Truck CO2 Emissions Per Km Calculator: Find Semi Truck Carbon Footprint

Woman driving a truck looks back and sees tailpipe emissions in the shape of a carbon footprint and a calculator and wonders how to use a truck CO2 emissions per km calculator to measure carbon emissions of a truck.

A truck CO2 emissions per km calculator can be used to calculate the percentage of truck carbon emissions, vs other modes of transport and shipping.

Data suggests that trucks are responsible for 29.4% of transportation carbon emissions.

But, can that number be broken down even further so that anyone can find the carbon footprint of a semi truck and track the emissions per kilometer or mile?


Try it here:

Understanding Transportation Carbon Emissions

Along with buses and passenger vehicles, trucks are responsible for excessive transportation carbon emissions in the US.20

The rest of the sectors that produce extremely high carbon emissions are as follows:

Line graph of GHG emissions per sector in percentage.

Sector GHG Emissions (Percentage)
Transportation Sector 27%
Electricity Sector 25%
Industry Sector 24%
Agriculture Sector 11%
Commercial Sector 7%
Residential Sector 6%

How Much CO2 Does a Truck Produce per Year?

Statistics show that while light-duty vehicles are responsible for 57% of GHG emissions, medium, and heavy-duty trucks makeup 26% of the emissions data. So, how much CO2 does a truck produce per year?

A truck CO2 emissions per km calculator reveals that an average truck, covering a distance of around 120,000 miles every year, emits 223 tons of CO2 per annum. This is based on an estimated calculation of 400 miles every day over six days per week, and a total of 50 weeks every year. The calculation is also based on 6.5 miles (10.46km) per gallon of fuel (diesel).

But, those numbers can change depending on the load of freight, as well as how fuel efficient the truck is.

Studies suggest the average carbon footprint of a single truck is around 14 times that of a single person in the US, per year.1

How Much CO2 Does a Truck Emit per Km?

The above-mentioned statistics lead to the next question: How much CO2 does a truck emit per km?

A study done in 2021 concluded that while fuel consumption values differ between the various truck subgroups, 24 L/100 km – 33 L/100 km, carbon emissions vary to a greater degree:21

  • Urban delivery truck CO2 emissions – 307g per t-km
  • Long-haul trailer CO2 emissions – 57g per t-km2

Truck CO2 Emissions per Km

Truck CO2 emissions per km and truck CO2 emissions per year have increased significantly between 1990 and 2020, even though the figures dipped slightly between 2018 and 2020:

Bar graph of Truck carbon dioxide emissions trends measured in MMtCO2e from 1990 to 2020.

Year Truck CO2 Emissions Measured in MMtCO2e3
1990 230.3 MMtCO2e
2005 404.1 MMtCO2e
2016 416.8 MMtCO2e
2017 429.7 MMtCO2e
2018 440 MMtCO2e
2019 439.5 MMtCO2e
2020 422.8 MMtCO2e

Truck CO2 Emissions per Km Calculator

To get comprehensive results from a truck CO2 emissions per km calculator, which includes cargo handling and cool cargo, several factors must be considered:

Well To Tank Factors:

  • Production of primary fuel
  • Transportation of primary fuel
  • Production of road fuel
  • Distribution of road fuel
  • Fueling of vehicle

Tank To Wheel Factors:

  • Fuel-burning (in vehicles)

The truck CO2 emissions per km calculator will also require the weight of the truck’s cargo (kg), and the distance of its average route/s, as well as the means of transport for correct calculations of CO2 emissions and other pollutants.4

Truck CO2 Emissions per Mile

CO2 is the most emitted GHG in the transport sector and other industrial sectors.22 It has been estimated that 95% of the ongoing damage to Earth’s climate is done by burning fuel.

When calculating truck CO2 emissions per mile, most online calculators only calculate CO2 emissions and omit CH4 and N20 GHGs related to fuel burning. While this is done to simplify the calculation process, it must be noted that the carbon footprint calculated will then likely be higher than the estimated figure.

