How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce? Human CO2 Exhale Calculator

Georgette Kilgore headshot, wearing 8 Billion Trees shirt with forest in the background.Written by Georgette Kilgore

Carbon Offsets Credits | October 3, 2024

Man breathing out a CO2 cloud that is being measured by a boy holding a ruler up to it to see how much Co2 do humans produce.

One of the most common questions asked by environmentalists is how much CO2 do humans produce?

Human beings exhale a specific amount of carbon dioxide each day, and that amount is increased when exercising.

Fortunately, you can erase the emissions you generate using a one month carbon offset that renews and erases not only your exhale emissions, but the ones generated by everyday life.

The following article explains how much CO2 humans produce per minute, day, and year. It also highlights CO2 emissions by country and per capita, and provides a carbon emissions calculator (above) to help you measure your annual carbon emissions.

How Much CO2 Do We Exhale Per Day?

The average person exhales approximately 2.3 pounds of CO2 per day.

The exact quantity varies depending on your activity level. The more engaged you are in vigorous-intensity activity, the more CO2 you produce.

But, that doesn’t include the other activities that generate emissions…only existence.

How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce Per Day?

Not counting breathing, the amount of emissions generated by a person varies based on a number of factors, including their location and most especially, the level of wealth they enjoy.

Studies show that the richest individuals around the world, generate the most emissions.

How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce Per Year: How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce Annually?

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas produced by humans,2 followed by methane, nitrous oxide, HFCs, PFCs, and NF.

The annual CO2 emissions for the US is 13.2 trillion pounds (5,981 metric tons).

How Many Tons of CO2 Per Year Are Produced in the U.S.?

The United States emitted 5,222 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 2020.

That is an average of 18,809,437 metric tons daily, 13,062 metric tons per minute, and 218 metric tons per second.

In 2020, CO2 emissions plummeted due to the COVID-19 outbreak, significantly impacting travel and industry.

How Much CO2 Is Released Each Year Globally?

The table below answers one of the most pressing questions environmentalists have: how much CO2 do humans produce each year globally?

It also highlights how much C02 humans produced from the beginning of the century to 2021:

Graph that shows human CO2 emissions per year.

Year Emissions in Billion Metric Tons
2000 25.32
2001 25.45
2002 26.04
2003 27.37
2004 28.63
2005 29.60
2006 30.58
2007 31.49
2008 32.07
2009 31.61
2010 33.34
2011 34.47
2012 34.97
2013 35.28
2014 35.53
2015 35.50
2016 35.45
2017 35.93
2018 36.65
2019 36.70
2020 34.81
2021 36.40

How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce Each Year in the World’s Largest CO2 Emitter?

How much CO2 do humans produce in the world’s biggest culprit of climate change?

China produces the most CO2 globally, accounting for around 31 percent of global CO2 emissions. The CO2 emitted in China stems from coal combustion, including coal mining, coal-powered stations, and blast furnaces producing steel and iron.

Unregulated production and energy generated from burning fossil fuels are the main emitters.

Global Inequalities in CO2 Emissions Between Individuals

Wealth plays a key role in how much carbon you emit.

  • The global top 1 percent emits 101 tons of CO2 (16.9 percent of the total).
  • The top 10 percent emit 28.7 tons of CO2 (48 percent of the total).
  • The middle 40 percent emits 6.1 tons of CO2 (40.5 percent of the total).
  • The bottom 50 percent emit 1.4 tons of CO2 (11.5 percent of the total).

Global inequalities in CO2 emissions between individuals are great. Almost half of all CO2 emissions are released by a tenth of the global population.

Moreover, one-hundredth of the global population emits 50 percent more C02 than the bottom half.

