and centers. After weeks of blooming in your garden, its blossoms become a more mature lavender-gray hue.
When a few are planted close together, these are plants that attract hummingbirds, most types of bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.
Growing up to 2 feet tall, it originally comes from Central Asia and thrives in hardiness zones 4-7.
Planting Tips for Allium Flower: How To Plant Allium Bulbs
One of the first things to recognize when planting alliums is that the bulbs have to be buried deep enough to protect them from extremes of above-ground colder temperatures.
When underground, the bulbs are snugly cocooned and insulated from the cold above, but if you live in hardiness zones 3-7 it may be best to bring them inside for the winter if they are containerized.
Follow these tips on how to plant allium bulbs and you will be able to plant, maintain, and grow them with ease.
When To Plant Allium Bulbs: When Do Allium Bloom?
When to plant allium bulbs would depend on the type of allium you would be growing and your location’s local climate.
However, the optimal time for planting most of them is the month of October. In this manner, the flowers will appear in the spring.
Take note and monitor their growth, though. When do allium bloom will also largely depend on your care.
Best Growing Conditions for Allium Flower
If you’re wondering, “are allium perennials?” Luckily, they are; meaning they will grow and come back year after year, but only under the right conditions.
The best growing conditions for Allium Flower to thrive is somewhere sunny with good soil drainage. If in doubt that your soil will not stay waterlogged for hours after a rainfall, add some compost before planting.7
How much sunlight does Allium Flower need each day?
6 to 8 hours is optimal, and if plants like these receive full sun exposure, they actually result in more robust and abundant blooms.
One of the best planting tips for Allium Flower is to remember to grow tall alliums so they won’t be blown away or snapped in half by gusty winds. If planting in shaded areas, choose types that are shade-tolerant.
Growing an Allium Flower From a Seed (How To Propagate From Allium Seeds)
After the last frost of the season has gone, work some organic material into the soil and scatter your allium seeds across your chosen area.
- Don’t worry about precisely scattering these tiny seeds, just spread them widely over the topsoil.
- Don’t bury or disturb the seeds unnecessarily by covering them with more than a quarter of an inch of dirt.
- Water them deeply to start the process and then regularly until the seedlings poke through.
- After that, only add water when the topsoil dries out.
- Once seedlings have emerged, they should be thinned following the spacing guidelines on the seed packaging related to the type of allium you have purchased on the seed packaging.
Though it may take more patience, growing an Allium Flower from a seed can be rewarding as the effort will be more than worth it once you see the unique flowers bloom.
How Long It Takes To Grow Allium Flower From Allium Seed
How long it takes to grow Allium Flower depends on many factors, but when starting from a seed, it will take about 2 years before blooms can be expected to show.

(Image: armennano34)
The exact timing of flowering after the initial one also depends on your location, so observe the plant’s growth carefully, especially the first time.
Growing an Allium Flower From a Cutting or a Bulb
Growing an Allium Flower from a cutting isn’t the typical method of propagating these plants. You can try to do so, but it’s extremely challenging and may not exactly churn favorable results.
But although alliums cannot be grown by taking cuttings, sowing the bulbs is as easy as learning how to grow green onions and it is an alternative method rather than just scattering the tiny seeds on the ground.
Before you start planting, conduct a soil test in the late summer and loosen the soil with a fork or shovel for aeration, then mix in a bulb fertilizer that is formulated specifically for plant bulbs.
Do this 6 to 8 weeks before the first frost in the autumn.
- Dig a hole that is 2 or 3 times as deep and wide as the bulb.
- The pointed end of the bulb would be facing upwards when placed in the hole.
- If planting more than one, place them about a foot apart.
- Before filling in the hole, mix the dirt with organic material or compost.
- Add a fair amount of water and leave it until the first signs of life next spring.
A neat trick at this stage is to anticipate how you would like the alliums to grow when they emerge. Bury the bulbs in rows and that’s how they will impact your garden, but there’s no reason why you can’t sow different types that will have varied heights and colors to create as dramatic effects as you desire.
Common Pests of the Allium Flower and Natural Pest Control for Allium Flower
Although an ornamental allium is seldom besieged by problems of infestations, it can still subjected to the same pests and diseases that plague its close relative, the onion.