With this in mind, do you ever consider how many trees offset carbon emissions?

Truck CO2 Emissions per Mile Calculator

When using a truck CO2 emissions per mile calculator, to calculate data based on mileage only, the following steps should be followed:

Three steps to calculate truck emissions based on milage.

An example of this type of calculation in action would look like this:

Distance Travelled Weight Factor Total Ton-Miles Factor Truck Emissions Factor Total Emissions Total Emissions in Metric Tons5
1,000 miles 1,700g of CO2 per mile 1,700,000g of CO2 1.7 metric tons of CO2
750 miles 1,700g of CO2 per mile 1,275,000g of CO2 1.3 metric tons of CO2

CO2 Emissions From Heavy-Duty Vehicles

In 2022, it has been calculated that CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles contribute to poor air quality and poor human health across the US, especially in struggling communities.23

In addition to this, mobile source NOx emissions are largely produced by heavy-duty vehicles.

In 2019 alone, medium to heavy-duty vehicles was responsible for emitting 456.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, which makes up 25% of emissions from the transport sector in North America.

Truck Emissions Calculator

Using a truck emissions calculator, it is estimated that GHG emissions produced by heavy-duty vehicles in the EU have increased year-on-year since 2014.

Heavy-duty vehicles produce 25% of all road transportation emissions in the EU.6

When using a truck emissions calculator to calculate heavy-duty truck emissions,24 three calculation methods may be used:


Environmental Mitigation With Scrappage

This is based on new AFV vs new diesel and includes an added benefit when a scrapped vehicle is retired early.

Junkyard for vehicles.

(Image: Argonne National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, & Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy32)

Red engine with new technology that reduces carbon emissions.

(Image: Argonne National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, & Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy32)


Environmental Mitigation With Repower

This takes into consideration vehicles after repower vs diesel vehicles before repower.


Clean Vehicle Replacement

This is based on new AFV vs new diesel.

Replacement of old trucks to help lessen the negative environmental impact of carbon emissions.

(Image: Argonne National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, & Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy32)

Main calculation methods:

Three methods of calculating truck carbon emissions.

A truck emissions calculator for heavy-duty vehicles requires the following inputs:

  • Select the calculation method (choose between the above-mentioned methods).
  • Enter state
  • Enter vehicle type
  • Enter the number of vehicles
  • Enter the model year of the scrapped vehicle
  • Enter estimated years for early retirement of the scrapped vehicle
  • Enter the estimated lifetime of a new vehicle in years
  • Enter the annual miles of a scrapped vehicle
  • Enter the annual miles of a new vehicle
  • Select fuel type
  • GHGs & Air Pollutant Calculation Type or Custom Mix7
  • View Results

CO2 Emissions From Diesel Trucks

Crude oil is used for the refining of diesel fuel and once diesel fuel is burned, harmful CO2 emissions from diesel trucks are released.

Because of the devastating effect of diesel fuel burning on the environment,25 the EPA established standards that must be adhered to when it comes to emissions from new diesel engines.

These standards include the use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel fuel for new diesel vehicles.

Diesel Truck CO2 Emissions per Km: Truck CO2 Emissions per Km Calculator

In 2020, diesel fuel consumption in the transport sector of the US produced 432 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, which equaled just over a quarter of the total CO2 emissions of the transport sector.

To estimate diesel truck CO2 emissions per km, a simple calculation can be used.

Firstly, 1 liter of diesel equals 835g and consists of 86.2% carbon, which equals 720g of CO2 per single liter of diesel.

Combustion of the carbon to CO2 requires 1920g of oxygen.

The calculation then looks like this: 720 + 1920 = 2640g of CO2 per single liter of diesel

Consumption of 5 liters per 100 km will then be 5l x 2640 g/l / 100 (per km) = 132g CO2 per kilometer.8

Calculate CO2 Emissions per Mile

It is possible to calculate CO2 emissions per mile, by using a specific calculation.

