Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
No one wants to share their indoor living space with an infestation, so being able to identify household bugs by their tiny house bugs pictures and names is the first step in eliminating them.
Since some pests can be highly dangerous, removing them safely is important.
And, once you know what it looks like and where you’ll find it you can determine the safest and most effective way to get rid of them.
This complete guide to household bugs includes 30 tiny house bugs pictures and names for reference.
What Makes a Bug a Bug?
Interestingly, most insects are called bugs, but scientists classify true bugs as those with a long beak style mouth, for poking and sucking fluids.
They also have half wing shapes, and a set of clear rear wings, few segments on their antenna and few joints on their feet…making the classification specific into four groups of true bugs.
However, all household pests are usually called bugs. And you can use this identification chart to get started identifying household bugs.
Whether or not you have a true bug or an insect, there are many ways to identify household bugs.
Ways To Identify Household Bugs
The insect population is high, with hundreds of thousands of species, despite how many trees cut down each year. This is mainly due to their high repopulation rate.
Identifying house bugs brings you closer to managing and eradicating infestations.
The fastest way to tell them apart is by considering their size, body shape, presence of wings, and other general habits. For instance, cockroaches and earwigs have six limbs, one pair of antennae, and a similar body shape.

(Image: Beverly Buckley32)
On the other hand, tinier bugs like fleas, ticks, and bed bugs look pear-shaped and are too little to spot. You can also narrow down the insect or pest by where you find it in your home; drain flies love wet places, and flies are attracted to rotting organic matter.
Common Tiny House Bugs Pictures and Names
House bug identification is crucial because it helps you know how to eradicate them. It helps to know their tendencies, characteristics, habitats, and effects.
Below are some common types of small house bugs with pictures – identification.
1. Cockroach
Cockroaches are easy to identify due to their flat oval bodies and pair of antennae or feelers.6 They are reddish-brown, six-legged, and measuring up to 1.5 meters long.

(Image: Erik Karits32)
The most common species that invade homes is the Blattella germanica, or German cockroach with tan back stripes.
They are infamous for spreading diseases and contaminating food, making it necessary to eliminate them instantly. You can tell that roaches have infested your home when you see their black droppings, skin traces, and musty smells.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
Spiders are not insects but belong to the Arachnoid family of animals.
Tiny house bugs pictures and names can help you identify which spiders are harmless and which are lethal. For instance, the shiny Black Widow has a deadly bite, and it is crucial to avoid contacting it.8
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They are common in damp places like kitchen sinks and bathtubs and have a painful venomous bite.3
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(Image: Najman Husaini33)
4. Pillbugs
These tiny bugs are alternatively called Slaters, Doodlebugs, or Sowbugs. They have a unique gray or brown body with numerous segments, resembling a small armadillo, and interestingly, they also usually roll themselves into balls when threatened.
Pillbugs have seven pairs of legs and measure 6-12 mm long.10 They love damp places and tend to live in large groups; hence seeing one means there may be more hiding in your house.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They usually measure 1-1.4 cm and are easy to spot with their dark slender bodies. They typically look like skinny versions of cockroaches since they also have two antennae and dark bodies.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They measure only 6 mm long, and their other unique features are their bent antennae and hairs all over their backs. They may seem harmful, but they don’t bite.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
7. Silverfish
The name shows that the Silverfish resembles a typical water creature thanks to its silvery scales and tapered body.13 It also moves like a swimming fish and thrives in damp kitchens and bathrooms.

(Image: Jo Re32)
It has a shiny gray body, measures less than an inch, and has a long pair of antennae and three pairs of legs. However, the silverfish is nocturnal, meaning you will rarely spot it.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013

(Image: Brett Hondow32)
8. Stink Bug
Stink bugs have ovate bodies, three pairs of legs, and two antennae.14 They are easy to identify thanks to their shield-shaped colorful bodies in shades of brown, black, and white.
From its name, you can tell that the bug is famous for its horrible smell.
The critter’s unique feature is that it releases a stench when it feels threatened, which attracts other stink bugs.15 Therefore, it is vital to avoid squashing them; otherwise, the foul odor will linger, and you will deal with more of them.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They reside in damp places, especially where there is mold.
They mostly feed in the summer, especially in high humidity regions. They are not harmful to you but are hard to detect and multiply rapidly.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013

(Image: CDC/ Margaret A. Parsons31)
10. Mold Mites
The Mold mites look and behave like Booklice, latching onto damp places and infesting similar spots.17 However, they are tinier and microscopic; you can miss them with your naked eye, making them worse than other insects.
Checking them under a magnifying glass or microscope, the mites appear hairy, translucent, and soft-bodied. The only way to eradicate them is to remove the mold because they keep spreading as the fungi grows.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
Flying Tiny House Bugs Pictures and Names
Flying bugs at home can be a nuisance because of their loud noises; while some are harmless, others can bite or sting. The following are the most common flying tiny house bugs pictures and names to help you identify them.
11. Houseflies
Everyone knows these pesky tiny insects that keep flying and buzzing around. They have incredible eyesight and always see predators coming, explaining why they are tasking to swat.