The pests that become a problem are often attracted because of edible allium bulbs like onions that are planted in the same garden in close proximity, so this should be avoided at all costs.11
If a few common pests become a problem, however, it’s important to recognize the signs as soon as possible.
Allium (Onion) Leafminer
One of the common pests of the Allium Flower is the Allium Leafminer. Barely 3mm long, the tiny grubs are brutal and insatiable when they hatch and start to feed, leaving behind a trail of destruction in the form of a mess of distorted leaves.
After feeding on the allium plant as larvae, allium leafminers will descend to the ground to pupate. As soon as the adults emerge, they deposit their eggs on surrounding allium plants.
Rotating crops and using row coverings will keep these pests at bay.
To avoid having adult allium leafminers lay eggs on your alliums, you should relocate them every spring and protect the young plants with row covers.
Some treatments or natural pest control for Allium Flower that you can use after they have been detected are
- Installing sacrificial plants close by to draw them away from your allium plant.
- Lure beneficial insects that will hunt them down and devour them.
- Mix neem oil with water and spray the affected alliums.
- Mix hot blended peppers with garlic and water to form a deadly spray to kill them off.
Onion Maggots
Damage to plants in the onion family such as allium is caused mainly by larvae from the onion fly that resemble little grey house flies.
The majority of the damage is caused as they quickly burrow into bulbs out of sight, and then take their time, feeding slowly, safe in the knowledge that they won’t be easily detected.

(Image: Rasbak35)
If this is occurring, you may notice the leaves becoming yellow or the plant dying a slow death.
Affected bulbs should be destroyed completely. If the bulbs as used to make compost, the maggots will not be eradicated at all and may well make a resurgence and re-infect your plant.
Crop rotation and using beneficial nematodes before planting are great ways to prevent infestation in the first place.
Covering nearby young plants with row covers to keep the adult onion maggot flies from laying eggs on your plants,12 and spraying with organic insecticides will maybe help to prolong the life of your plant.
Allium Leaves and Allium Flower Disease Prevention
After being able to recognize the symptoms, knowing how to stop Allium Flower disease is the next step in protecting the health of your ornamentals.
Active Allium Flower disease prevention is important in making sure your plant stays healthy and functioning as you want it. Don’t assume that your alliums are immune to the myriad of infections lurking out there because they have been shown to have antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral effects on people and animals.
Sturdy they may be, they are nevertheless susceptible to certain infections from common garden pathogens listed below.
Pink Root
Pink root is a condition in which a plant’s bulbs and roots are pink while its leaves and stems are stunted and yellow. The allium’s roots shrink and die due to the intense fungal infection.
Spread your alliums out far enough to avoid pink root. Planting in soil with good drainage is crucial if you want to avoid this and similar problems.
To treat it, use a fungicide that contains copper.
It might slow the progression of the pink root or stop its reappearance.
There is currently no treatment for this condition. Eliminate and destroy any traces of the diseased plants to prevent further headaches.
Fusarium Bulb Rot
Alliums are very susceptible to this fungal disease, and the first signs are always worrying.
The necks of alliums infected with Fusarium root rot are mushy and easily broken. The bulbs deteriorate until they are mushy and discolored, and, sadly, the whole plant will eventually rot away.
There is not much choice but to destroy infected plants promptly and spray a fungicide containing copper on the rest of your alliums to stop the disease from spreading.
Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus
The earliest symptoms of this virus on the stalks are yellow streaks and crinkled leaves, and the bulbs growing unusually small compared to those of healthy alliums.
The Yellow Dwarf Virus is often spread by invasive insects like aphids. If you wish to prevent the spread of this disease, you must take immediate action by spraying aphids with insecticidal soap or neem oil.
Dark brown to black striations appear on the stems of young alliums, and you should be aware that this is the most deadly of the allium diseases caused by urocystis colchici. This particularly nasty fungus thrives in cool, wet soil and is bad news so should be treated as soon as possible.
If the ground is too cool it is best to cover it with clear plastic for a few weeks before planting. This will result in a rise in temperature and possible solarization, with various soil-borne diseases possibly being eradicated.9
Purple Blotch
The fungus Alternatia porri causes sunken, white, and purple patch spots that will grow in size until they encircle the leaves and kill them.