For instance, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per gallon of gasoline burned during driving is 8.89 x 10-3 metric tons. Calculating CO2 emissions per mile requires the following methodology:26

Gasoline carbon emission formula per mile.

In addition to this methodology, CO2 emissions should be divided by the ratio of CO2 emissions to total vehicle GHG emissions, which will then consider methane and nitrous oxide emissions.

Semi Truck Carbon Footprint

Trucks are classified as light, medium, or heavy-duty, and semi-trucks fall into the heavy-duty category. So does the semi-truck’s carbon footprint.27

In 2020 road vehicles, including trucks and semi-trucks, were responsible for 80% of the sharp rise in GHGs. In addition to this, heavy-duty vehicles make up less than 25% of all diesel vehicles but emit more than 80% of black carbon.

The below table highlights the heavy carbon footprint of truck transportation around the world.

Global Road Transport Sector HDV (Heavy-Duty Vehicles – Trucks) Engines Powered by Diesel9
30% of global CO2 emissions – including all sectors Responsible for at least 30% of road vehicle CO2 transmissions. Trucks with diesel-powered engines are large contributors to CO2 and black carbon emissions (larger than gas-powered vehicles). Diesel engines also emit 10x more N20.
Emitted enough GHGs between 1970 – 2020 to be responsible for at least 80% of the rise in carbon emissions. At the current trend, HDVs will be responsible for 41% of CO2 emissions by 2030 – including all vehicle emissions. By 2015, HVDs emitted 86% of all N20 pollution.
Above 80% black carbon emissions. By 2017, 78% of diesel black carbon emissions were emitted by HDVs with diesel-powered engines.

Electric Semi Truck Carbon Footprint

In the same way that electric vehicles do not emit tailpipe emissions, the electric semi truck carbon footprint does not come from its tailpipe.

Instead, its carbon footprint is derived from the power source it uses to charge. Because some electric semi trucks are charged by renewable energy sources and others via the grid, emissions associated with the charging process vary between states.10

Some people are interested in using Tesla to reduce carbon footprint, but they must still assess their options because producing its batteries generates a significant amount of emissions.

Carbon Footprint of Electric Semi Truck vs Gas Semi Truck

Results of a study released in 2021 revealed that in the carbon footprint of electric semi truck vs gas semi truck debate, electric semi trucks not only cost far less to operate than gas-powered semi trucks, but electric HDVs can improve air quality at a very substantial rate.

It has been estimated that the cost of trucking utilizing electric HDVs could be halved by 2030, provided the electric grid can keep up with demand. In addition to this, owning electric semi trucks and other electric HDVs could be 50% cheaper than owning diesel-powered trucks, thanks to cheaper batteries.

It has also been estimated that California’s clean truck standard could generate more than $7 billion in operational savings through 2040.28 This is at least $1 billion more than previously estimated.

Additionally, the reduction in air pollution could reach $9 billion in health benefits over the next 20 years.11

You might be wondering, “What is my ecological footprint?” and are now more environmentally conscious than ever. Choosing electric vehicles over gas-powered ones will help reach your goal to reduce CO2 emissions. Some people are even making efforts to further lessen their negative effects by participating in tree planting for carbon offsetting.

Read More About: Carbon Footprint of Electric Cars vs Gasoline (The Truth No One Admits)

Truck CO2 Emissions per Km Calculator

It is possible to calculate and compare electric truck emissions, with the use of a truck CO2 emissions per km calculator. The following information is required to calculate CO2 emissions (simple calculation):

  • Vehicle Year
  • Vehicle Make and Model
  • Zip Code

The GHG emissions will be calculated according to how electricity is generated in different areas and states. The calculation includes tailpipe emissions from plug-in hybrid vehicles and upstream emissions associated with gasoline and electricity production and distribution.12

When it comes to location, using a truck CO2 emissions per km calculator, will reveal that higher GHG emissions are calculated in areas where electricity is produced from coal.

CO2 Emissions per kWh Calculator

To calculate emissions emitted during electricity generation, CO2 emissions per kWh calculator can be used.