Annual Change in CO2 Emissions By Country

The table below shows the annual change in CO2 emissions by country. The countries are arranged from the highest to the lowest population.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
1 China -0.28%
2 United States -2.01%
3 India 4.71%
4 Russia -2.13%
5 Japan -1.21%
6 Germany 1.28%
7 Canada -1.00%
8 Iran 2.22%
9 South Korea 0.45%
10 Indonesia 6.41%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Canada, United States, Germany, Iran, India, Russia, Indonesia, China, South Korea and Japan on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
11 Saudi Arabia 0.92%
12 Brazil -6.08%
13 Mexico -2.13%
14 Australia -0.98%
15 South Africa -0.49
16 Turkey 5.25%
17 United Kingdom -6.38%
18 Italy 0.84%
19 France 2.11%
20 Poland 2.67%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Australia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Italy, France, Poland, United Kingdom, Brazil and Mexico on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.


Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
21 Taiwan 1.91%
22 Thailand 1.55%
23 Malaysia 6.54%
24 Spain -3.12%
25 Ukraine 8.03%
26 Kazakhstan 1.64%
27 Egypt 4.72%
28 United Arab Emirates 4.43%
29 Vietnam 0.09%
30 Argentina 0.16%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Spain, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Argentina, Kazakhstan and Ukraine on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
31 Pakistan 9.13%
32 Venezuela -1.90
33 Netherlands 1.63%
34 Iraq 1.22%
35 Algeria 0.17%
36 Philippines 12.37%
37 Czech Republic 1.39%
38 Uzbekistan 1.60%
39 Kuwait 1.36%
40 Qatar 1.79%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Algeria. Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Philippines and Venezuela on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.


Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
41 Belgium 1.53%
42 Oman 2.09%
43 Nigeria 0.70%
44 Chile 5.33%
45 Turkmenistan 0.63%
46 Romania 1.69%
47 Colombia -0.84%
48 Bangladesh 4.50%
49 Austria 1.54%
50 Greece -3.47%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Chile, Colombia, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Greece, Romania, Austria, Belgium, Oman, Venezuela and Turkmenistan on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
51 Israel -0.38
52 Belarus 4.90%
53 North Korea 19.49%
54 Morocco 0.54%
55 Peru 8.16%
56 Libya 1.52%
57 Finland 3.62%
58 Hungary 2.16%
59 Bulgaria -6.00%
60 Portugal -2.36%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Morocco, Libya, Israel, North Korea, Peru, Belarus, Finland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Portugal on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
61 Singapore 2.56%
62 Hong Kong 1.23%
63 Sweden 4.33%
64 Norway 0.85%
65 Serbia 2.27%
66 Ecuador -4.85%
67 Switzerland -2.30%
68 Ireland 5.09%
69 Syria 1.78%
70 Denmark 5.23%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Serbia, Switzerland, Syria, Ecuador, Hong Kong and Singapore on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
71 Slovakia 1.74%
72 Trinidad and Tobago -5.92%
73 Azerbaijan -0.41%
74 New Zealand -0.14%
75 Angola 3.13%
76 Cuba 1.65%
77 Tunisia 0.82%
78 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.86%
79 Yemen 1.62%
80 Bahrain 2.50%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries New Zealand, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Yemen, Bahrain, Trinidad and Tobago, and Cuba on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
81 Dominican Republic 2.88%
82 Jordan 1.83%
83 Estonia 1.01%
84 Lebanon 1.95%
85 Bolivia 2.03%
86 Croatia 3.02%
87 Mongolia 18.09%
88 Guatemala 2.42%
89 Sri Lanka 8.55%
90 Myanmar 5.61%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Lebanon, Jordan, Croatia, Estonia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Mongolia on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
91 Kenya 3.60%
92 Montenegro 2.27%
93 Slovenia 2.35%
94 Ghana 3.54%
95 Lithuania 2.66%
96 Sudan 4.18%
97 Panama 2.37%
98 Ethiopia 4.03%
99 Luxembourg 3.45%
100 Zimbabwe -4.17%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Ghana, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Panama, Montenegro, Slovenia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Zimbabwe on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
101 Côte d’Ivoire 1.16%
102 Afghanistan 7.13%
103 Tanzania 2.50%
104 Cameroon 2.21%
105 Honduras 2.25%
106 Papua New Guinea 7.09%
107 Jamaica 1.82%
108 North Macedonia 1.62%
109 Georgia 2.94%
110 Costa Rica 2.16%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Tanzania, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Honduras, Costa Rica, Jamaica, North Macedonia, Georgia, Afghanistan and Papua New Guinea on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
111 Moldova 2.99%
112 Senegal 3.69%
113 Latvia 3.41%
114 Nepal 10.10%
115 Brunei 3.54%
116 Kyrgyzstan 2.53%
117 Cyprus 3.73%
118 El Salvador 0.45%
119 DR Congo 3.77%
120 Benin 4.13%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Brunei, Kyrgyzstan, Cyprus, Latvia, Moldova, Benin, Senegal, DR Congo, El Salvador and Nepal on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
121 Uruguay 1.91%
122 Cambodia 7.68%
123 Botswana -3.74%
124 Tajikistan 3.37%
125 Paraguay 1.97%
126 Mozambique 2.22%
127 Gabon 1.12%
128 Nicaragua 1.86%
129 Congo 1.63%
130 Albania 4.45%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Gabon, Congo, Botswana, Mozambique, Tajikistan, Nicaragua, Albania, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Cambodia on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
131 Uganda 3.82%
132 Armenia 3.06%
133 Laos 7.92%
134 Bahamas 1.51%
135 Zambia 3.67%
136 South Sudan 4.18%
137 Iceland 1.62%
138 Namibia 4.42%
139 Guyana 1.61%
140 Mauritius 0.00%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Iceland, Bahamas, Armenia, Laos, Namibia, Zambia, Mauritius, Guyana, Uganda and South Sudan on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
141 Macao 7.19%
142 Haiti 1.71%
143 Madagascar 2.85%
144 Martinique 1.72%
145 Mauritania 3.32%
146 Guadeloupe 1.84%
147 Burkina Faso 3.14%
148 New Caledonia 7.22%
149 Togo 5.47%
150 Malta 3.48%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Martinique, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Macao, Madagascar, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Togo, Malta, and New Caledonia on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
151 Equatorial Guinea 0.00%
152 Suriname 0.32%
153 Niger 0.15%
154 Guinea 3.20%
155 Malawi 3.26%
156 Fiji 7.28%
157 Bhutan 6.14%
158 Chad 2.14%
159 Mali 2.57%
160 Barbados 1.88%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Fiji, Barbados, Malawi, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Chad, Mali, Niger, Suriname and Bhutan on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
161 Djibouti 2.97%
162 French Guiana 1.73%
163 Rwanda 2.88%
164 Sierra Leone 3.43%
165 Somalia 2.57%
166 Maldives 7.19%
167 Reunion 3.55%
168 Belize 1.51%
169 Burundi 2.81%
170 French Polynesia 7.18%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries French Guiana, Reunion, Maldives, French Polynesia, Djibouti, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Burundi, Rwanda, and Belize on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
171 Liberia 3.49%
172 Puerto Rico 1.71%
173 Eritrea 4.79%
174 Eswatini 2.61%
175 Bermuda 1.51%
176 Saint Lucia 1.51%
177 Gibraltar 3.53%
178 Grenada 1.51%
179 Central African Republic 2.57%
180 Seychelles 2.62%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Gibraltar, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Seychelles, Eritrea, Liberia, Eswatini and Central African Republic on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
181 Timor-Leste 4.63%
182 Antigua and Barbuda 1.51%
183 Cayman Islands 1.52%
184 St. Vincent and Grenadines 1.51%
185 Solomon Islands 7.18%
186 Guinea-Bissau 2.59%
187 Lesotho 2.58%
188 Aruba 1.51%
189 The Gambia 2.59%
190 Tonga 7.19%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia, Lesotho, Aruba, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Cayman Islands, Timor-Leste, Tonga and Solomon Islands on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
191 Western Sahara 2.61%
192 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1.51%
193 Dominica 1.51%
194 Samoa 7.18%
195 Vanuatu 7.18%
196 Comoros 2.58%
197 British Virgin Islands 1.51%
198 Cape Verde 2.59%
199 Turks and Caicos 1.52%
200 Sao Tome and Principe 2.60%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Comoros, Sao Tome and Principe, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Cape Verde, Western Sahara, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos, Samoa and Vanuatu on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.