Any part of the soil that is too cold is an ideal breeding ground for the spread of fungal diseases like purple blotch. To that end, it is important to allow the soil to warm up by covering it in clear plastic sheets for a few weeks to raise the temperature before planting.
It is a wise choice to use fungicides containing sulfur or copper to control the spread of purple blotch to protect your alliums.
You will be able to tell that the leaves are affected by rust when they develop tiny, rust-colored blisters, and become stunted before falling from the plant.
Rust may be prevented by maintaining a clean garden, cleaning up any organic material, and using a fungicide application that includes copper as an ingredient.
If you employ crop rotation and solarizing the soil before the following growing season, it may help prevent rust from spreading.
Companion Plants for Growing Allium Flower (Co-Planting Care for ‘Garlic’ Flower)
When it comes to health and beauty, certain gardens are heads and shoulders above the rest thanks to a technique called companion planting that benefits all plants in the same vicinity.

(Image: F. D. Richards36)
This technique has three primary goals:
- It groups plants close to each other for mutual protection.
- Plants that will increase the overall aesthetics of the garden are planted together.
- In close quarters, plants with similar needs but different root depths can coexist peacefully without exhausting their resources.
The idea behind this close co-existence is that the roots of a plant with a lengthy tap root, for instance, may be able to access water and nutrients far earlier in the growing season than the roots of a smaller plant.
This is especially helpful for alliums because their principal root structures are tubers and bulbs. Unfortunately, neither of them has a tendency to burrow very deeply to find water and nutrients.
Additionally, there are some plants that are like magnets to helpful insects that help in pollination, while warding off harmful ones that destroy foliage.
Bruising the leaves of ornamental plants,8 whether accidentally or on purpose, releases a garlicky aroma that drives invasive pests such as aphids.
This mutualistic relationship occurs because alliums are effective at deterring several crop-specific pests that are harmful to other plants, while other plants can be useful in deterring pests that are harmful to alliums.
Some popular crops that can be companion plants for growing Allium Flower are listed below.
- Brassicas
A good place to start is growing allium alongside brassica vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale.
In this relationship, alliums are effective in warding off pests such as cabbage loopers, cabbage maggots, cabbage worms, and carrot flies. The carrots contribute to this arrangement by deterring onion flies that plague allium, so these two vegetables have a particularly symbiotic relationship.
- Chamomile
If you grow edible alliums, planting chamomile nearby will improve the flavor of the oils in the alliums, an improvement with no extra labor involved.
In addition to protecting your alliums from fungal diseases that can ruin your crops, chamomile will make them more resilient and harder to kill.
- Cucumbers
Cucumbers help safeguard alliums against fungal diseases, which are normally fatal.
- Marigolds
These beautiful blossoms produce a chemical that not only attracts pollinators but also kills dangerous worms and repels onion bugs.
- Parsley
When planted near alliums, parsley deters onion flies and maggots.
- Lettuce
Since lettuce and alliums have similar root systems, they may be planted in close proximity to one another. This is also because alliums, just like other crops, need plants that won’t encroach on their root systems when companion planting.2
How To Grow Mosquito Repellant Plants and Bug Repelling Plants
Nobody likes mosquitos. They are annoying for some and terrifying for other sensitive individuals.
Chemical sprays are the go-to solution 9 times out of 10, but they carry their own potential drawbacks. Mosquito repellent plants or bug repelling plants like alliums are a natural solution and, fortunately, there are other plants that deter them along with other annoying bugs looking to take a bite out of your flesh.
Most plants that are able to deter insects do so with their pleasant aromas, which not only attract beneficial insects but also deter pests like mosquitoes.
Choose any or all of the plants listed to create an invisible barrier near high-traffic locations like doorways and lounging spaces, and as an added bonus introduce pleasant aromas around your home at the same time.
- Lavenders
- Marigolds
- Rosemary
- Scented geraniums
- Sage
Mosquitos are one of the main sources of spreading malaria and other harmful diseases. Their bite is not only a painful inconvenience or a nasty itch, it is also a health risk for people and even animals in your home.