(Image: Carola6832)
House flies have black or gray bodies, stripes on their thorax, and massive compound eyes.18 Their noisy erratic flying makes them an infamous bugging insect.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013

(Image: Lucas Pezeta33)
12. Drain Fly
This bug lives up to its name by flying around sinks with its furry wings covering brown or gray bodies. You can also find their eggs and larvae in drains or trash; they often look like grey moths or gnats.
The Drain fly is 1-5- 5 mm long, and a distinctive feature is how it folds its wings when resting.19 It looks like a fruit fly but bigger, hairier, and with more giant wings.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
You will likely find them hovering over trash and open fruits in your kitchen.
The tan bugs love decaying food; you will find them when you leave juicy fruits out for a long time. It is easy to deal with them since you only have to store your food correctly in the fridge and cover food on countertops.21
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
14. Clothes Moth
You can distinguish this flying insect by its golden yellow color and long wings. It is also called the Webbing Clothes moth and is known for its reddish hairy head, large eyes, and fuzzy body.
It measures 12 -17 mm, making it one of the most massive flying house bugs that are easy to spot.
Clothes moth prefers invading dark places, and it causes a lot of damage throughout its life cycle.22 The larvae chew on clothes, rugs, or any fabric in your home, hence the need to remove them immediately.
15. Whiteflies
You must have seen the Whitefly if you have many houseplants.23 This white hairy flying insect destroys plants by sucking the leaves and stems sap.
It behaves like an aphid by attacking plants and spreading diseases.
It has four wings, two short antennae, red eyes, and measures only 2mm. You may find it flying on top of your houseplants but be careful of a massive infestation because it may kill your plants.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They are lethal because they spread Malaria, Zika virus, and Dengue Fever, which can lead to death.
You can spot one of these tiny insects by its two wings, three pairs of legs, and a pointed mouth called a proboscis. They are only 2-19 mm long and tasking to swat because they are sensitive to air pressure changes.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They are only 2-8 mm long and mostly appear in summer and spring. They may not be lethal to humans or cause lasting damage to plants, but they are quite a nuisance with their incessant hovering on people’s surface.4
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
It tends to lay eggs on food, hence one of the dangerous species. They can transmit diseases since it feeds on garbage and filth, and it is vital to expel them from your kitchen.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
19. Phorid Fly
This tiny brown insect looks like a fruit fly, given its 3 mm size, but the difference is in flight response. While fruit flies fly more systematically in a straight line, the Phorid fly buzzes around unsteadily in zigzag patterns.27
The Phorid fly has a humped back, arched chest, and yellow-brown body and, like its cousins, is one of the most disgusting insects.28 It feeds on the rotten, decayed matter and can contaminate your food with germs.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013

(Image: Steve Buissinne32)
20. Blow Fly
You will likely find this repulsive insect in your house, and you can tell from its brown wings, green or metallic blue body, and massive red compound eyes. It is typically 8-10 mm long and acts like a common housefly.
Blow fly flies erratically, produces a loud irritating buzzing sound, and is attracted to filth like garbage and decayed organic matter.29 Their unique color is why they are called Green Bottles, Blue Bottles, and Bottle flies.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
Tiny House Bugs Pictures and Names-Identification Guide
Tiny house bugs can be the most harmful because you cannot see most of them with your naked eyes, making it more challenging to eliminate them. The following are the most common pests that bite and spread diseases.
You cannot easily see them given their small sizes, making them more challenging to eradicate. They are usually as small as pinheads, at 0.1-0.3 mm long, and have ovate bodies and long spiky legs.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
22. Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are reddish-brown pests with flat bodies the size of apple seeds.31 They are tiny parasites that are daunting to find and harder to get rid of.
They prefer logging themselves in dark cracks in furniture and mattresses, facilitated by their flattened bodies.
They measure 5-7 mm long and are known for their oval bodies. The best way to tell their infestation is by checking for reddish bedding stains or musty smells.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
23. Varied Carpet Beetle
This Carpet beetle is a tiny colorful bug with patches of yellow, brown, and white throughout its body. Its body is oval, and it has three pairs of legs and a pair of short antennae.
It also has wings and measures 1.7-3.5 mm long.
While the adults are usually harmless and don’t damage anything or hurt humans, their larvae can eat into carpets and fabric.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
24. Dust Mite
Every house has Dust mites. These pests are everywhere because they feed on dead skins and it is impossible to kill them all, but you can reduce their population.5
They love plush places like carpets and bedding with abundant skin cells.
These tiny insects look hideous and dangerous under a microscope with their pointed mouth parts and curved backs. The best way to manage these mites is by regularly washing carpets, furniture, and everywhere else around the house.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
25. Ant
It is shocking how many ants are in the world, with the number at a staggering 20 quadrillion. You will find them in various parts of your home, from the exterior walls to inside the house.