Rank Country Annual Change in CO2 Emissions
201 Kiribati 7.18%
202 Falkland Islands 1.51%
203 Palau 7.19%
204 Cook Islands 7.19%
205 Anguilla 1.52%
206 Saint Helena 2.62%
207 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 1.51%
208 Faroe Islands 0.60%
209 Greenland 0.86%

Bar graph illustration showing the annual change in CO2 emissions by country with countries Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Saint Helena, Falkland Islands, Anguilla, Cook Islands, Palau and Kiribati on the x-axis and percentage on the y-axis.
This indicates that China is the world‘s largest producer of carbon dioxide, leading the world in annual change in CO2 emissions with -0.28%.

The carbon footprint calculator above shows the average carbon footprint in pounds of each person in the selected country.

Human Causes of CO2 Emissions

Human activities are the primary cause of increased carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere, leading to adverse climate change impacts.

A graphic that shows the common causes of CO2 emissions which are electricity generation and consumption, transportation (shipping and travel), building and construction, and deforestation.

The following are the common causes of CO2 emissions in the world:

Electricity Generation and Consumption

Fossil fuel combustion releases CO2=3″>61 percent of electricity. Charcoal-burning plants in India and China are expected to increase as the countries continue to industrialize.

This means that the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere will also increase, reducing the earth’s ability to cool itself.

Building and Construction

Industrial manufacturing is responsible for 2 percent of CO2 emissions.

Cement production and steel and iron manufacturing are the biggest CO2 emitters. These industries use enormous amounts of heat energy, which they use to manufacture construction products.

Transportation (Shipping and Travel)

The transport industry is the second largest CO2 emitter, accounting for 26 percent of cumulative CO2 emissions. The transport industry is energy intensive. It uses petroleum-based fuels (diesel, gasoline, and kerosene) to meet transportation needs.

Road transport is responsible for 74 percent of CO2 emissions in this industry. Light-duty trucks, automobiles, and freight are the main offenders in the transport industry, and CO2 emissions from these three are projected to increase by mid-century.

Global aviation is responsible for 12 percent of CO2 emissions in the transport industry. International flights account for 62 percent of CO2 emissions, while domestic flights produce 38 percent.

Marine shipping accounts for 14 percent of CO2 emissions in the transport industry. Ships run on the dirtiest fuel on the market.3
This fuel is so unrefined that you can walk across it at room temperature.


There are 3.04 trillion trees worldwide. These trees help absorb and remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Sadly, 15 billion trees are lost each year to deforestation, reducing the rate at which CO2 is absorbed and removed from the atmosphere.

Climate change increases CO2. Each year, human activities dump more CO2 into the atmosphere than natural processes can remove. In 2021, climate change resulted in the highest amount of CO2 produced since the beginning of the century: 414.72 parts per million.4

Natural Causes of CO2 Emissions: Natural CO2 Emissions

The planet naturally generates carbon emissions during a number of processes. These include:

Ocean-Atmospheric Exchange

The largest natural cause of CO2 emissions is the ocean-atmospheric exchange.

Ocean-atmospheric exchange produces 42.84 percent of natural CO2 emissions. As the Earth’s largest carbon sink, the ocean contains dissolved CO2, which is released into the atmosphere at the sea surface.

Yearly, this process produces around 330 billion tons of CO2 emissions.

Animal and Plant Respiration

Animals breath in oxygen and release CO2. This CO2 is a byproduct of cellular respiration.5 At night (during darkness), plants breathe in oxygen through their leaves and release CO2.