(Image: Rolf Dietrich Brecher37)
If situating a few flowers and plants in your garden or in your home will keep them away, then it’s worth the effort to add a few of them to your landscape.
And the beautiful Allium Flower, of course, should be at the top of the list.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Allium Flower
Why Is the Allium Called the “Mosquito Plant”?
The name “mosquito plant” came from the allium’s natural ability to ward off the said insects through the faint smell of onions or garlic they emit after you squeeze their leaves.
Are Allium Perennials?
Yes, all alliums are perennials.
How Far Apart To Plant Allium Flower?
As they don’t require a great deal of space, how far apart to plant Allium Flower depends on your preference or space, but they can be planted fairly close together with just a distance of 3 to 4 inches between them.
How Much Sunlight Does Allium Flower Need Each Day?
Between 6-8 hours a day of direct sunlight is needed for these types of flowers.
What Are the Watering Needs for Allium Flower Plants?
Being hardy and very drought-resistant plants,4 watering needs for Allium Flower plants is very minimal, requiring only to be irrigated every 7-10 days during extended periods with no summer rains.
1Enroth, C. (2021, October 29). What makes plants bloom at different times of the year? University of Illinois Extension. Retrieved September 22, 2023, from <https://extension.illinois.edu/blogs/good-growing/2021-10-29-what-makes-plants-bloom-different-times-year>
2Harris, N., & Streets, J. (2022, March). Companion Planting. West Virginia University Extension. Retrieved September 22, 2023, from <https://extension.wvu.edu/lawn-gardening-pests/gardening/garden-management/companion-planting>
3Mahr, S. (2018, June 15). Hummingbirds in the Garden. Wisconsin Horticulture. Retrieved September 22, 2023, from <https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/hummingbirds-in-the-garden/>
4Michigan State University. (2014, February). Drought-tolerant plants save water, money and time. MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Retrieved September 22, 2023, from <https://www.canr.msu.edu/uploads/resources/pdfs/drought_tolerant_plants.pdf>
5OpenStaxCollege. (2012). Leaves. The University of Hawaiʻi Pressbooks. Retrieved September 22, 2023, from <https://pressbooks-dev.oer.hawaii.edu/biology/chapter/leaves/>
6Schmotzer, C. (2023, July 5). Pollination and Pollinators. The Pennsylvania State University Extension. Retrieved September 22, 2023, from <https://extension.psu.edu/pollination-and-pollinators>
7Silver, W., & Abbott-Lum, F. (2022, January 10). Yale Experts Explain Compost. Yale Sustainability. Retrieved September 22, 2023, from <https://sustainability.yale.edu/explainers/yale-experts-explain-compost>
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15Photo by Krista. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://www.pexels.com/photo/beautiful-allium-hollandicum-in-close-up-photography-11942965/>
16File:Allium Globemaster 2.jpg Photograph by Mike Peel (www.mikepeel.net) / CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Cropped, Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allium_Globemaster_2.jpg>
17Allium ‘Gladiator’ plants cultivated in Wrocław, Poland Photo by Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allium_%27Gladiator%27_Czosnek_2015_03.jpg>
18Allium sphaerocephalon (all bord) – AMARYLLIDACEAE Photo by Joan Simon / CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED | Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic. Cropped, Resized, Changed Format. Flickr. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from <https://www.flickr.com/photos/simonjoan/28156330350/in/photolist-2kVRbDE-xwvbEw-24zkCja-2kVRbCY-JoAwvh-JU5y4y-26Tgmuh-L4MfTf-276V9sh-291qk7o-2mzgu8R-JoAu79-2jkQQYF-eUzoMx-eULJS3-Jt1iNQ-oGofgT-291qkKN-2mzgq7z-291qkq9-2jouDWc-2jouDTB-2mzgt2x-2mz8P3Z-2mz8LmB-VNZ49S-2m9TX2L-V7S4G3-2m9URyg-VNZ6vq-2m9XAMN-WcDjkr-2m9XACp-hCnNK2-6jGZnN-3nCqDj-2b21f8w-NXD78N-2mze7Zg-2mzhyME-2mz8Hee-2mzhBkW-2mzhF9N-2mbhtuZ-2HQUhn-KcbrBJ-zpKjEv-2jk18qS>
