Everyone generates carbon emissions (we breathe out carbon dioxide–Co2 –during respiration) … and trees and plants need it to live! But, over the past few decades, suddenly, humans started making much, much more Co2 than the planet could handle.
Combustible engines and fossil fuels used to generate power have saturated the atmosphere with too much Co2. And, this heat-trapping gas is getting more and more concentrated thanks to massive deforestation. Cutting down and burning the areas that store carbon (a.k.a carbon sinks) has exasperated the problem and scientists agree that current climate change problems are liked to this greenhouse gas build up.
Since everything we do, from texting on our phones to using electricity and driving, creates carbon emissions, how can we reduce it and help solve the problems our planet is facing from too much Co2?
There are a lot of things you can do to help reduce your emissions. They don’t have to be big steps; a little change in lifestyle will do.
When you’re more comfortable with a new lifestyle, investing in our planet via carbon offset programs can be your next step. Buying your own carbon offset program or a Happy Birthday Carbon Offset Birthday Gift for your loved ones can help save the Earth.
You can also influence the children around you.
Download These Great Free Environmental Worksheets for Kids
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Download These Fun Eco Quizzes
Quizzes You Can Download
Fun and challenging eco quizzes that you can download and print anywhere.
It’s simple! First, calculate your carbon emissions with a kids carbon footprint calculator, then learn more about ways to reduce your footprint with easy tasks anyone can do!
You can also download these coloring books.
Tree Species Identification Chart Coloring Pages
Free tree species identification chart coloring pages. Enter your email address to download.