As global temperatures increase, the amount of CO2 produced through plant respiration will also increase.7

Soil Respiration and Decomposition

Soil respiration and decomposition are responsible for 28.56 percent of natural CO2 emissions. There are more than 100,000 different types of organisms living in the earth’s soils, most of which use respiration to produce energy.

Among these organisms are decomposers, which break down dead organic materials. Respiration and decomposition are processes that release CO2 as a waste product. Each year, these organisms create around 220 billion tons of CO2 emissions.

Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic eruptions produce 0.03 percent of natural CO2 emissions.

Volcanic eruptions release ash, dust, magma, and gas molecules such as CO2, H20, and SO2. Annually, volcanic eruptions produce around 0.15 to 0.26 tons of CO2 emissions.

Volcanic CO2 Emissions vs Human CO2 Emissions

Humans emit 60 times the amount of CO2 emitted by volcanoes annually. Explosive eruptions may match the amount of CO2 humans produce for the few hours they last. However, they are too rare to match the amount of CO2 released by humans annually.

More shocking as this may seem, some individual U.S. states emit more CO2 in a year than all volcanoes in the world combined.

Human activities, particularly coal combustion, cement production, and deforestation, emit 40 billion tons of CO2.

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, more than 2.3 trillion tons of CO2 have been produced by human activities.

Volcanoes emit CO2 during eruptions and through underground magma. Volcanoes emit CO2 from underground magma through porous rocks, soils, vents, and water that feeds hot springs and volcanic lakes.6

CO2 Emissions by Country vs Per Capita Emissions

The table below shows CO2 emissions by country vs per capita CO2 emissions:

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Afghanistan 10.72 0.27
Albania 5.58 1.94
Algeria 171.71 3.85
Angola 38.02 1.12
Argentina 178.94 3.92
Armenia 6.01 2.02
Australia 411.02 15.94
Austria 68.5 7.57
Azerbaijan 39.82 3.9
Bahamas 1.98 4.99
Bahrain 34.35 19.65
Bangladesh 102.16 0.61

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain and Bangladesh on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Belarus 62.48 6.62
Belgium 99.71 8.57
Benin 8 0.64
Bhutan 1.71 2.19
Bolivia 22.57 1.91
Bosnia 26.62 8.16
Botswana 6.32 2.63
Brazil 465.72 2.18
Brunei 9.09 20.58
Bulgaria 42.01 6.09
Burkina Faso 4.3 0.2
Burundi 0.58 0.05

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso and Burundi on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Cape Verde 0.63 1.13
Cambodia 16.03 0.95
Cameroon 7.59 0.28
Canada 576.65 15.15
Central African Republic 0.31 0.06
Chad 1.03 0.06
Chile 84.27 4.39
China 10,174.68 7.05
Colombia 102.2 1.99
Comoros 0.25 0.28
Congo, Dem. Rep. 2.28 0.02
Congo, Rep. 3.46 0.61

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Cape Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Dem. Rep., and Congo, Rep on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Costa Rica 8.51 1.66
Côte d’Ivoire 12.95 0.48
Croatia 17.88 4.38
Cyprus 7.32 6.02
Czech Republic 101.01 9.42
Denmark 32.08 5.52
Dominican Republic 27.38 2.5
Ecuador 40.54 2.27
Egypt 246.64 2.37
El Salvador 6.21 0.95
Estonia 13.89 10.48
Eswatini 0.97 0.83

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia and Eswatini on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Ethiopia 16.26 0.14
Finland 41.65 7.51
France 323.56 4.95
Gabon 4.7 2.06
Georgia 10.29 2.58
Germany 701.96 8.39
Ghana 14.96 0.47
Greece 67.18 6.48
Guatemala 20.51 1.12
Guinea 3.15 0.23
Guinea-Bissau 0.32 0.16
Guyana 2.39 3.02

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Guyana on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Haiti 3.28 0.28
Honduras 10.93 1.09
Hong Kong 41.54 5.5
Hungary 49.1 5.1
Iceland 3.32 9.67
India 2,615.82 1.88
Indonesia 617.51 2.23
Ireland 37.12 7.45
Israel 54.17 7.3
Italy 337.09 5.58
Jamaica 8.01 2.7
Japan 1.106.66 8.78