(Image: kie-ker32)
Ants distinct features are their slim bodies, tight waists, massive abdomen, and a pair of antennae.
They are 0.75-20 mm long and come in various colors, like red and brown, although most are black. Some species, like the fire ants, are infamous for their painful sting, while the carpenter ants cause severe damage to wooden objects.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
26. Flour Beetles
There are numerous pantry bug species in the form of weevils and beetles. These various bugs measure 2-5 mm long and have tiny oval bodies, three pairs of legs, and two antennae.
The Flour beetles are reddish-brown, but other pantry bugs come in various shapes and sizes.32 The most common include Rice Weevils and Drugstore beetles.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They are dangerous because they feed on blood, like bedbugs and mosquitos.
They also carry diseases and dig deep into the skin, affecting you and your furry pets. It is vital to be careful when you have been outdoors with your pets to avoid infestation.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They are cream-colored with oval or tube-like bodies, six legs, and a pair of antennae.
They are some of the most destructive insects, like carpenter ants, severely damaging wooden items. in most cases, they go unnoticed until they cause extensive damage.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
They love sucking the juice from the fleshy parts of the plant affecting the plant’s appearance.
It helps to watch out for infestations to avoid further damage to your crops or hose down your plants and apply pesticides.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
30. Spider Mite
Spider mites are microscopic rounded bugs with spiky hair over their legs and bodies. You cannot see them with your naked eye, but they manifest by leaving whitish leaf spots.
If you find translucent yellow or gray webs, they are likely from a spider mite attack.1
Their name comes from the delicate webs they create when constructing their homes, not because they are related to spiders.
Pest Control Call: (877)509-2013
How Does a Bug Identifier Work?
Given the thousands of bug species worldwide, it can be tedious to identify all of them. Similarly, you can use various bug finder services online if an insect has bit you and you don’t know what it is.
There exist convenient apps where you can take a picture of the bug or upload one from your device, and the system will identify it for you instantly and disclose some details about it.
Why Do Bugs Infest Walls and Ceilings?
Bugs will always find a way to survive. They are intelligent creatures, and like other creatures, they are examples of how animals change how people live.
Cracks in walls and ceilings are favorite hideouts for bugs, and before you start expelling them, it may help to know why that is the case to avoid future infestations.
Bugs Are Already Present in Your House
Tiny insects love sneaking into cracks in walls to stay hidden and have convenient dark places to multiply. If a few find their way to these places, they can remain undetected and birth entire colonies of pests, which are harder to manage.2
There Is Excessive Moisture
Since ceilings and walls absorb much water, they get too damp and damaged, forming molds and cracks. The wetness will attract bugs that love such conditions, making the surfaces their home.
It gets worse if there are unsuspected water leakages inside the house.
There Is a Heavy Bug Presence
A high bug population in your home causes some to spread to other areas to avoid cramping in one place. They will make the walls and ceiling their home if they are fewer hiding places and they need alternative hideouts.
The Wall or Ceiling Provides Food
Some bugs depend on the mold growing on damp surfaces for food, while others, like spiders, build their homes in ceilings. Predator insects also follow to find prey, increasing the bug population in your home.
How To Get Rid of Bugs on Walls and Ceilings
There is no foolproof way to eliminate all the bugs in your home because each is unique, but the strategies below can help.
Step 1: Root out Hiding Spots
Repair any damages on furniture, ceiling, and interior and exterior walls because they are perfect hiding spots for bugs. Destroying their home forces them to look for alternative locations, which means leaving your house.
Step 2: Fix Water Damage and Leaks
If you have any leaking pipes or issues with dampness, you may have the perfect condition for insects and rodents. The mold and constant wetness are inviting for the bugs, and you may have to repair them first to avoid more infestation.
You can fix the pipes and drainage systems, to be sure.
Step 3: Clean It Down
Once everything is repaired, and there are no more conducive spots to host critters, cleaning your home is the next step.
I can remember ‘cleaning down’ the house every spring, which meant washing everything from ceiling to floor.