19Flowers among the grasses: narrowleaf onion Photo by CAJC: in the PNW / CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED | Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic. Cropped, Resized, Changed Format. Flickr. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from <https://www.flickr.com/photos/carolannie/52170669184/in/photolist-2nu9jmh-2m7x78n-2m7waJq-2m7snp8/>
20Allium Mount Everest Photo by Salicyna / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allium_Mount_Everest_2021-05-31_6888.jpg>
21Allium triquetrum flowers Photo by Belore Stergann / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allium_triquetrum_flowers.jpg>
22Allium (Real Jardin Botanico, Madrid) Photo by Jean-Pierre Dalbéra / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) . Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://www.flickr.com/photos/dalbera/4657017661/>
23Amaryllidaceae Allium schubertii Photo by NasserHalaweh / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Amaryllidaceae_Allium_schubertii_1.jpg>
24Giant allium Photo by Pritiranjan Das / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Giant_allium_01.jpg>
25Red Mohican – Allium amethystinum Photo by Luc Coekaerts / CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://www.flickr.com/photos/luc_coekaerts/26649802526>
26Allium ‘Millenium’, 2016 Photo by F. D. Richards / Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://www.flickr.com/photos/50697352@N00/29115608712/>
27Pink lily leek (Allium oreophilum) cultivated in Wrocław University Botanical Garden. Photo by Agnieszka Kwiecień / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allium_oreophilum_Czosnek_Ostrowskiego_2022-05-22_01.jpg>
28File:Allium karataviense – Bergfried Saalfeld.jpg Photo by Wilrooij / CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Cropped, Resized, Changed Format. Wikimedia Commons. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allium_karataviense_-_Bergfried_Saalfeld.jpg>
29Flowers in the grasses: taper-tip onion Photo by CAJC: in the PNW / Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://www.flickr.com/photos/carolannie/52203608534/in/photolist-2nx4957>
30Allium caeruleum Photo by chernoburko / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) . Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://www.flickr.com/photos/153081734@N07/52973554027/>
31Aflatunense Allium (Allium aflatunense) Photo by Jim, the Photographer / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) . Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://www.flickr.com/photos/jcapaldi/8750354757/>
32Allium cyaneum plant cultivated in Wrocław University Botanical Garden. Photo by Agnieszka Kwiecień / Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allium_cyaneum_Czosnek_modry_2020-08-07_05.jpg>
33Allium caesium Photo by HelenaH / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Allium_caesium-IMG_0502.jpg>
34Photo by armennano. Pixabay. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/photos/ornamental-onion-yellow-green-4236194/>
35Delia antiqua maggots at Allium porrum Photo by Rasbak / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Wikimedia Commons <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Delia_antiqua_maggots_at_Allium_porrum_,_uienvlieg_maden_op_prei_(1).jpg>
36Allium ‘Millenium’ 23W33 ornamental onion G4 Photo by F. D. Richards / Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0). Cropped, Resized and Changed Format. From Flickr <https://www.flickr.com/photos/50697352@N00/53124029124/>
37Allium Photo by Rolf Dietrich Brecher / CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED | Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic. Cropped, Resized, Changed Format. Flickr. Retrieved April 3, 2024, from <https://www.flickr.com/photos/rolfdietrichbrecher/25468102008/in/photolist-ENwFr3-UacfBy-SSjiM1-Jp1Qr2-5519jD-51FdAH-bUJZHz-Mne9d6-JfFGNk-eKS54-26dL4qJ-UM1e83-onUPtE-24GUnYN-Vstzxs-26MkMFZ-4cRjb-qrp65Z-DTvmye-2fcyUwP-tXceo3-cxpzZ1-UbTunC-JdH5e7-9QJ1G-24CCSxa-7AotW2-7YbtU4-24zkCja-27Wsvk6-HvxQQM-81Lr82-88csTN-2RYpt8-2rAEd-eqHjeY-aw24qz-7YeJcu-DmXFrP-Sakzzv-T4nZT5-WD2dW-fk9qHF-B3nGwQ-fxQ6fk-eXwFLX-eHEpag-pM3EzR-4CMvYc-2fcyVb4>
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