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica and Japan on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Jordan 26.07 2.54
Kazakhstan 313.8 16.52
Kenya 17.32 0.31
Korea. Rep. 611.26 11.91
Kuwait 107.53 24.84
Kyrgyzstan 11.48 1.73
Laos 32.81 4.45
Latvia 8.26 4.43
Lebanon 28.2 4.17
Lesotho 2.22 1.03
Liberia 1.32 0.26
Libya 46.43 6.67

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea. Rep. Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesatho, Liberia and Libya on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Lithuania 13.48 5.01
Luxembourg 9.78 15.41
Madagascar 4.01 0.14
Malawi 1.47 0.07
Malaysia 250.09 7.63
Mali 3.39 0.16
Malta 1.55 3.51
Mauritania 4.09 0.86
Mauritius 4.69 3.68
Mexico 438.5 3.37
Moldova 5.96 1.48
Mongolia 65.51 19.68

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Maldova and Mongolia on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Morocco 71.93 1.93
Mozambique 8.71 0.27
Myanmar 26.23 0.48
Namibia 4.17 1.61
Nepal 13.91 0.47
Netherlands 154. 83 9.02
New Zealand 36.54 7.52
Nicaragua 5.55 0.83
Niger 2.14 0.08
Nigeria 140.03 0.66
North Macedonia 8.04 3.86
Norway 42.44 7.77

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia and Norway on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Oman 71.68 13.72
Pakistan 284.84 1.1
Panama 12.5 2.85
Papua New Guinea 7.09 0.78
Paraguay 8.27 1.15
Peru 54.53 1.63
Philippines 144.26 1.3
Poland 322.63 8.54
Portugal 48.6 4.78
Qatar 109.34 37.31
Romania 75.08 3.93
Russia 1,678.37 11.5

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania and Russia on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Rwanda 1.11 0.08
Saudi Arabia 582.15 16.47
Senegal 9.82 0.57
Serbia 54.67 6.29
Sierra Leone 1.03 0.13
Singapore 38.94 6.6
Slovak Republic 33.31 6.1
Slovenia 13.7 6.59
South Africa 478.61 7.97
Spain 252.68 5.41
Sri Lanka 24.84 1.16
Sudan 22.98 0.51

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka and Sudan on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Suriname 2.61 4.4
Sweden 42.77 4.21
Switzerland 37.68 4.32
Taiwan 262.64 11.01
Tajikistan 8.98 0.92
Tanzania 11.63 0.19
Thailand 288.28 4.12
The Gambia 0.59 0.24
Togo 3.26 0.38
Trinidad 37.86 26.98
Tunisia 31.01 2.6
Turkey 405.13 4.76

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Gambia, Togo, Trinidad, Tunisia and Turkey on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

Country CO2 Emissions(Million MTCO2e) CO2 Emissions per Capita (Million MTCO2e)
Turkmenistan 85.65 14
Uganda 5.53 0.12
Ukraine 223.23 5.14
United Arab Emirates 190.68 19.09
United Kingdom 396.88 5.42
United States 5,284.70 15.87
Uruguay 6.38 1.83
Uzbekistan 110.25 3.25
Vietnam 247.71 2.52
Yemen. Rep. 10.62 0.34
Zambia 6.72 0.36
Zimbabwe 10.37 0.69

Bar graph illustration showing the comparison between CO2 emissions by country vs per capita emissions with countries Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen. Rep., Zambia and Zimbabwe on the x-axis and volume of emissions in million MTCO2e on the y-axis.

The table above shows that China has the world’s largest CO2 emissions at 10,174.68 million MTCO2e. Additionally, Qatar has the highest levels of carbon dioxide emissions per capita in the world; ranking 1st with 37.31 million MTCO2 per person.

Carbon Emissions Calculator

Your lifestyle choices, from what you eat to your preferred mode of transport, impact the climate.