The conversion factor to keep in mind is 0.23314kg of CO2 saved, for each kWh produced by a source free of carbon.

This particular calculator is based on carbon emissions generated by power stations in the UK, per kWh generated. The conversion factor also includes additional GHGs such as nitrous oxide and methane.

These additional GHGs are converted to their respective carbon dioxide equivalents, which means the value is kg CO2 eq. per kWh.29

Carbon Emissions Calculator

The carbon emissions calculator requires the following inputs:

  • kWh or activity
  • Time
  • Period

View results.13

A more intricate carbon emissions calculator can also be used. The following inputs will not only calculate the CO2 emissions factor but determine the reduction of CO2 emissions when switching from a traditionally-powered vehicle to an EV:14

List of all factors to consider to calculate vehicle carbon emissions.

NFT Carbon Footprint

Just as devastating as the trucking carbon footprint is the NFT carbon footprint around the world.

A single NFT transaction is estimated to average around 211kg in CO2, which is equal to driving a distance of 1,000 km in a gas-powered car.

In addition to this, a single Ethereum transaction is equal to 146kg in CO2, which is equal to 24,403 hours of YouTube consumption.15

CO2 Emissions Shipping per Km

Shipping activity related to online shopping is increasing every year, as the cost of said shipping decreases. Cheaper shipping prices have led to a boom in the shipping industry, to the detriment of the environment, because of increased CO2 emissions.

By 2020, total shipping emissions30 accounted for 2.8% of global GHG emissions. This is equal to 1,036 million tons of COeq every year for total shipping, and 866 million tons of CO2eq every year for international shipping.

In addition to these figures, the global shipping industry emits 13% of the annual NOx emissions and 12% of the global SOx emissions.

According to calculations, the following CO2 emissions, shipping per km figures apply for different types of transportation:

Mode of Transportation Distance (Km) Weight (Ton) CO2 Emitted16
Ship 1 kilometer 1 ton 25g of CO2 emitted
Train 1 kilometer 1 ton 65g of CO2 emitted
Truck 1 kilometer 1 ton 105g of CO2 emitted
Air cargo 1 kilometer 1 ton 500g of CO2 emitted

Truck Carbon Footprint Calculator

Using a truck carbon footprint calculator, for shipping carbon footprint purposes, will rely on the following inputs:

  • Ship Type
  • Distance in kilometers
  • Weight of cargo in tons17

A UK-based truck carbon calculator includes CO2, NOx, and PM emissions in the calculation.31 The following inputs are required for this calculator:

  • Weight of cargo in kilograms
  • Area or city of collection including zip code (postcode)
  • Departure location, including warehouses and ports
  • Transit arrival port where applicable
  • Arrival location, including warehouses and ports
  • Delivery city or town including zip code.18

A truck CO2 emissions per km calculator can also be used to determine the CO2 emissions per kilometer during the shipping process.

Using a Truck CO2 Emissions per Km Calculator

Using a truck CO2 emissions per km calculator correctly depends on the value of the entered data. A simple formula is as follows:

Distance x Weight x Emissions Factor = GHG emissions

Travel Carbon Footprint Calculator Data

A carbon footprint calculator typically calculates all types of carbon footprints, including residential, travel, and secondary carbon footprints.

Red freight truck on the road.

(Image: Jonathan Cooper33)

The following calculation inputs apply to a travel carbon footprint calculator:

– Departure Location
– Arrival Location
– Stopover Location (when applicable)
– Flight Class
– Number of Trips

Bus and Rail (public transport)
– Choose the mode of public transport:
Bus transport
Coach transport
Train (Local) transport
Long-distance train transport
Tram transport
Subway transport
Taxi transport

How Can I Measure the Carbon Footprint of My Car?

The carbon footprint of a passenger car can be calculated using an online calculator that calculates according to the following factors:

  • Mileage (miles or km)
  • Car model and year of manufacture (choose from US car database, UK car database as well as the average van, car, and motorbike database.
  • Alternatively, instead of vehicle details, fuel efficiency details can be added to the calculator.