(Image: Liliana Drew33)
You can vacuum clean the rugs and mats, the couch, the bedding, and all the rooms, particularly the kitchen.
It also helps to avoid leaving food in the open for too long and disposing of the garbage daily to keep off flies.
Step 4: Install Traps
Another effective way to prevent insects from flying into the house is to install bug zappers in the deck and doorways; they will keep getting electrocuted whenever they get close.
You can also place them on windows during hot summers to stop them from sneaking inside.
Step 5: Install Lights
You can also install bug-free outdoor light bulbs instead of the bright lights that attract insects that eventually enter the house.
It is convenient if you have a swimming pool to stop them from being drawn by the water.
Step 6: Try Essential Oils
You can use bug-repellent essential oils and humidifiers to keep the bugs away. Insects hate strong scents, and the dehumidifier will reduce excessive moisture in the air.
Plus, most essential oils are safe to use around small children and pets. (Just check first!) Cinnamon oil will repel ants, and so will oil of peppermint.
Also, Diatomaceous Earth is an excellent, non-toxic way to remove fleas, and any insect with an exoskeleton. It’s safe for pets and children, and although you have to wait for the life cycle (about 4-6 weeks), it will eradicate them for good.
Step 7: Exterminator
The last and one of the most crucial steps to strengthen the above is to bring in a pest controller. While DIY strategies may help, the surest way to eradicate bug infestation is to use the proper chemicals and equipment.
It may be the priciest option but may guarantee the best results.
You can look for a eco-friendly pest control option in your area, to see if any use harmless materials.
Why Are Tiny House Bugs Pictures and Names Important?
Identifying the most common house bugs gives you a better understanding of which insects have invaded your space. This way, controlling and expelling them is easier since you know where they thrive.
Alternatively, if an insect bites you in the wild, it is crucial to know what it is and whether it is poisonous. Sometimes, identifying an insect may be a matter of life and death.
It is not unusual to find bugs in homes because there is food, water, and other attractive conditions. However, you can devise ways to keep them off your property, and the first step is knowing how to identify house bugs.
Knowing the most common bugs can help you manage infestations since you will know what they like and deprive them of it. You can watch out for tiny, massive, or flying pests and learn how to expel them.
Luckily, there are various ways to tackle such invasions, like sprays, zappers, and bug-free lights, but if nothing seems to work, seeking professional help may be the last resort.
Remember that the first step is to check the tiny house bugs pictures and names to know what you are dealing with.
Frequently Asked Questions About Tiny House Bugs Pictures and Names
What Are the Common House Small Brown Bugs?
While there are various brown insect species, the most common ones that invade homes include the cockroach, tick, beetle, and bed bug. They have unique characteristics besides brown bodies and different habits and preferences.
Can You Make a Small Bug House?
If you love insects or want to study them up close, you can make DIY “Insect Hotels” for them in your compound using readily available materials. You only need wood, dry leaves, twigs, soil, and any other material that attracts insects and wait for them to discover their tiny bug house.
How Many Ants Are in the World?
Ants form the highest insect population in the world. According to scientists, at least 20 quadrillion of them are crawling all over the planet which means that there are around 2.5 million ants for every person alive.
1Balcony Garden Web. (2023). 12 Tiny Black Bugs that Look Like Poppy Seeds. Balcony Garden Web. Retrieved January 23, 2023, from <https://balconygardenweb.com/pests-like-poppy-seeds-bugs-that-look/>
2How To Murder Pests. (2023). Tiny Bugs On Walls And Ceiling – Causes And Easy Solutions. How To Murder Pests. Retrieved January 23, 2023, from <https://howtomurderpests.com/tiny-bugs-on-walls-and-ceiling/>
3Leafy Place. (2023). Types of House Bugs (With Pictures) – Identification Guide. Leafy Place. Retrieved January 23, 2023, from <https://leafyplace.com/house-bugs/>
4Leafy Place. (2023). Types of Small Flying Bugs In House (With Pictures) – Identification Guide. Leafy Place. Retrieved January 23, 2023, from <https://leafyplace.com/small-flying-bugs-in-house/>
5Noonan, J. (2023, January 13). 10 Tiny Bugs in Your House—And How to Get Rid of Them. Bob Vila. Retrieved January 23, 2023, from <https://www.bobvila.com/articles/how-to-get-rid-of-bugs-in-house/>
6Gilbert, S. (2016, February 26). Cockroaches and the “Scientific Personality”. Grand Canyon University. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://www.gcu.edu/blog/engineering-technology/cockroaches-and-scientific-personality>
7Merchant, M. (2012, May 24). Insects in the City. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://citybugs.tamu.edu/2012/05/24/poor-spiders/>