The CO2 you emit from your day-to-day activities warms the planet, changes precipitation patterns, threatens biodiversity, and increases the risk of floods and droughts.1

You can help reduce CO2 emissions and reverse the effects of global warming by using a carbon emissions calculator. Here’s how:

How To Calculate Your Vehicle’s CO2 Emissions

One liter of diesel creates 2.68 kilograms of CO2. Therefore, to calculate how much CO2 your vehicle emits in a month, multiply the number of liters you have used in that month by 2.68.

Number of Liters Used in a Month x 2.68 = Total Vehicle CO2 Emissions

You can also use a car carbon footprint calculator to determine how your driving affects the planet and learn how to make sustainable driving choices for the betterment of the environment.

How To Calculate the Carbon Footprint of a Flight

  1. Calculate the distance between airport A (the airport from which your plane will take off) and airport B (the airport where your plane will land). This will give you the amount of fuel your plane needs for the journey.
  2. Add 1.1 tons of fuel. This will account for the following:
  • Takeoff
  • Landing, and
  • Taxiing on the Runway

  1. Every 1 kilogram of fuel used produces 3.1 kilograms of C02. So, multiply 1.1 tons of fuel by 3.1 to estimate the CO2 produced.
  2. Divide the amount you get above by the number of passengers on the flight. The result is your personal CO2 contribution.

How To Calculate Consumption-Based (Trade-Adjusted) Emissions

To calculate consumption-based emissions, add production emissions to emissions embodied in imports. Then, subtract the total from emissions embodied in exports.

Consumption-based emissions = Production Emissions + Emissions Embodied in Imports – Emissions Embodied in Exports

How much CO2 do humans produce? Well, almost all human activities release CO2 into the atmosphere, including basic activities like breathing, exercising, and eating, and shopping.

Since humans perform these activities daily, they dump CO2 into the atmosphere regularly, and with time, they supercharge the natural greenhouse effect and cause global temperatures to rise.

Now that you know how much CO2 do humans produce daily and annually, you can take the necessary measures to slash CO2 emissions and help save the planet and provide a better environment for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions About How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce

How Much Carbon Dioxide Do Humans Produce per Minute?

A healthy human who weighs about 70 kilograms dumps 0.0005 kilograms of CO2 per minute.

How Much CO2 Does a Human Produce Each Day?

Each day, the average human produces about 1 kilogram of CO2. The exact amount of CO2 a human produces depends on their activity level — a human engaged in vigorous-intensity activity produces around 8 kilograms more CO2 than their sedentary brethren.

How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce Each Year?

In the United States, humans produce 4.87 billion metric tons of CO2. Globally, humans produce 34.81 billion metric tons of CO2.

How Much Carbon Do Humans Produce in a Lifetime?

The average American produces 500,000 kilograms of CO2 during a normal lifespan. You would have to weigh 2.3 million kilograms to store that much CO2 in your body.

Do Humans Breathe Out Carbon Dioxide?

Humans breathe out CO2. They breathe in oxygen, which is taken into the body, and breathe out CO2, a waste product of respiration that needs to be removed.

Read More About How Much CO2 Do Humans Produce


1Cho, R. (2019, December 27). 10 Climate Change Impacts That Will Affect Us All. Columbia State University. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from <>

2Fecht, S. (2021, February 25). How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming? Columbia State University. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from <>

3Gallucci, M. (2018, June 28). At Last, the Shipping Industry Begins Cleaning Up Its Dirty Fuels. Yale Environment 360. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from <>

4Lindsey, R. (2022, June 23). Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from <>

5Patel, S., Miao, J., Yetiskul, E., Anokhin, A., & Majmundar, S. (2022, January 4). Physiology, Carbon Dioxide Retention. National Library of Mediine. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from <>

6Scott, M., & Lindsey, R. (2016, June 15). Which emits more carbon dioxide: volcanoes or human activities? Retrieved December 2, 2022, from <>

7Wright, W. (2017, November 18). Plants release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than expected. Australian National University. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from <>