We can bring about the change we want to see in the world by caring about our carbon impact. You can figure out what might have caused your emissions by using an individual carbon footprint calculator and help preserve the environment by choosing electric vehicles over gas-powered ones, planting trees in your own yards, or working with carbon offset companies by considering a daily driver carbon offset.

What About the Carbon Footprint of Car Production?

The production of a single vehicle, especially luxury vehicles, and SUVs could add around 35 tons of CO2 emissions before it even leaves the factory.

What Are the Cars With Lowest CO2 Emissions and Zero Emission Cars?

Cars with the lowest CO2 emissions in 2022 include Euro 6 compliant vehicles, which means the cars all emit less than 98g of CO2 per km.

Car Model CO2 Emissions
Toyota Yaris Hybrid 92g of CO2 per kilometer
Renault Clio E-Tech Hybrid 96g of CO2 per kilometer
Kia Niro PHEV 31g of CO2 per kilometer
Hyundai Tucson PHEV 31g of CO2 per kilometer
Nissan Leaf (EV) 0g of CO2 per kilometer
Fiat 500 (EV) 0g of CO2 per kilometer
MG ZS (EV) 0g of CO2 per kilometer
Kia Niro EV 0g of CO2 per kilometer19

Zero emissions cars do not emit tailpipe pollutants.

How To Find Out CO2 Emissions for My Van

Calculating what the CO2 emissions are for a passenger vehicle or van depends on what type of fuel the vehicle uses, the fuel economy as well as the mileage per year.

For instance:

  • One gallon of gas emits 8,887g of CO2
  • One gallon of diesel emits 10,180g of CO2

Of course, if you want a zero emissions car of any kind, the only way to get it at this point is to choose a tree planting carbon offset program from reputable carbon offset companies that create a way to capture and erase the emissions from your vehicle. And, knowing how to measure and use a truck CO2 emissions per km calculator can help you reduce your total vehicle emissions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Truck CO2 Emissions per Km Calculator

What Are the Ford Ranger CO2 Emissions?

The 2023 Ford Ranger CO2 emissions are 199g of CO2 per kilometer.

What Are the BMW 1 Series CO2 Emissions?

BMW 1 Series CO2 emissions range between 100 – 117g of CO2 per kilometer on average. Some older models can reach 180g of CO2 emissions per kilometer.

Can I Find Out How To Measure CO2 Emissions by Car Model?

CO2 and NOx emissions by make and model can be calculated using an online CO2 emissions calculator and entering the manufacturing and model of the vehicle.

Where Can I Find a Carbon Footprint Car Calculator?

A carbon footprint car calculator works by either calculating the distance traveled in miles or kilometers and the type of vehicle (small, medium, large) or calculating the amount of fuel used in liters/gallons and the type of vehicle. However, it’s important to note that this type of calculation doesn’t factor in the emissions generated during production and manufacturing.

How Do I Calculate CO2 Emissions per Flight?

It has been estimated that a long-distance flight can emit up to 102g of CO2 emissions for every kilometer. This excludes the large amounts of CO2 emitted during takeoff and landing.

Where Can I Find a CO2 Emissions Calculator Flight?

An online CO2 emissions calculator calculates flight emissions and works by entering the necessary data such as departure and arrival airports, flight class, flight type, and aircraft type, as well as the number of flights and the number of passengers per flight.

Is There Such a Thing as a CO2 Emissions Air Freight Calculator?

Air freight CO2 emissions can be calculated by entering data into a CO2 emissions air freight calculator online. The data required includes departure location, arrival destination, and type of cargo or freight (pallets or boxes).

How Do I Use a Diesel Emissions Calculator?

Because a single liter of diesel weighs 835g and consists of 86.2% carbon, 1920g of oxygen is needed to combust the diesel to CO2. The calculation is as follows: 720 plus 1920 equals 2640g of CO2 per liter of diesel.