8Washington State University. (2023). Black Widow. Washington State University. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://entomology.wsu.edu/outreach/bug-info/black-widow/>
9Merchant, M. (2018). Centipede. Extension Entimology. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://extensionentomology.tamu.edu/insects/centipede/>
10Franklin, J. A., Byron, M. A., & Gillet-Kaufman, J. L. (2015, August). Featured Creatures. University of Florida. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/MISC/Armadillidium_vulgare.htm>
11Jesse, L. (2023). Don’t Wig Out Over Earwigs. Iowa State University. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://www.extension.iastate.edu/news/2009/jul/061001.htm>
12Michigan State University. (2023). Grain weevils. Plant and Pest Diagnostics. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://www.canr.msu.edu/resources/grain-weevils>
13Layton, B. (2023). Silverfish, Vol. 4, No. 5. Missisiippi State University. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <http://extension.msstate.edu/newsletters/bug%E2%80%99s-eye-view/2018/silverfish-vol-4-no-5>
14Edge, M. (2021, October 7). Stink Bugs- is this another plague? Just a change in the season. Purdue University. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://extension.purdue.edu/news/county/harrison/2021/10/stink_bug.html>
15Missouri Department of Conservation. (2023). Stink Bugs. Missouri Department of Conservation. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://education.mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/field-guide/stink-bugs>
16Drees, B. M. (2023). Booklice. Texas A&M Forest Service. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://extensionentomology.tamu.edu/publications/booklice/>
17Wikipedia. (2022, October 26). Tyrophagus putrescentiae. Wikipedia. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrophagus_putrescentiae>
18University of Florida. (2023). Featured Creatures. University of Florida. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/flies/house_fly.htm>
19University of Florida. (2023). Featured Creatures. University of Florida. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/URBAN/FLIES/drain_fly.html>
20Utah State University. (2023). Fruit Flies. Utah State University. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://extension.usu.edu/pests/schoolipm/structural-pest-id-guide/fruit-flies>
21Metro. (2023). Fruit flies. Metro. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://www.oregonmetro.gov/tools-living/healthy-home/pest-control/fruit-flies>
22Wang, C. (2012, June). Clothes Moths. Rutgers. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://njaes.rutgers.edu/fs1182/>
23Delahaut, K. (2004, April 26). Whiteflies. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from <https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/whiteflies/>
24Najjar, D. (2016, May 2). That Bites: How Climate Change Increases the Spread of Mosquito-Borne Diseases. Bard College. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from <https://www.bard.edu/cep/blog/?p=8199>
25Dampier, J. (2021, February 9). Fungus Gnats on Houseplants. Wisconsin Horticulture. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from <https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/fungus-gnats-on-houseplants/>
26Utah State University. (2023). Flesh Flies. Utah State University. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from <https://extension.usu.edu/pests/schoolipm/structural-pest-id-guide/flesh-flies>
27Jacobs, Sr, S. (2017, March 21). Phorid Flies. PennState Extension. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from <https://extension.psu.edu/phorid-flies>
28Wikipedia. (2023, January 12). Phoridae. Wikipedia. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoridae>
29Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. (2023). Blow Fly. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from <https://texasinsects.tamu.edu/diptera/blow-fly/>
30Potter, M. F. (2022, June 18). Flea Control and Prevention. Entomology | UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Retrieved February 6, 2023, from <https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef602>
31Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC. Retrieved from <https://phil.cdc.gov/Details.aspx?pid=16855>
32Earwig Photo by Beverly Buckley, Cockroach Photo by Erik Karits, Spider Photo by Giuseppe Potenza, Centipede Photo by GLady, Pincher Bug Photo by Melani Marfeld, Weevil Photo by Myriams-Fotos, Silverfish Photo by Jo Re, Stinkbug Photo by Brett Hondow, Houseflies Photo by Carola68, Fruit Fly Photo by Деница Кирева, Mosquito Photo by FotoshopTofs, Flesh Fly Photo by DJ Ludlow, Blow Fly Photo by Steve Buissinne, Fleas Photo by WikiImages, Ant Photo by kie-ker, Tick Photo by Erik Karits, Black Aphids Photo by Hans. Retrieved from <https://pixabay.com/>
33Pillbugs Photo by Najman Husaini, Booklice Photo by Egor Kamelev, Drain Fly Photo by Lucas Pezeta, Gnats Photo by Egor Kamelev, Termite Photo by Jimmy Chan, Vacuum Cleaning Photo by Liliana Drew. Retrieved from <https://www.pexels.com/>