1Grace Sharkey. (2021, April 9). What Is the Carbon Footprint of a Truck? Freight Waves. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

2Pierre-Louis Ragon, Felipe Rodríguez. (2021, September 30). CO2 Emissions From Trucks in the EU: An Analysis of the Heavy-Duty CO2 Standards Baseline Data. The International Council on Clean Transport. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

3Ian Tiseo. (2022, June 21). Medium and Heavy-Duty Truck GHG Emissions in the U.S. 1990–2020. Statista. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

4Carbon Care Reduce Emissions. (2022). Global CO2 Calculator for Transport and Logistics. Carbon Care Reduce Emissions. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

5Jason Mathers. (2015, March 24). Clean Air Innovation. EDF. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

6European Environment Agency. (2022). Heavy Duty Vehicles. European Environment Agency. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

7HDVEC. (2022). Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Calculator. HDVEC. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

8Ecoscore. (2022). How To Calculate the CO2 Emission From the Fuel Consumption? Ecoscore. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

9Therese Wood. (2021, May 27). The Carbon Footprint of Trucking: Driving Toward a Cleaner Future. Visual Capitalist. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

10Alyssa Sporrer. (2022, August 7). Are Electric Trucks Zero-Emission Vehicles? Freightwaves. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

11Silvio Marcacci. (2021, March 16). Cheap Batteries Could Soon Make Electric Freight Trucks 50% Cheaper To Own Than Diesel. Forbes. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

12Fuel Economy. (2022). Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles. Fuel Economy. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

13renSMART. (2022). CO2(eq) Emissions Due to Electricity Generation. renSMART. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

14e-amrit. (2022). CO2 EMISSIONS CALCULATOR. e-amrit. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

15Denise Tsui. (2022, March 31). NFTs’ Carbon Footprint Impacts the Environment — And the Art World Too. Jingculture & Crypto. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

16Tree-Nation. (2020, March 18). What Are the CO2 Emissions of a Package or Parcel? Tree-Nation. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

17Sustainable Freight. (2022). Ship Type Carbon Emissions Calculator. Sustainable Freight. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

18Cocoon Carbon. (2022). Carbon Emissions Calculator. Cocoon Carbon. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

19Moneyshake. (2022). Best Low Emission Cars 2022. Moneyshake. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

20Environmental Protection Agency. (2022, July 14). Fast Facts on Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Green Vehicle Guide. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

21United States Department of Transportation. (2022). Estimated U.S. Average Vehicle Emissions Rates per Vehicle by Vehicle Type Using Gasoline and Diesel. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

22UK Government. (2012, June 26). Car Fuel and CO2 Emissions Data. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

23Congressional Research Service. (2022, May 9). Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Air Pollution, and Climate Change. CRS Reports. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

24US Department of Energy. (2018, June 25). Introduction of the Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Calculator (HDVEC) [Clean Cities Coalition Network]. Clean Cities Coalition Network. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

25Environmental Protection Agency. (2022, June 6). Learn About Impacts of Diesel Exhaust and the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA). DERA. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

26Environmental Protection Agency. (2022, June 23). Energy and the Environment. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

27Environmental Protection Agency. (2022, July 21). Regulations for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Commercial Trucks & Buses. Regulations for Emissions From Vehicles and Engines. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

28State of California. (2021, August 20). Advanced Clean Trucks Fact Sheet. Air Resources Board. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

29U.S. Energy Information Administration. (2021, November 4). How Much Carbon Dioxide Is Produced per Kilowatt Hour of U.S. Electricity Generation? FAQ. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

30U.S. Department of State. (2022, April 12). Green Shipping Corridors Framework. Green Shipping Corridors Framework. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

31Environmental Protection Agency. (2022, May 19). Carbon Pollution from Transportation. Transportation Air Pollution and Climate Change. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

32Argonne National Laboratory, US Department of Energy, & Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. (2018, June 26). Introduction of the Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Calculator (HDVEC). Slides 12, 26, & 29. Retrieved November 19, 2022, from <>

33Photo by Jonathan Cooper. Unsplash. Retrieved from <>